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【#三年级# 导语】寒假到来了,是不是在计划着该怎么好好游玩一番呢?®文档大全网在这里温馨提醒,一场说走就走的旅行固然身心愉悦,但是在学习的道路上,万不可过于松懈,以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望您过个愉快的假期。



( )1. A. noodles B noon ( ) 6. A. arm B.leg

( ) 2. A. small B big ( ) 7. A. hurt B.hand

( ) 3. A. fruit B friend ( ) 8. A. head B. help

( ) 4. A.short B shorts ( ) 9. A. hair B. year

( ) 5. A.dress Bskirt ( ) 10. A. delicious B. birthday

二. 听音,选出听到的句子:

( )1. A. What's your name? B. What’s his name ?

( ) 2. A. Which class are you in ? B. I'm in class 2.

( ) 3. A. what should I wear today? B. what clothes should I wear ?

( ) 4. A. This is a coat B.These are gloves

( ) 5. A. I want to eat lunch! B. I want to be your friend.

三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

( )1、My leg hurts.

( )2、I have three heads.

( )3、My foot hurts.

( )4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin?

( )5、When is his birthday?


( ) I am in class 2. ( )What do you want for lunch?

( ) I’m looking forward to seeing you ( ) They are not good for you.

( ) Can I help you ? ( )This dress is make of silk

( ) My family name is Sun. ( )When is your birthday?.

( ) What’s your family name? ( ) What’s the matter?


( ) 1.Lily's mother wants some _____.

A. eggs B.cake C.ice-cream

( ) 2. What's your ______?

A. name B.family name C. his name

( ) 3. My ____ hurts.

A. nose B. foot C. arm

( ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

A. come B.go C. run

( ) 5. I'm _____ years old.

A. 10 B.9 C. 8

( ) 6.What do you want for ____ ?

A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner

( ) 7.Do you like _____ ?

A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken

( ) 8.Plants ____ us cotton

A.give B.gives C.offer

( ) 9.I play _____ with Andy.

A.football B.piano C.ping-pong

( )10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?

A.look like B.like C.likes



( ) 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月( ) 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce

( ) 3.wear A.穿 B.脱 ( ) 4.年级 A.class B.grade

( ) 5. pet A.宠物 B.兔子 ( )6. 短裤 A.short B. shorts

( ) 7. bread A.面包 B.肉 ( ) 8.年龄 A. age B. ade

( ) 9. help A.帮助 B.谢谢( )10.美味的 A.party B. delicious


( )1.What’s the matter? A.LI

( )2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

( )3.What's your family name? C.I should wear a coat.

( )4.Which class are you in? D. I'm in class 2.

( )5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May.


( )1.当你想问对方的名字时,应问:

A.What’s your name? B. What’s you name?

( )2. 我姓陈,用英语说:

A. My family name is Chen. B. My name is Chen Hua.

( )3.当你想知道对方是否喜欢水果时,英说:

A. Do you like fruit? B.Do you want fruit?

( )4.当你想表达“我的头部受伤了”时,应说:

A.My head hurts. B.My hair hurts.

( ) 5.当你想知道别人的生日,应问:

A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ?


1.( ) I am in ____2.

A.glass B.class

2.( ) How old are ——?

A.you B.your

3.( ) My family name is ____.

A.Li B.Li Hua

4.( ) Which class____ you in?.

A.is B.are

5.( ) I ____ long hair.

A. have B. has

6.( ) What's the _____? My arm hurts.

A.wrong B.matter

7.( ) what _____ pretty dog!

A.a B. one

8.( ) Do you like _____?.

A.tomatoes B.tomatos

9.( ) What's —— matter? A./ B. the

10.( ) ______you have a pet? A.Are B.Do


Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


1.( )Ann is ____ years old. A.nine B.ten

2.( ) Ann is in ____.A.class one B. class two

3.( ) She likes _____. A.cake B.fruit

4.( ) Ann has a white _____.A.cat B.dog

5.( ) It can _____. A.dance B.sing




(A )1. A. noodles B noon ( A ) 6. A. arm B.leg

( A ) 2. A. small B big ( A ) 7. A. hurt B.hand

( A ) 3. A. fruit B friend ( A ) 8. A. head B. help

( B ) 4. A.short B shorts ( A ) 9. A. hair B. year

( B ) 5. A.dress Bskirt ( A) 10. A. delicious B. birthday

三. 听音,选出听到的句子:

( A )1. A. What's your name? B. What’s his name ?

