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【#三年级# 导语】作文英语学习的重要内容之一,也是学生综合能力的体现。它与学生的词汇量、语法、句法能力和逻辑思维能力等有密不可分的关系,在考试中比重也不小。而许多学生在此方面丢分甚多,以致影响最后总分,因此培养学生写作能力是非常有意义的。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助!


We live in an information world. We can get information by studying in the classroom, reading newspapers, watching TV and making phone calls. But the quickest and most convenient way to get information is through the Internet.

Our family used to be able to communicate only by writing letters to distant aunts, which was really inconvenient. Now, just sitting in front of the computer, clicking on the mouse, broadband access to QQ chat room, my aunt and I can talk through video, send photos, so that I know a lot about the United States.

The network can also check information, such as: today's Chinese homework: May is which five mountains? I entered the word "Wuyue" in Baidu and clicked on the mouse. A lot of information about "Wuyue" appeared. In less than two minutes, I found the correct answer.

The Internet has taught me a lot of extra-curricular knowledge. I can watch cartoons, learn English, do oral arithmetic, read news, and play games. The most important thing is to teach me to care about national affairs. It's true that "Xiu Cai doesn't go out and know the world's affairs."

Although the network can enrich our extracurricular life, but we can not indulge in online games, to let the network become our learning tools, better service for our learning.


The winter vacation passed again unconsciously. I had a full and happy winter vacation. The happy life of winter vacation is like a sky, on which there are countless bright stars, let me give you the biggest and brightest one.

It's Spring Festival. Money is indispensable to eating, playing and dressing well. No, my busy mom gave me a bank card and asked me to withdraw money. I was very excited when I got to the ATM. Looking at this weird machine, I forgot to do business, this touch, that touch, mistakenly crashed into the input password interface, I regardless of the 3721 randomly lost some passwords, the result is of course wrong. I just remembered to withdraw money now and started to lose the password in a hurry. In the panic, I lost the password twice again. Because I can only lose passwords three times a day, I have not succeeded. It's my turn to be silly.

This makes me understand a truth: nothing can be done carelessly, otherwise it will be twice as successful.


Winter vacation is coming to an end, nothing to do at home: TV is not good, computer is not fun, read a book for a while, sister is noisy to accompany her to play, play around, just a few games...

Suddenly, my sister thought that it would be better to climb the mountain, not only to get rid of the entanglement of my brothers and sisters, but also to enjoy the charming scenery. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

The mountain behind Grandma's house became our goal.

At first, I was very relaxed, and I hummed "the most dazzling national style" as I climbed. Haven't climbed to the hillside, gradually some support, I can't help feeling: this winter vacation is really lack of exercise ah! Finally, climbing to the top of the mountain, looking at the quiet and vibrant village, the beating heart gradually returned to normal rhythm. A wisp of smoke curled up in the oblique sunset. Everything is so beautiful!

The so-called "no pains, no gains", as long as you pay, there will be corresponding gains. School is about to begin. If we put our efforts into our studies, we will reap the harvest at the end of the term.

