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【#英语资源# 导语】水是我们赖以生存的环境资源,对社会人类的发展至关重要,保护水资源从小事做起,从你我做起,节约用水。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。

1.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇一

  hello everyone!

  Water makes flowers red, trees green, the earth watered, crops yellow and helps people live, so we must cherish it and save it.

  You must be thirsty, right? Then you will drink water, because it is the most thirst quenching. I remember when I was in Grade One or Grade Two, I always forgot to bring water. I was thirsty! I need to drink water as soon as I get home. I feel that water is better than juice and milk.

  Surely everyone will wash things? Just wash your hands. They will wash several times a day. Besides, everyone should take a bath and wash clothes. Does it all use water?

  There are many more uses of water, which can help people. It is indispensable to human beings. So we must cherish it and save it.

  Since we need to protect water sources and save water, we should not just talk but do nothing. For example, after washing hands, clothes and other dirty water, you can go to flush the toilet and brush mops. Turn off the faucet in time after use, and repair the faucet in time when it is broken... It is not difficult, just some small things around us.

  Water is the source of life, the blood of labor, and the lifeblood of the earth. To cherish water is to cherish your life.

  thank you.

2.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇二

  hello everyone!

  Water is the source of all life. Only with it can we have the breath of life. Only with it can we have a vast ocean, beautiful mountains and everything.

  I can see from a piece of data that although the earth is called a "water ball" because 70% of the water is called, only 2.5% of the fresh water can be drunk. Nearly 70% of the fresh water is fixed in the ice layer in Antarctica and Greenland, and the rest is mostly soil water or deep groundwater, which cannot be used by human beings. Less than 1% of the fresh water on the earth can be directly used by human beings. Saving water is what our modern society has always advocated, and it is the modern atmosphere we should have. But it is very rare to have such an atmosphere. Water resources have been seriously damaged, crops have withered, livestock have no water, and what terrible things are happening one after another. I want to give you some suggestions:

  1. When brushing your teeth and washing, do not keep the tap on all the time. You can use a mouthwash cup to catch water. According to the data, continuous drainage for 30 seconds can waste about 6 liters of water.

  2. Small pieces of clothes can be washed by hand. Pay attention to washing with basin.

  3. For washing machine, please put proper amount of detergent instead of excessive amount. Excessive amount will waste water.

  4. Turn off the tap as soon as you see it is not tight.

  Save water, start with me!

  thank you.

3.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇三

  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Students, do you know what is the most important component in human body? That's water. Plants need water, animals need water, and the atmosphere, the protector of the earth, does not contain a bit of water. Everything in the world can't live without water. When it comes to saving water, some people will say that it is not just water, but there is plenty of water in the sea. In fact, you are wrong. 93% of the world's water is salt water, which cannot be drunk. Fresh water only accounts for 7%, but drinkable fresh water only accounts for 0.8%. Sea water is salt water. If we don't save water, the 0.8% water may disappear soon.

  At present, 1.2 billion people around the world are facing moderate to high pressure of water shortage, 80 countries are short of water sources, and 2 billion people can not guarantee their drinking water. It is predicted that by 2025, the situation will further deteriorate. If we continue to do the same, the water shortage population will reach 2.8 billion - 3.3 billion. Therefore, only by saving water, our descendants will not worry about water shortage.

  Now, do you know the importance of saving water? Only in this way can our children and grandchildren not worry about water shortage. This is also to protect ourselves! Thank you. That's the end of my speech.

4.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇四

Water is an important natural resource. The limited nature of water resources, the threats to their use (over-exploitation and pollution) and the imbalance in their distribution have now reached critical levels and will pose serious challenges to the international community in the coming years. More than one billion people worldwide source their drinking water from polluted founts, springs or rivers, reported the organization UNICEF on the UNs “Day of the Water” on March 22nd.

  Saving water at home, in the garden, or at work, takes very little effort, but makes a BIG difference. Dripping taps can waste up to 4 litres of water a day. Replace worn tap washers for a quick and cheap way of saving water. Use the minimum amount of water required when you boil water in saucepans and kettles; that way, you’ll save energy as well as water.Lets make contribution to the environment and save water as you can.

5.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇五

  Dear teachers and students,

  hello everyone!

  The theme of my speech this time is to save water and start from small things. World Water Day is March 22, but how much do you know about water?

  Maybe you don't understand, let me tell you something. One cannot lack water. Water accounts for 65% of the body weight. If a person lacks 5% of water, it will lead to confusion, even illusion. Without water, human beings can only live for about a week at most. It can be seen that people cannot lack water.

  But why save water? What if we don't save water? Although the earth is covered with water, the total amount of fresh water that can be used by us is only 3/100000 in so much water. It accounts for 0.34% of the total fresh water. At present, more than 100 countries in the world are short of water. We have learned the text "The Power of Dreams". I know that many people in most parts of Africa die because they cannot drink clean water.

