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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩是一种处世哲学,是生活中的大智慧,作为学生,我们应该懂得感恩,不仅是感恩亲人,还应该感恩朋友。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  For the first time in 14 years, my birthday has been so lonely.

  No relatives' company, no parents' blessing, birthday morning, I was still struggling in the cramming class. My mother has already given me a "preventive needle", she told me clearly that I am 14, no longer a child, so, from now on, I know that my birthday will no longer be an important festival in my family. Although I know in my heart, I can't help but feel sad. Maybe I have been used to having someone celebrate my birthday.

  Just as I was going to forget this less important day, my lovely friends gave me the most sincere wishes. Friends, we get along day and night, but do you know? Friends, it's not easy to say thank you.

  Friends, it's not easy to say thank you. Remember that last week you were talking about what you were talking about but didn't let me know. Several times you wanted to eavesdrop something and were mercilessly "deported" to make me feel isolated. Later, I knew that it was you secretly discussing how to help me celebrate my birthday, and wanted to give me an unexpected surprise. Friends, your careful, your heart, let me guess through?

  Friends, it's not easy to say thank you. Remember that afternoon of my birthday, you asked me to the garden for my birthday. I knew that I couldn't treat you. You all prepared snacks and drinks. No one complained about anything. On that sunny afternoon, eight girls sat in the garden and laughed loudly, unrestrained. Everyone was very happy to enjoy the birthday banquet, a most humble so-called birthday banquet, but I was deeply moved, which would be a happiness I can never forget in my life. Friends, how can I get the feeling and happiness you bring me?

  Friends, it's not easy to say thank you. When each of you put together a few pocket money to buy me a gift, when you gave me that lovely big bear and three interesting mud monks, I cried very quickly, but I held my tears and showed you a big smile. I know you want me to be happy. There was no cake on that birthday, but I still wanted to make a wish. I wanted to tell the world loudly that I had the best friends in the world, and I wanted them to be happy too!

  Friends, it's not easy to say thank you. I have tried to say something about the exit several times, but I know that if I express my gratitude to you, you will beat my shoulder and say, "who are we with?" Friends, how can I open my mouth with your reaction?

  Really, friend, it's not easy to say thank you. So I'll take this thanks - in my heart.


  In our life, friends occupy an extremely important position. Friends do not shine with the sun and the moon, but they are twinkling stars, dotted with silver frost like moonlight; Friends are more like a wisp of light wind, burning hotter and more violent. Someone said, "many friends, many roads, many enemies, many walls". But what kind of friends should we make?

  I think we should make friends who can send charcoal on the snow instead of icing on the cake, because these brothers of wine and meat will only enjoy happiness with you when you are smooth sailing, but can't help and give generously when your life is rough.

  American boxing champion Tyson is such a person. He practiced boxing hard since childhood. When he grew up, he became famous in one fell swoop. After becoming famous, he received extremely rich bonuses, which made him a millionaire all at once. At this time, some people who were greedy for his money took advantage of it, and others made friends, saying brother and brother. When invited to dinner, his friends never pay. They just wait for Tyson to pay. When buying jewelry, Tyson will generously serve those friends. In this way, Tyson's money was eroded bit by bit. A few years later, Tyson's company declared bankruptcy, and he became a poor man from a millionaire.

  This story is enough to give our young people a profound inspiration: icing on the cake is not true love, but giving charcoal in the snow is friendship.

  A story can also prove this point. One year, it was very cold. Song Taizong was making a private visit in the street when he suddenly found an old man curled up on the roadside. Song Taizong felt pity and hurriedly gave the old man several liang of tattooed silver left in his pocket. The old man is grateful. Later, Emperor Taizong knew that if it weren't for his silver, the old man's life would probably be dying. After hearing this, the common people were in awe of Song Taizong. This is the unprecedented peace in the Song Dynasty.

  Yeah! The importance of friends can be seen everywhere in our life, but what kind of friends to make is the top priority. Making the right friends will benefit you all your life, but if you accidentally know the wrong person, you will only have endless trouble. So we should be sincere when making friends, and we must be careful when choosing friends. Only by choosing friends, we can get along with each other in a friendly way. Only by choosing friends, we can share weal and woe with them. Only by choosing friends, we can get more sincere treatment. Similarly, only in this way can we step by step towards success, not failure.


  Everyone has a lot of friends around me, and so am I. I have many good friends around me, they are all around me all the time.

  They will always spend with me when I need help. When I am sad, they always make me happy together. When I lose confidence in tears, they comfort me, encourage me, let me regain confidence, and when I am wronged, they will give me warmth in time. I didn't do well in the exam. They all taught me like a teacher.

  I think if they comfort me when I feel sad, I will be very vulnerable. If they are not, I will be so decadent if I am encouraged to regain confidence when I lose confidence. If they are not the most vulnerable time for me, I will learn not to be strong... Although these are small things, But these little things of life are deeply in my heart, it is they give me confidence that they taught me how to be strong is that they let me open my heart to see the world even setbacks will be optimistic to face, it is they let me go down the road unknown. The ancients said: "life has a confidant, and there is no regret.". Since I have so many: I am not a beautiful princess but an ugly duckling, but I think I am happier and more fortunate than the princess, because I have a group of good friends.

  In the road of life is always broken, so I will think my own road is wrong and correct, I can go down strong?

  My desk let me see a paragraph: life is like a river, and its flow itself indicates its restlessness. In the process of flow, it was hit by several stones, it was just a large smile, a few water flowers, around a few whirling nest, and flowing far away. Life is more like a clock, always in the time of being hit only release their beautiful voice, a more pleasant than one, a more leisurely. Any setback is just a small stone encountered in the flow of water, a small impact on clock, a small setback, not the end of the world, people are always mature in setbacks, growing up setbacks is not terrible, terrible is that you have no confidence and courage to fight against it

  After reading, I was shocked, and this short paragraph summed up the whole life. At the same time, I am also very moved, my good friends always guide me, let me understand the true meaning of life.

  I choose this road, I can be strong on this road down, even if encounter setbacks. Because I know I have a group of good friends will always accompany me to walk down!

