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I had expected to be near my objective by now buteverything still seemed alien to me.   我本想离目的地已经不远了,但周围的一切对我仍很陌生。   He had not used his mother tongue for so long thatevery word in the book seemed alien.   他好多年没有使用母语了书上的每个字看起来都是那么陌生。   By noon he was far into the alien country.   中午他已经深入了这个陌生的国度的腹地。   emigrate   移居(国外)   So he decided to emigrate.   于是他决定移居外国。   Then he returned to the capital,   接着他返回首都,   and after a frightening delay of six Months,was permitted to emigrate.   担心吊胆地经过了六个月的延迟,终于获得了移民许可。   The lions emigrated to the western woods.   狮群移居到西边的树林里。   absorb   全神贯注于   In the new country he became absorbed in making a new life for the two of us,so that hegradually ceased to grieve.   在这个新的国家里,父亲一门心思地为我们两个开创机新生活慢慢地不伤心了。   She was absorbed in thought.   她陷入了沉思。   Often he needs to be kicked out of his absorbed reading.   他专心读书的时候,你经常午踢他一脚,才能把他从书里踢出来。   embedded   牢牢扎根的   His roots and mine had become too firmly embedded in the new land.   因为他跟我一样,已经把根深深地扎在了异国的土地上。   He couldn't move the arrow;it was firmly embedded in the rock.   那支箭牢牢地扎在岩石里,他怎么也拔不动。   The doctrine of democracy and freedom has become embedded in the modern mind.   民主和自由的信条已经深入现代人的思想中。   mortally   致命地   He became mortally ill a few months before we had planned to go   就在我们计划回国的前几个月,他突然身患绝症   and,when he knew that he was dying,he made me to promise to go on my own.   他知道自己不行了,硬要我答应他独自上路。   The lieutenant fell to the ground,mortally wounded.   中尉受了致命重伤倒在地上。   The witch was mortally offended and cursed the young man.   女巫大怒,诅咒了年轻人。   comprehensive   广泛的,丰富的   I hired a car after landing and bought a comprehensive bood of maps,   我下飞机后租了一辆车,并买了一本详细尽的地图。   which I found most helpful on the cross-country journey,   地图在我行车穿越乡间时非常有用,   but which I did not think I should need on the last stage.   不过快到家了,我以为用不着了。   There is no all-embracing comprehensive theory.   没有包罗万象的理论。   It is hoped that this book will prove to be a comprehensive source of information in this field.   但愿本书能为这一领域的研究提供较全面的信息。   milestone   里程碑   But my father had described over and over again   但是我父亲一遍一遍地跟我讲过,   what we should see at every milestone,after leaving the nearest town,   过了离家最近的小镇后在每个路标处会看到些什么。   so that I was positive I should recognize it as familiar territory.   因此,我确信这段路对我来说是很熟悉的。   I think this is a very important milestone in the relations between our two countries.   我认为这是我们两国关系中一个十分重要的里程碑。   The invention of the wheel was a milestone in human history.   发明车轮是人类历的一个里程碑。   territory   领地,地区   Much of the territory in Africa is desert.   非洲的大部分地方是沙漠。   Neither of us seeks the territory of the other.   我们双方都不觊觎对方的领土。   milometer   程表   I looked at the map and then at the milometer.   我看了看地图,又看了看里程表。   Somehow the taxi-driver kept glancing at the milometer.   不知怎么回事,出租汽车司机不停地瞟一眼里程表。   She never learned how to read a milometer,or any meter.   不管是里程表,还是什么表,她从来就不会看。   spire   (教堂的)塔尖   I had come ten miles since leaving the town,   从小镇出来,我已经走了10英里了。   and at this point,according to my father,   照父亲的说法,我面前应该是一个山谷,   I should be looking at farms and cottages in a balley,   有农场与村舍,   with the spire of the church of our village showing in the far distance.   还可以远远望见老家村子里教堂的尖顶。   Eva joyously pointed out the various spires,domes,and streetnameplates,by which sherecognize her native city.   伊娃兴高采烈地指着那些塔尖,圆顶和路牌,见到它们她就认出自己的家乡来。   A black iron cock sits on the spire of the town church.   