( A ) 2. A. Which class are you in ? B. I'm in class 2.

( A ) 3.A. what should I wear today B.what clothes should I wear ?

( B ) 4. A. This is a coat B.These are gloves

( B ) 5. A. I want to eat lunch! B. I want to be your friend.

三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

( T )1、My leg hurts.

( T )2、I have three heads.

( F )3、My foot hurts.

( T )4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin?

( F )5、When is his birthday?


( 5 ) I am in class 2. ( 1 )What do you want for lunch?

( 2 ) I’m looking forward to seeing you ( 7 ) They are not good for you.

(8 ) Can I help you ? ( 6 )This dress is make of silk

( 9 ) My family name is Sun. ( 4 )When is your birthday?.

( 3 ) What’s your family name? ( 10) What’s the matter?


( A ) 1.Lily's mother wants some _____.

A. eggs B.cake C.ice-cream

( B ) 2. What's your ______?

A. name B.family name C. his name

( A ) 3. My ____ hurts.

A. nose B. foot C. arm

( A ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

A. come B.go C. run

( A ) 5. I'm _____ years old.

A. 10 B.9 C. 8

( A ) 6.What do you want for ____ ?

A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner

( B ) 7.Do you like _____ ?

A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken

( A ) 8.Plants ____ us cotton

A.give B.gives C.offer

( A ) 9.I play _____ with Andy.

A.football B.piano C.ping-pong

( B)10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?

A.look like B.like C.likes



( B ) 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月( A ) 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce

( A ) 3.wear A.穿 B.脱 ( B ) 4.年级 A.class B.grade

(A ) 5. pet A.宠物 B.兔子 ( B)6. 短裤 A.short B. shorts

( A ) 7. bread A.面包 B.肉 ( A ) 8.年龄 A. age B. ade

( A ) 9. help A.帮助 B.谢谢( B )10.美味的 A.party B. delicious


(B )1.What’s the matter? A.LI.

( C )2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

( A )3.What's your family name? C.I should wear a coat.

( D )4.Which class are you in? D. I'm in class 2.

( E )5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May.


( A )1.当你想问对方的名字时,应问:

A.What’s your name? B. What’s you name?

( A )2. 我姓陈,用英语说:

A. My family name is Chen. B. My name is Chen Hua.

( A )3.当你想知道对方是否喜欢水果时,英说:

A. Do you like fruit? B.Do you want fruit?

( A )4.当你想表达“我的头部受伤了”时,应说:

A.My head hurts. B.My hair hurts.

( A ) 5.当你想知道别人的生日,应问:

A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ?


1.( B ) I am in ____2. A.glass B.class

2.( A ) How old are ——?A.you B.your

3.( A ) My family name is ____. A.Li B.Li Hua

4.( B ) Which class____ you in?. A.is B.are

5.( A ) I ____ long hair. A. have B. has

6.( B ) What's the _____? My arm hurts. A.wrong B.matter

7.( A ) what _____ pretty dog! A.a B. one

8.( A ) Do you like _____?. A.tomatoes B.tomatos

9.( B ) What's —— matter? A./ B. the

10.( B ) ______you have a pet? A.Are B.Do


Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


1.( B )Ann is ____ years old. A.nine B.ten

2.( B ) Ann is in ____.A.class one B. class two

3.( B ) She likes _____. A.cake B.fruit

4.( B ) Ann has a white _____.A.cat B.dog

5.( A ) It can _____. A.dance B.sing




( )1. A. name B. my C.your ( )2. A. feel B. feet C. foot

( )3. A. cap B. pet C. catch ( )4. A. hair B. hurt C. head

( )5. A. June B. July C. January( )6. A. matter B. meat C. myself

( )7. A. birthday B. party C. birth( )8. A. jacket B. coat C. wear

( )9. A. tomato B. tail C. turtle ( )10. A. his B. her C. Me


( )1. A. My name is Sue. B. My family name is White.

( )2. A. My hand hurts. B. My arm hurts.

