
时间:2023-02-15 23:07:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】将笑容挂脸上,将自信揣心里,与假期说再见,跟学业道加油,开学日,背好书包,将心态调整为学习模式,为美好的明天读书,加油!下面是©文档大全网整理的《开学第一天英语日记怎么写》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.开学第一天英语日记怎么写 篇一

  On Monday morning, I walked into the campus and greeted the teacher at the door with a smile. Entering the classroom of Class 21, I saw familiar faces, classmates I haven't seen for a long time, and amiable teachers. I felt great!

  After breakfast, we lined up to enter the playground to participate in the opening ceremony of the new term. The ceremony was presided over by our respected Secretary Yin. The first step was to raise the national flag. When the national anthem sounded, each young pioneer solemnly raised his right hand to salute the national flag. When I saw the five-star red flag flying high above the Bauhinia experiment, my heart flew with it. At last, it came to the tense and exciting awarding stage. I received the collective award of excellent class on behalf of all the teachers and students of Class 21, and I was also rated as the learning pacesetter of the class. When I heard President He read my name, my heart could not help beating. I tasted the taste of honor and joy.

  After the school opening ceremony, I returned to the classroom in high spirits and started a new study. I secretly made up my mind: I will continue to work hard in the new semester!

2.开学第一天英语日记怎么写 篇二

  Today is the first day of school. Because there is a thin layer of ice on the playground, the school opening ceremony has been postponed to the afternoon.

  The first half of the day was particularly long for us, and we finally looked forward to the opening ceremony.

  At the school opening ceremony, the national flag flew in the wind. The third-grade students went to the stage and danced bamboo pole dance with strong Dai flavor, and the fifth-and sixth-grade brothers and sisters danced dynamic street dance. Looking at the wonderful performance, the students were very excited. Some students are climbing the shoulders of the students in front of them to make themselves see clearly; Some students felt that they were not satisfied and cheered ceaselessly; Some students are so whimsical that they want to change places with the students in front of them. What a bustling scene.

  The happy time is always so short, accompanied by happy music, we left the campus.

3.开学第一天英语日记怎么写 篇三

  The winter vacation is over. Today is the first day of school. I got up early and went to school happily in the morning. You can see the teachers and classmates who have been missing for a long time.

  I walked into the campus again with a bright red scarf. When I came to the classroom, I saw my classmates who had been separated for a long time. When I saw them, I had a strange feeling, because we did not fight or make noise when we met. I wonder if we are all grown up? The teacher was very warm and happy to see us. I think we are naughty. Today, I was praised by the teacher in class. I hope this kind of happy thing happens every day, because I want the teachers and students to see the growing boy - Su Dun.

  It was still raining after school. Although it is cold, we are all very happy. Because today is the first day of school, a new student came to our class.

4.开学第一天英语日记怎么写 篇四

  School begins! School begins!

  With joy and good mood, I got up eagerly from the bed.

  After washing, I was so excited that I didn't even eat, and hurried to ask my father to send me to school. My father sent me to the school gate, and I walked into the campus. The school environment was still so beautiful, and the air was still so fresh. Before I knew it, I came to the classroom. I saw many students, who were much taller. After meeting, they said hello and chatted eagerly. He said how much money he had made this year. He said that he had a very happy New Year this year... When everyone was chatting and talking, Mr. Wu came into the classroom, and the classroom suddenly became quiet. Teacher Wu said, "This semester's lessons are very important, so I hope you will listen carefully in this semester."

  Yes! The new term has begun, and we have grown up a lot. I also understand a lot of truth. My grades last semester were not very ideal. In the new semester, I will redouble my efforts to win the grades of friendship.

5.开学第一天英语日记怎么写 篇五

  In the morning, I came to the campus early. Today is my first day of school. My mood is very happy. We first came to the playground, stood up and held a flag-raising ceremony. Following the national anthem, the five-star red flag gradually rose, and the students saluted the national flag. After the national flag was raised, the principal came on the stage to speak. After the speech, we went to the classroom. The students were chattering about how to play in the holiday. I was also talking about the fun of the holiday at my desk.

  While the students were talking hard, Mr. Liu came into the classroom. The classroom was quiet. Teacher Liu walked onto the platform and said to us, "Our class may be adjusted, and maybe I won't study with you again. Now I'll click my name first." The students are all here. The teacher asked us to wait in the classroom first, and then she went out. In a flash, a teacher I didn't know came into our classroom and said to us, "I now start to call names, and the students who call names will stand in line on the corridor." The teacher called a dozen students, so the dozen students followed the teacher to other classes. Then another teacher came and began to call his name. At this time, I called my good friend Lin Zekun's name. I thought to myself: I hope there will be my name too, otherwise I can't share a class with him. The name of the result is finished. Without me, my heart is a little sad. Then came another teacher, and my name came next. A dozen of our classmates followed the teacher to Class 4, Grade 3. I looked around and saw many strange faces. However, I was glad that there was a friend of mine, Ming Haoyu, in this class.

  I'm sorry that my dear teacher Liu can't teach me anymore, and many of my good friends are not good at me in the same class. However, I will get used to it quickly and get to know new students as soon as possible.