一只黑色的铁公鸡坐在村里教堂的塔尖上。   retrace   返回,重走   So I drove back to the town and began to retrace the route,taking frequent glances at themap.   于是我驾车返回小镇,重新按路线行驶,不时看看地图。   She turned around sharply and retraced her steps down the avenue.   她蓦地转过身,重新沿着大路走。   He retraced his steps to look for the umbrella.   他顺着原路回去找伞。   horizon   地平线   Fortunately for me,as I was wondering what to do next,   幸好,就在我不知怎么办的时候,   there appeared on the horizon a man on horseback,riding my direction.   从天边出现了一个骑马的人,朝着我这个方向走过来了。   In the course of ten minutes the thinning mist disolved altogether from the eastern horizon.   过了十分钟,那片越来越薄的雾从东方的天边完全散开了。   reservoir   水库   The lake was not a natural one,but a man-made reservoir.   这不是天然湖泊,是一座人工修建的水库。   All the citizens were against the plan of the reservoir,which would deprive millions ofwaterbirds of their home.   所有的居民都反对修水库的计划,因为水库将使为百万只水鸟无家可归。   Computers are in widespread use now to help manage underground water reservoir.   现在普遍使用计算机管理地下水库。   In the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest;but then she got out at her own floor,   她在电梯里只想着吃午饭,再好好地休息一下,可是到了自己的楼层,出了电梯就把这两件事忘了个干净。   both were forgotten in her sudden discovery that her front door was open.   因为她突然发现自己的大门开着。   He pressed the button to call the lift.   他按门铃叫电梯。   We took the life to the twenty-seventh floor.   我们坐电梯上了27层楼。   monstrous   极大的,可怕的   She was thinking that she must reprimand her home help   她心思想明天上午得好好说说那外佣工,   the next morning for such a monstrous piece of negligence,   竟然疏忽大意到这样可怕的程序。   when she remembered that she had gone shopping after the home help had left   但是猛然想起,佣工是在她出去买东西之前走的,   and she knew that she had turned both keys in their locks.   她还记得自己用两把钥匙把大门锁上了。   Such things were impossible.It seemed monstrous even to think of them.   这种事情是不可能的。光是想想都觉得吓人。   It's monstrous to charge 500 dollrs for a hotel room.   一个房间要收500美元,太黑了。   negligence   粗心大意   This accident was caused by the negligence of a nurse.   这次事故是由一个护士的粗心大意造成的。   Nothing but gross negligence on the victim's side could have made them successful.   他们能够得手完全是由于受害者的疏忽大意。   prudent   谨慎的   Her first impulse was to go round all the rooms looking for the thieves,   她第一个冲动是到各个房间搜一搜小偷,   but then she decided that at her age   但是转念一想,像她这个年纪,   it might be more prudent to have someone with her,so she went to fetch the porter from hisbasement.   还是找个人一起去稳当点,于是就到地下室去找看门的。   A bank must establish an image that is both secure and prudent.   银行必须建立起安全又稳妥的形象。   Governments consider it prudent to minimize the risk.   各国政府一致认为把风险降低到最小程度是审慎的做法。   composure   镇静,沉着   Then,her composure regained,   随后,她恢复了镇定,   she was ready to set off with the porter's assistance to search for any intruders   准备在看门人的协助下找找   who might still be lurking in her flat.   还有没有不速之客躲在房里。   It gave him the utmost composure of a man   这使他和那些经历过   who had seen the worst and to whom there were no further terrors.   大难而无所谓的人一样,有了极高的自持力。   'Drink,then.'replied she,with the same old composure.   ‘那好,喝吧,’她说,仍然不动声色。   intruder   不请自来者   I love intruders,but they must be lovable ones,of course.   我喜欢不速之客,不过当然得是可爱的才行。   The intruder,it turned out,was no other than a squirrel.   不速之客原来是一只小松鼠。   lurk   潜藏   In the cave lurked a horrid serpent with a crested head   岩洞里藏着一条恶蟒,   and scales glittering like gold.   它的头冠和身体上的鳞片像金子似的闪闪发光。   