( )3. A. I like my fish. B. I like my turtle.

( )4. A. I want chicken and tomatoes. B. I want cakes and milk.

( )5. A. I wear my shoes and sweater. B. I wear my cap and coat.


1. I have big ears. (  )

2. My family name is Green. (   )

3. My foot hurts. ( )

4. I like to eat fish. ( )

5. Do you have a pet? ( )


( ) This sweater is made of wool( )What do you want for lunch?

( ) I’m looking forward to seeing you ( ) My birthday is in May.

( ) what should I wear ? ( )This dress is make of silk

( ) My family name is Sun. ( )When is your birthday?.

( ) What’s your family name? ( ) What’s the matter?

五 听音,选择听到的单词完成句子。10分

( )1.My _________ hurts.

A. toes B. foot C. arm

( )2.What’s your ________ name ?

A.family B. Lily’s C. cat’s

( )3.I want some _______for lunch.

A. chicken B. tofu C. beef

( ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

A. come B.go C. run

( ) 5. I'm _____ years old.

A. 10 B.9 C. 8

( ) 6.What do you want for ____ ?

A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner

( ) 7.Do you like _____ ?

A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken

( ) 8.Plants ____ us cotton

A.give B.gives C.offer

( ) 9.I want some _____.

A.meat B.milk C. potato

( )10.what does it _____?

A.look like B.like C.likes


一、 补全单词,选出所缺字母,把序号写在括号里。10分

( )1.b__dy(身体) A. o B. a

( )2.f_ _ t(脚) A. ee B. oo

( )3. h_ _t(受伤的) A. ar B. ur

( )4. to_ _ to(西红柿) A. ta B.ma

( )5. br_ _ d(面包) A.ea B. rr

( )6. sch_ _ l(学校) A. ee B. oo

( )7. h_ _d(头) A. ar B.ea

( )8. matt_ _(事情) A.en B.er

( )9. b_ d(不好的) A. a B. e

( )10.cla_ _(班级) A.ss B. rr


cat book face yellow bread seven cake duck eraser mouth two ruler tiger five milk hand

文具:______ ______ _______动物:______ ______ _______

颜色:______ 数字:______ _______ _______

食品:______ _______ _______身体部位:______ _______ _______

三. 选择题,读下列句子,将正确序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

( )1.It has a________ tail. A. long B. old C. arm

( )2. What do you want _____ dinner ? A. to B. at C. for

( )3. My __________ birthday is in August. A. mom's B. mom C. dad

( )4. I am 8 ______old.I can do my homework. A. year B. year's C. years

( )5. I’m _____ Class 2.

A. An B. a C. In

( )6. I have _____hair.

A.small B.long C.big

( )7. _____ the matter .

A. What’s B. How C. When

( )8. My birthday is _____December.

A. to B. in C. at

( )1. I ____ a rabbit.

A. have B. has C. it

( )10.____give us wool.A.plants B.sheep


( )1. A. head B. have C. hair

( )2. A. bread B. class C. cake

( )3. A. wear B.rabbit C. dog

( )4. A. small B. big C.you

( )5. A. July B. June C.jacket

( )6. A. tomato B. name C. potato

( )7. A. long B.cap C. gloves

五. 根据所给问句,选择正确的答句,将序号填在题前的括号里。(7分)

1.( )What's your name? A. Yes,I do.

2.( )How old are you ? B. I want some bread for breakfast.

3.( )What should I wear in winter? C. My name is Fangfang.

4.( )What's the matter? D. My birthday is in September.

5.( )Do you have a pet? E.You should wear gloves in winter.

6.( )When is your birthday? F. My foot hurts.

7.( )What do you want for breakfast? G. I am 9 years old.




( A )1. A. name B. my C.your ( C )2. A. feel B. feet C. foot

( A )3. A. cap B. pet C. catch ( A )4. A. hair B. hurt C. head

( A )5. A. June B. July C. January ( A )6. A. matter B. meat C. myself

( B )7. A. birthday B. party C. birth ( A )8. A. jacket B. coat C. wear

( A )9. A. tomato B. tail C. turtle ( A )10. A. his B. her C. Me


( A )1. A. My name is Sue. B. My family name is White.

( A )2. A. My hand hurts. B. My arm hurts.