  However, how can we save water? I have some tips for you.

  1. Water resources should be recycled. For example, rice washing water can water flowers, wash vegetables and flush toilets.

  2. Shorten shower time.

  3. Turn off the tap.

  Students, save water, start from small things, let's take action immediately.

  thank you.

6.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇六

  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Water is the source of all life. It is precisely because of water that we have this blue and beautiful planet, which enables human beings, animals and plants to survive.

  If there is no water, what will happen? The earth will be lifeless and lifeless, just like Mars and Saturn. Then, there will be no human beings, trees, flowers and other things will no longer exist. Flowers will bloom after watering, and green leaves will be beautiful after moistening. If there is no water, will flowers bloom? Can the brook sing? Can birds fly? Will small trees flourish? The answer is self-evident.

  If everyone has no awareness of saving water, and if water is as expensive as oil, millions of people will die of thirst, and the last drop of water on the earth will become a tear of regret!

  Cherish water resources and protect water environment. Sewage treatment system, strengthen water environment monitoring, strengthen legal awareness, and manage water resources and water environment according to law. Saving water is beneficial to the present age and the future. Therefore, I appeal to everyone to save water. From now on, save water, love water, cherish water resources and protect water resources. Start from me, and start from the side bit by bit!

  thank you.

7.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇七

  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Water is the source of human life! When the spring is warm and the flowers bloom, the rain wakes up everything; In hot summer, the river irrigates the crops; In golden autumn, spring water cools the earth; In winter, tea warms my heart. Water plays a very important role in our lives!

  Water not only breeds life and creates a vibrant nature, but also maintains the continuous continuation and development of life. Human civilization was born in the sea and originated in the great rivers. The excellent culture of the Chinese nation for five thousand years has also developed and expanded in the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins. It can be seen that human society is a system based on water. If there is no water, the system will collapse and life will eventually be exhausted!

  The rivers, lakes and some of the freshwater resources in the groundwater that can be really utilized by human beings are very few. This only accounts for 0.26% of the earth's total water. 0.26% ah! Students! When we face such a set of data, can we still say that water is inexhaustible? Can we still waste our precious water resources with indifference?

  thank you.

8.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇八

  Dear teachers and students

  Water is the source of life. We have heard this sentence since primary school, and the fact is the same. Almost every track of our life is closely related to water! There is no doubt about the importance of water for us human beings. 70% of our bodies are water. The standard of health is to drink at least 1200ml of water every day. Everyone can know the importance of water.

  Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, water pollution is extremely serious, and we can hardly find fresh water resources. When we lived in the countryside as children, we didn't have the consciousness of saving water, because we drank mountain spring water. Because there was no shortage of water, we always felt indifferent. Later, when we came to work in the city, we slowly guessed how important the consciousness of saving water was!

  Rice washing water can be used to water flowers or wash dishes for the first time; The water for washing clothes is used to flush the toilet. This is the reuse of water resources, which is clean and fast!

  Save water, starting from every drop, from you and me, from the heart!

  thank you.

9.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇九

  Dear teachers and students

  People need water, animals need water, plants need water, and almost all things on the earth need water. Without water, we have no life. Without water, our lovely animals will face the crisis of death, and our flowers will also face death.

  One day, when I saw my mother cooking and washing vegetables for me, my mother poured the vegetable washing water into the vegetable washing pool, but it was still so clean, so I poured it out. It was a waste of water, and it should still be usable! From that day on, as soon as I saw my mother washing vegetables, I "flew" like an arrow to remind my mother that as long as the water for washing vegetables is fished out, it can water flowers, mop the floor, etc. In this way, the vibrant water will not be wasted.

  Some people may not know that some places can only rely on rain to quench their thirst. Therefore, we must save water. Don't waste it.

  Some people say that the last drop of water on the earth will be the last tear of mankind. This sentence is all right, so we should save water for everyone and not let it become the last tear.

  thank you.

10.节约用水英语演讲稿范文 篇十

Water is very important in our life.We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things.We can not live without water.But how can we save water?

  There are several ways to save water.Firstly,take shorter showers and don’t leave the tap running when we don’t need to use water.Secondly,Try to reuse water .It’s the most important way for us to save water.At last,We should not pollute water so that we willl have fresh water for years and years.

  If we do not save water,the last drop of water will be a teardrop.To protect water is to protect our life.

  .Some people think theres much water on the earth.In fact,there is only a little water for us to use now.If we dont save it,it will surely be used out some day.

  Then what should we do?

  First,when we finish washing the clothes,we can use the water to clean the floor.Second,if we see the dripping tap,we ought to fix the tap as soon as possible.Third,we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water.

  In these ways,we can save not only huge amounts of water but also ourselves