hinder   妨碍   They went through the room,being careful to touch nothing,   他俩搜遍了每一个房间,小心翼翼地不接触任何东西   as they did not want to hinder the police in their search for fingerprints.   因为他们怕妨碍警察寻找批纹。   This unfortunate incident may hinder the progress of the peace talks.   这一不幸事件可能会妨碍和平谈判的进程。   fingerprint   指纹   The police took his fingerprints by pressing his fingertips onto an inked pad.   警察把他的指尖按在印台上,取他的指纹。   Her fingerprints on the handle proved she had been there.   她留在把手上的指纹证明她是到过那儿。   chaos   混乱,无秩序   The chaos was inconceivable.   房间里乱得不可思议。   By the time we reached the said street,the place was in chaos.   我们到了上面所说的那条街上,发现那时里一片混乱。   Several mathematicians resolved to bring order our of chaos.   几个为数学家决心从这种混乱中理出秩序来。   inconceivable   不可思议的   It is inconceivable that so strong a source of energy   这么强的能源能在1/30秒这样短的时间   can be switched on and off in as little time as 1/30 seconds.   里开启和关闭,真是不可思议。   Everything was caused by her own inconceibable folly.   一切都是她自己不可思议的愚蠢造成的。   veritable   真正的,地地道道的   She had lived in the flat for thirty years and was a veritable magpie at hoarding,   她在这套公寓住了30年了,又跟着喜鹊一样爱攒东西,   and it seemed as though everything she possessed   这下可好,所有的东西都被折腾出来了,   had been tossed out and turned over and over.   而且每一件都被翻了又翻。   Hangzhou is a vertable heaven on earth.   杭州是名副其实的人间天堂。   It was not easy to work in the shed;in winter it was a veritable ice-box.   在这木棚里工作可不轻松,冬天简直是个冰箱。   magpie   喜鹊;(转)喜爱收藏东西的人   The magpie is a black-and-white bird   喜鹊是一种黑白相间的鸟,   which is attracted by,and often takes away,small,bright objects.   喜欢并且常常叼走闪闪发亮的小东西。   An old magpie began wrapping itself up very carefully.   一只老喜鹊非常小心地用羽毛把自己裹紧。   toss   扔   Toss me the bottle,will you,Timmy?   把瓶子扔给我好吗,蒂米?   Wade strode in the office and tossed the paper down.   卫德大步走进办公室,重重把报纸一摔。   discard   丢弃   At least sorting out the things she should have discarded years ago   至少,人家帮好省了力,   was now being made easier for her.   替她把那些前几年就该扔掉的东西理出来了。   The good ones are used and defective ones discarded.   合格的就采用,次品就废弃。   As a consequence,newborn anteaters are often discarded by their parents.   结果,新生的食蚁兽幼仔经常被父母遗弃。   constable   警察   Then a police inspector arrived with constable   过了一会儿,一位巡官带着一名警察来了。   and she told them of the discovery of the ransacked flat.   她跟他们讲了发现公寓遭劫的经过。   The constable kept his temper and would not be provoked.   警察压着火,不肯发作。   The constable stopped a speeding driver.   警察拦住了一个超速行驶的司机。   ransack   洗劫   Susy's room was ransacked and left in wild confusion   全家人外出买东西的时候,   while the members of the family were out shopping.   苏茜的房间遭到洗劫,室内一片狼籍。   He began to ransack his mother's workbox for a piece of thread.   他要找一根线,开始翻腾妈妈的针线盒。   balcony   阳台   The inspector began to look for fingerprints,   巡官开始搜寻指纹,警察则检查了大门,   while the constable checked that the front door locks had not been forced,   发现没有被撬过的痕迹,   thereby proving that the burglars had either used skeleton keys   这说明窃贼不是使用了成能钥匙,   or entered over the balcony.   就是翻越阳台进来的。   You can see the lilac valley from our balcony.   从我们的阳台上就能看见丁香谷。   fussy   大惊小怪的,小题大做的   The old lady thought he was a fussy creature but since the porter agreed with him,   老太太觉得他大惊小怪,但即然看门人也同意他的竟见,   she rang up her daughter and asked for her help in what she described as a little spot ofbother.   她只好打电话向女儿求援,说她遇到了“一丁点小麻烦”。   James!Always fussy,nervous,anxious!   这个詹姆士,老是这么大惊小怪,操心劳神的。   Of course the football fans had good reasons to be fussy on such a night.   球迷在这样一个夜晚当然有理由发发神经了。

新概念英语第3册必背生词及短语:Lesson 57.doc