( A)3. A. I like my fish. B. I like my turtle.

( A )4. A. I want chicken and tomatoes. B. I want cakes and milk.

( B )5. A. I wear my shoes and sweater. B. I wear my cap and coat.


1. I have big ears. ( T )

2. My family name is Green. ( F  )

3. My foot hurts. ( F )

4. I like to eat fish. ( F )

5. Do you have a pet? ( T )


( 8 ) This sweater is made of wool( 4 )What do you want for lunch?

( 1 ) I’m looking forward to seeing you ( 7 ) My birthday is in May.

( 6 ) what should I wear ? ( 2 )This dress is make of silk

( 5 ) My family name is Sun. (10 )When is your birthday?.

( 9 ) What’s your family name? ( 3 ) What’s the matter?

五 听音,选择听到的单词完成句子。10分

( C )1.My _________ hurts.

A. toes B. foot C. arm

( A )2.What’s your ________ name ?

A.family B. Lily’s C. cat’s

( A )3.I want some _______for lunch.

A. chicken B. tofu C. beef

( A ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

A. come B.go C. run

( A ) 5. I'm _____ years old.

A. 10 B.9 C. 8

( B ) 6.What do you want for ____ ?

A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner

( C ) 7.Do you like _____ ?

A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken

( A ) 8.Plants ____ us cotton

A.give B.gives C.offer

( A ) 9.I want some _____.

A.meat B.milk C. potato

( A )10.what does it _____?

A.look like B.like C.likes



1. ( ) A. plant B. branches C. branch

2. ( ) A. tall B. ball C. door

3. ( ) A. cow B. trunk C. black

4. ( ) A. he B. me C. she

5. ( ) A. kite B. cat C. cut

6. ( ) A. Miss B. Mr C. Mrs

7. ( ) A. beautiful B. fly C. ladybird

8. ( ) A. 4132 B. 4231 C. 4312

9. ( ) A. peach B. banana C. orange

10.( ) A. red B. yellow C. balloon


1.( ) A. I can see a ladybird.

B. I can see a butterfly.

C. I can see a bird.

2.( ) A. It has roots.

B. It has leaves.

C. It has branches.

3.( ) A. My nose is small.

B. My mouth is small.

C. My ears are small.

4.( ) A. What’s this?

B. What’s that?

C. What’s it?

5.( ) A. How many chicks?

B. How many dogs?

C. How many pigs?


( )1. A. It’s blue. B. It’s a hall. C. It’s big.

( )2. A. He’s my father. B. She’s my sister. C. She’s my mother.

( )3. A. It’s yellow. B. It is a yellow bird. C. They’re yellow.

( )4. A. Ten. B. Ten yuan. C. Ten, please.

( )5. A. No. B. Yes. C. May I have some apples?


( ) 1. It’s rainy.

( ) 2. The boat is white and blue.

( ) 3. The ball is yellow.

( ) 4. The kite is orange and green.

( ) 5. They see many flowers.


--- is it ?

--- It’s a . Look, it’s orange and _________.

---Yes, it’s , and it can _________ too .



look what are they they’re pigs


1. ( ) __________ are you? I’m ten.

A. How many B. How old C. How much

2. ( ) ______ at the bird, please.

A. Look B. Look at C. Clean

3. ( ) The big tree has _________ .

A. root B. roots C. a root

4. ( ) _______ is the toilet? It’s here.

A. What B. Who C. Where

5. ( ) Look at the insect. It is an ________.

A. ladybird B. ant C. bee

6. ( ) What are they? They are ______.

A. branch B. branchs C. branches

7. ( ) Count the ________. How many? One _______.

A. duck…duck B. pigs…pig C. chicks…chicks

8. ( ) -Is this the hall? -______________.

A. No, it’s the library B. No, it’s the hall C. Yes, it’s the toilet

9. ( ) I can see _______ insect. It’s a bee.

A. a B. an C. the

10.( ) The boy _____ in the library.

A. is B. am C. are


at buy orange Clean long bananas That leaf my has

1. An ______, please.

2. Look _______ the bird. It’s small.

3. ________ ladybird is beautiful.

4. _______ the table, please.

