

时间:2022-03-30 11:48:56 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#一年级# 导语】当前中国的教育体制任然是应试教育,英语亦是,对于学习语言来说,为了对付考试而做题,虽然不很合理,但是确实有一定的帮助和重要性,所以仍然需要接受实际情况,成功的人才亦比比皆是。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!


一、 看中文,说单词

滑滑梯 秋千 气球 球 自行车 洋娃娃 芋艿 月饼 叶子 蛋糕 豆 月亮

二、 朗读下列单词

swing silde ball bicycle ball doll taro leaf bean mooncake moon balloon


a) Go to the silde.

b) Pick up the doll.

c) He has got a ball.

d) She has got a doll.

e) What has he got?

f) What has she got?

g) This is Tom. He has got a bicycle. It is yellow.

h) This is May. She has got a balloon. It is pink.

i) --Tom, I have got a doll. What have you got?

--I have got a ball. It is red.

--Let‘s play togther.

--All right.



ⅰ、单词连线。在右边找到左边各单词的汉语释义,并连线。 (20分)

horse     照相机  鱼     carrot

baseball     大象   足球     soccer

camera      马     热狗     fish

elephant     剪刀    胡萝卜    hockey

scissors     棒球    曲棍球    hot dog


bed  bathtub  kitchen knife   flowers  wardrobe

TV  table   computer   broom  telephone

clock  bookcase  mirror    bowl   lamp

chairs  sofa   refrigerator   towel   cupboard




living room:



( )1.What’s he doing?

( )2.Where are my cats?

( )3.Have you got a computer?

( )4.What do you do at school?

( )5.How are you?

( )6.What’s her favourite sport?

( )7.Do you like bananas?

( )8.What’s your name?

( )9.Please have some chicken.

( )10.How old are you?


a. Her favourite sport is tennis.

b. I’m 9 years old.

c. They’re behind the bookcase.

d. Yes, I like.

e. He’s sleeping.

f. I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

g. No, thanks.

h. No, I haven’t.

i. My name is May.

j. I read books.

ⅳ、读短文,判断正( )误( )。

I like sports. My favourite sport is badminton. At 7:00 a.m., I go to school and play badminton with my friends. In the afternoon, I play badminton. In the evening, I watch badminton games on TV. Do you like playing badminton?

(  ) 1. I don’t like sports.

(  ) 2. My favourite sport is table tennis.xjlet.com

(  ) 3. I go to school at seven in the morning.

(  ) 4. I watch TV in the afternoon.

(  ) 5. I play badminton with my friends in the morning.


d  y  i  c  e  c  r  e  a  m  n

r  t  b  o  q  l  s  v  t  o  v

i  p  i  z  z  a  u  e  o  r  h

n  t  n  g  m o  r  n  i  n  g

k  f  e  e  q  v  r  i  c  e  o

p  g  c  a  k  e  u  n b  h  v

c  z  u  t  t  y  f  g x  s  q

t  k  j  f  e  o  r  a n  g  e

y  h  a m  b  b  u  r g  e  r





2.fold the paper


4.chase the mouse

5. 挖个洞


1.hllo 你好

2. h嗨

3. gdbye 再见

4. be 再见

5. I我是

6. 我

7. m 是

8. fne (身体) 很好

9. gd 好的

10. mning 早晨, 上午

