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【#英语资源# 导语】游乐园英语作文范文是提高英语写作能力的好方法,通过写作文可以锻炼英语表达能力,同时了解游乐园的文化和乐趣。©文档大全网为大家提供了丰富的游乐园英语作文范文,让我们一起来学习吧!

1.游乐园英语作文范文 篇一

  Today, my mother and I went to Hangzhou Paradise to play, laughing and laughing all the way. It won't be long before we arrive.

  After buying the ticket, I realized that many projects cannot be played due to the light rain. So, I searched everywhere for projects to play with. Suddenly, my eyes lit up and I found a game to play - bumper cars! However, the team is really long! But I still lined up to play. I waited and waited for a while before it was our turn.

  After playing the bumper car, I ran towards the "Wind God Arm" of the "Maya Tribe" again. During the waiting process in the queue, I occasionally heard piercing screams, which made me feel that this project must be very interesting. It wasn't long before it was our turn. We buckled our seatbelts and our huge arms pushed us up. Suddenly, I felt like I was flipping one somersault after another. So, I couldn't help but scream. However, at the end, I felt as if I was flying happily in the air, but there were occasional screams of "ah" next to me. After I came down, the sky spun around and I couldn't distinguish between top, bottom, left, and right.

  Then, I heard screams and thought, 'Keep moving forward, there must be fun there.'. Sure enough, I found a group of pink "pigs" around me from time to time during my search. They screamed and flew past me. Quickly, I found the birthplace of the "Pig" - the "Rapidly Moving Forward" project. Wearing a pink raincoat and blue shoe covers, I feel like I've also become a 'little pig'.

  I was crawling in the dark passage in a boat, and suddenly a bright light appeared in front of me. The boat quickly dived down, "Ah...!" Amidst the screams of surprise, huge splashes of water greeted me.

  Today's event, I only have one feeling - excitement!

2.游乐园英语作文范文 篇二

  I got up early today because we were going to play at Weifang Fuhua Amusement Park. At six o'clock, we set off for Weifang Fuhua Amusement Park.

  On the way, everyone fell asleep, except for me, who was full of energy and constantly thinking about when I would arrive. I wished I had a pair of wings to fly there all at once. But I feel like the car is crawling forward calmly like an old snail. Three and a half hours later, through the car window, we finally saw the sign of Fuhua Amusement Park.

  As soon as I got off the car, I couldn't wait to run into the amusement park, where there were a sea of people, not only people but also people. There is a queue several miles long next to each amusement facility, leaving us at a loss.

  I saw that there were not many people playing sea and air strikes, so I waited in line for more than ten minutes there and finally got into sea and air strikes. I sat on the plane, flying up and diving down, and before I had enough fun, it was time.

  We went to play the Ferris wheel again. My mother thought she could fly in the air, but she just slowly turned around in the air. Mom doesn't think it's exciting at all, but I think it's fun to see the beautiful scenery of the entire amusement park from the air.

  I went to play Firefighters again and also watched the performance of the Brazilian Cultural Festival.

  Mom saw the thrilling roller coaster, so she dragged Dad in line for half an hour and finally got on the roller coaster. I watched them head up and head down from below, shouting loudly. After a while, they finally came down. When Dad came down, his face turned pale and he couldn't stop vomiting. I think I must play much better than my father, but unfortunately, this game is not for children to play.

  Dad is no longer in the mood to play, so we have to give up other games and rest with him. I will definitely not bring my dad when I come back to play, so that I can play more games and have more fun.

3.游乐园英语作文范文 篇三

  Previously, my father often said to me, "There is an amusement park that is very fun. There is a huge roller coaster there, and when you grow up, I will take you to play." Haha... I finally hope for this day. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon during the summer vacation. My father drove the car, took my mother and I to Jinjiang Park.

  As soon as I entered the amusement park, I couldn't wait to drag my parents to the location map of the amusement park, find the location of the roller coaster, and head straight for it. Finally, I sat on the roller coaster, fastened the safety pole, and eagerly and nervously waited for the car to start. The roller coaster began to start, and the car slowly climbed up the track. My heart was suddenly lifted up, subconsciously gripping the handrail tightly. Then the car quickly rushed down and circled again and again. I closed my eyes and kept screaming, unable to pay attention to anything! Listening to the wind in my ear and the screams of my playmates, I felt like I was about to fall off... After a while, the car finally came to a slow stop, and I lifted my weak legs and slowly walked out of the car. This is really the most exciting trip I've had since I was so old. My mother asked me, 'How's it going, is it fun? Do you dare to play again?' I excitedly replied, 'This is really fun. I will play again next time!'! “

4.游乐园英语作文范文 篇四

  On May X, my father and mother took me and my brother to the Fuhua Amusement Park in Weifang.

  Just after three hours, we arrived at Fuhua Amusement Park. As soon as we got off the car, I felt that the sky was deep and blue, and the scenery was very beautiful!

  We first wanted to play bumper cars, but there were a lot of people there, so we came to the fitness area. Soon we arrived at the bumper car area again, and ended up in the middle of the queue. Isn't that too slow? After waiting for more than ten minutes, it was finally my turn to play. The race has started, and the direction of this car is not accurate. Oh, I finally learned how to operate it. The turntable is facing left, and the turntable is facing right. I happily turned the direction while driving, and took a lap around the outer ring road. It was really enjoyable! After a while, however, a car collided with mine. As soon as I turned the corner, it was time. I haven't had enough fun yet, fortunately I played with my brother again. The people who frequently collide with this car are shaking and sometimes several cars collide together. After the race, we only realized that our car is driving too far away.

  Next, I played slam dunk master again, but unfortunately, I didn't score a single goal. We also played many games, such as spraying water, rotating tea bowls, hot air balloon, talking about soldiers on water, etc.

  As soon as we saw that the weather was not good and it was about to rain, we reluctantly left the amusement park. I think we had a great time this day! It not only exercises the body but also enhances courage.

5.游乐园英语作文范文 篇五

  Today, the weather is sunny, with white clouds floating in the blue sky. I want to go to the amusement park to play, so I asked my parents, "Mom and Dad, let's go to the amusement park today, okay?" "Okay!" My parents said, and I was very happy to hear that.

  We set off early in the morning and soon arrived at the amusement park. My parents bought me three balloons at the door, one is blue, one is red, and the other is purple. I ran bouncing towards the amusement park with a balloon. My parents shouted loudly from behind, "Baby, run slowly, don't fall!" I played a carousel at the amusement park. I chose a red carousel, and my mother picked me up. The carousel began to spin, and I tightly hugged the carousel's neck. The carousel went round and round, and I smiled happily.

  I also played many, many fun games at the amusement park. Dad also took many photos of me. In the afternoon, my parents and I happily went home.
