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【#成人英语三级# 导语】没有被折磨的觉悟,就没有向前冲的资格。既然选择了,就算要跪着也要走下去。其实有时候我们还没做就被我们自己吓退了,想要往前走,就不要考虑太多,去做就行了。©文档大全网整理了“2019年下半年学位英语考试练习题3”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  1. Apple is a word.

  A. five-letter B. five-letters C. fives-letters D. five letters (D)

  2. All the in the hospital got a rise yesterday.

  A. women doctors B. woman doctors C. women doctor D. woman doctor (A)

  3. After ten years, all those youngsters became .

  A. growns-up B. growns-up C. grown-up D. grown-ups (D)

  4. The police investigated the about the bank robbery.

  A. stander-by B. standers-by C. stander-bys D. standers-by (B)

  5. She used to have three .

  A. boys friends B. boys friend C. boy friends D. boy friend (C)


  ※ 有“-”连字符的,在其名词部分后加S ,如 five-letters ,standers-by ,lookers-on ; 无名词部分的 , 在复合词后如S ,如 grown-ups ,sit-ins ;

  ※ 由man或woman作为第一部分的复合名词表职位时,均用复数,如men doctors ,women writers ;

  ※ 由boy或girl 作为第一部分的复合名词,要在最后词后加-S,如boy friends , girl friends ;

  6. The committee been arguing about the economic problems among themselves for many hours.

  A. have B. has C. could have D. can have (A)

  ※ 集体名词被看作若干个体时,具有复数概念;被看作一个整体时,具有单数概念。这类词有:family ,government ,

  class , surrounding , committee ,club , company ;

  7. Seventy percent illiterate in that area.

  A. is B. are C. is to be D. can have (B)

  8. His trousers in his suitcase.

  A. is always kept B. are kept always C. are always kept D. have always been (C)

  具有“成双”含义的词,如服装类、工具类的词:trousers. glasses . scissors(剪刀),系动词用复数。

  9. The young couple bought for their living room.

  A. some new furniture B. some new furnitures

  C. many new furniture D. many new furnitures (A)

  Furniture 家具,不可数名词。Many 修饰可数,much 修饰不可数,some ,any 都可修饰,但any

  用在疑问和否定句中. a few 修饰可数,肯定含义;a little 修饰不可数,否定义。

  10. Mathematics easy to learn.

  A. is B. are C. can D. feels (A)

  学科类的词,如maths , economics , politics , electronics ,mechanics(力学)等,含有复数概念。

  11.The surroundings of his office building------ far from clean.

  A. are B. is C. has been D. do (A)


  12. The doctor checked up both Wang’s hearts.

  A. father-in-law’s and his brother-in-law’s B. father’s-in-law and his brother’s-in-law

  C. father-in-law and his brother-in-law D. father-in-laws’ and his brother-in-laws’ (A)


  13. I had my hair cut at the around the corner.

  A. barber B. barbers C. barber’s D. barbers’ (C)

  `s后的名词如指商店、家宅时,名词可省略,如上:在理发店;at the doctor`s :在诊所;

  14. The woman over there is .

  A. Julia and Mary mother B. Julia and Mary’s mother

  C. Julia’s and Mary’s mother D. Julia’s and Mary mother (B)

  表示各自的所有关系时,名词末尾均须加 `s , 如A`s and B`s bedrooms ; 表示他们共同的关系时,

  仅在最后一词尾加`s , 如上;

  15. Only last month I called at .

  A. my uncle B. my uncle’s C. my uncles D. mine uncle (B)


  16. The students must finish the test in .

  A. three quarters of an hour time B. three quarter’s of an hour time

  C. three quarters of an hour’s time D. three quarters’ of an hour’s time (C)

  of+`s 的复合结构,又如:a friend of my brother`s 我兄弟的一个朋友。

  17. His article is better than in the class.

  A. anyone’s else B. anyone else C. anyone’s else’s D. anyone else’s (D)

  18. He is very tired. He needs .

  A. a night rest B. rest of a night C. a rest night D. a night’s rest (D)

  ’s属格和of属格用法的区别:’s 表有生命的,也表时间(如上)、自然现象(如第19题)、度量衡、

  国家、城市;用of 表示无生命的,抽象的,或修饰语较多的;

  19. is covered with heavy snow.

  A. The earth’s surface B. The surface of earth

  C. The surface earth D. The earth surface (A)

  20. This question is too difficult, and everyone is to solve it.

  A. at his wits’ end B. at one’s wits end

  C. in his wits’ end D. out of his wits end (A)

  固定词组,必须用 ’s 。 如第20题:不知所措,又如:in one’s mind’s eye 在某人的心目中