5. The plant ________ a flower.

6. I’m an elephant. My nose is _______.

7. May I have some _________?

8. This is pencil.

9. I can see a _________ on the plant.

10. They _________ a toy. It’s a ball.


1. They are chicks. (对划线部分提问)

What _______ _______?

2. Is this a playground? (肯定句)

________ ________ a playground.

3. This is a bee. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ ?

4. Is that our classroom? (否定回答)

_______,________ isn’t.

5. It is black and red. (对划线部分提问)

________ _______ is it?

五.完成对话,一格一词: 5%

-- Good morning. Can I help you?

-- May I ________ some __________, please?

-- How _________ peaches?

-- __________ peaches. How ________?

--Ten yuan.

六. 问答句配对: 5%

( ) 1. Thank you. A. No, it isn’t.

( ) 2. What colour is the butterfly? B. No, I don’t. I like bees.

( ) 3. May I have a ball, Mum? C. You’re welcome.

( ) 4. Is this a butterfly? D. It’s red and purple.

( ) 5. Do you like butterflies? E. Sure.

七.阅读:10% (一)

Read and judge (阅读短文,判断句子,用T表示相符,F表示不相符) 5%

Hello, I am Tom. I am a boy. I am nine. I am fat. I can run, but I can’t run fast. I like meat and sweets. This is my little sister, Mary. She is five. She is thin. She can sing and dance. She can draw dogs, too. This is my mother. She’s big and tall. She is a good teacher.

( ) 1. Tom is two.

( ) 2. Tom is thin.

( ) 3. Mary can draw cats.

( ) 4. Tom is Mary’s brother.

( ) 5. Mother is small and short.


Read and choose.(阅读短文,选择恰当的答案,将序号填入括号内)5%

Today is a sunny day. I’m in the garden. It is nice. Look, the bees are flying in the sky. Look at the leaves. They’re brown. I can see a purple and blue butterfly on the flower. The butterfly likes dancing. It can dance on the flower. I hear a bird singing in the tree. I am happy. I like the garden.

1. ( ) It’s a _____ day.

A. sunny B. sun C. shine

2. ( ) I am in the __________.

A. park B. garden C. tree

3. ( ) The leaves are _______.

A. green B. brown C. yellow

4. ( ) The butterfly is________.

A. purple B. blue C. purple and blue

5. ( ) The bird is ______ in the tree.

A. flying B. singing C. dancing

八.以“A plant”为题写作,介绍你喜欢的一种植物,不少于5句话:5%








一.选出你所听到的单词:10% 每小题听两遍

1. branches 2. tall 3. cow 4. she

4. kite 6. Mr 7. beautiful 8. 4312

9. banana 10. red

(B A A C A B A C B A)

二. 选出你所听到的句子:5%每小题听两遍

1. I can see a ladybird.

2. It has leaves.

3. My mouth is small.

4. What’s this?

5. How many pigs?

( A B B A C)

三.选出正确的应答句:10% 每小题听三遍

1. What’s that?

2. Who is he?

3. What colour is the bird?

4. How much?

5. Can I help you?

(B A A B C)



It is sunny. Kitty, Ben and Danny are in the park. They see a boat. It’s red and blue. They see a ball. The ball is yellow. They have some balloons. They are nice. There is a kite. It’s orange and brown. There are many flowers. They like the park.

(F F T F T)

五.听短文填空(每格一词):5% 听三遍

--- What is it ?

--- It’s a butterfly . Look, it’s orange and black .

---Yes, it’s nice , and it can fly too .



Look! What are they?(或者Look, what are they?)They’re pigs.




1. orange 2. at 3.That 4. Clean 5. has

6. long 7. bananas 8. my 9. leaf 10. buy


1. What are they?

2. This is a playground.

3. What’s this?

4. No, it isn’t.

5. What colour is it?

五.完成对话,一格一词: 5%

-- Good morning. Can I help you?

-- May I __have__ some peaches, please?

-- How many peaches?

-- Two/Three…. peaches. How much?

--Ten yuan.

六. 问答句配对: 5%



Read and judge (阅读短文,判断句子,用T表示相符,F表示不相符)


Read and judge.(阅读短文,选择恰当的答案,将序号填入括号内)


八.以“A plant”为题写作,介绍你喜欢的一种植物,不少于5句话:5%

