
时间:2023-09-11 01:45:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1、Friends are those ___ make you smile, always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed。
A。 which B。 what C。 whom D。 who
2、It’s quite common in Britain to say “Thank you” to the drivers for people___ get off the bus。
A。 who B。 what C。 which D。 where
3、---Barbara, where do you work?
---I work for a company ___ sells cars。
A。 which B。 where C。 what D。 who
4、--Excuse me, can I have a talk with your manager?
----Yes? I am just the man__ you are looking for。
A。 whose B。 what C。 who D。 which
5、The book ___ he bought yesterday is very interesting。
A。 / B。 why C。 when D。 what
6、The boy for __ John bought the book is his san。
A。 / B。 whom C。 that D。 who
7、I like to visit a place __ history is long。
A。 which B。 that C。 whose D。 who
8、Do you know the woman __ name is Mary多
A。 of whom B。 that C。 whose D。 who
9、I visited the room ___Chairman Mao lived。多
A。 where B。 that C。 which D。 in which
10、I visited the bridge ___Luban built。多
A。 where B。 in which C。 that D。 不填
11、This is the most interesting story___I have ever heard
A。 where B。 in which C。 that D。 of which
12、The first meeting___we will take part in will be held in the afternoon。
A。 what B。 why C。 不填 D。 that
13、I can remember well the persons and some pictures ___I see
A。 where B。 what C。 that D。 which
14、Those ___ want to go to the Great Wall sign up here。
A。 who B。 that C。 whom D。 whose
15、There is an old man ___ wants to see you。
A。 who B。 that C。 whom D。 whose
16、The boy who __ before me is my student。多
A。 sat B。 is C。 has been sitting D。 were
17、The bike that ___ is new one。
was lent/ lent/lends/ I was lent
人2:who/that--- 物2:which/that
i like the song which/that/不填 the man sang。
i like the singer who/whom/that/不填 you like
B:非正常情况--- 谓语动词是词组时,介词前置
人:介词+whom 物:介词+which
I enter the room which/that/不填 you pointed to。
I enter the room to which you pointed
7--8 whose
I visit your friend。 Your friend’s name is Tom。
i visit your friend whose name is Tom。背
i like the city。 the city‘s history is long。
i like the city whose history is long。背
9--10、关系副词 when, why, where
i lived in __ Chairman Mao visited。
i visited __ Chairman Mao lived。
11--13 只用that问题
b先行词是all, something, nothing, anything不定代词时,只能用that。
a先行词是one(s), anyone, someone, those时,关系词使用who。
b在there be 句型中,先行词指人,关系词用who
1、谓语动词是词组时, 词组的介词前置。(变+which; 变+whom)
This is the station __ you arrvied at
This is the city __ you arrived。
This is the station/city where you arrvied。
This is the station。 you arrived at the station
This is the station at which you arrived
This is the station in which you arrived
Our hometown is the city which i am proud of。
Our hometown is the city of which i am proud。
2、whose的问题, (不变, of+which; of + whom)
i visited the city whose history is long。
i visited the city of which history is long。
3、where的问题 (变,介词+which)
i visited the room where Mao lived
拆 i visited the room。 Mao lived in the room。
合:i visited the room in which Mao lived。
i visited the roof。 Mao sat on the roof。
合:i visited the roof where Mao sat。
i visited the roof on which Mao sat。

