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【#英语资源# 导语】当品味完一本著作后,大家心中一定有很多感想,这时候,最关键的读后感怎么能落下!那么你会写读后感吗?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Journey to the West, as one of the four masterpieces, is the immortal work of our calendar. Although it has been hundreds of years, it still gives us endless aftertaste and has different influences on us.

  When I was young, the TV play Journey to the West could be said to have accompanied me throughout my childhood. I remembered that I would worry about the master who was captured by the monster, be angry about Zhu Bajie's gluttonous eating and sleeping, cheer for the victory of the Great Sage of the Heaven, and deeply sigh for Monk Sha's silent efforts. When I was a child, I would change my emotions due to the changes in the plot of the TV drama. Now I hold this book again, and I can't help feeling that the profound meaning of this book is still worth our thinking and understanding.

  If you want to know a book, you must first understand its author. Wu Chengen once expressed his dissatisfaction and helplessness in his heart with a sentence "Wearing and killing evil sabres in his chest, and being unable to hate peace". The whole book also attacks and denies the darkness of social reality. Seeing all kinds of frustrations and frustrations encountered by Tang Monk's apprentices on their westward journey, ghosts and monsters came into being, which made us worried.

  There are 100 chapters in the whole book. The design is exquisite, the organization is clear, the relationship between characters is clear, and the system is complete. All of these show Wu Chengen's accomplishments in satirical novels.


  When I was a child, I always found Journey to the West both enjoyable and interesting. But when I grow up, what remains unchanged is the myth world where all kinds of monsters and ghosts run rampant, and all kinds of gods, large and small, show their supernatural powers. What changes is my understanding and experience.

  This is a classic masterpiece that has gone through the vicissitudes of history but has not been eliminated by the long history of culture. With distinctive characters and vivid stories, it is worthy of being the "Four Masterpieces"

  Among them, the Monkey King impressed me most. The Monkey King burst out from the immortal stone, "not under the jurisdiction of the unicorn, not under the control of the phoenix, and not under the constraint of the throne on earth". He broke into the Dragon Palace, stirred the hell, and claimed to be the king on the Flower and Fruit Mountain. He did not obey the management of the heaven, did not adhere to the Tiangong Treaty, and made a great stir in the Tiangong. Although he was oppressed by the Buddha at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, we can still see that Sun Wukong yearned for freedom and advocated freedom. He was actually the embodiment of freedom. He always pursued freedom, and all his struggles were also for freedom. Such a vivid image gives readers the strength and courage to pursue freedom, and also expresses Wu Chengen's love for freedom. However, everyone knows that in the present, even in the future, complete freedom is ultimately impossible, and people should always be subject to such and such constraints. Although what surrounds us is a restricted world, we can make our hearts wide and deep, leaving a free world in our hearts, so that it can be boundless and inclusive of all things.

  There are still many people in today's society who are bound by some "petty profits", but enjoy themselves and feel satisfied. Who knows that there is more beauty in front of them. People's demand for spiritual freedom has been obliterated for no reason. What modern people lack most is a kind of spirit of openness and enterprising, seeking freedom.


  The book Journey to the West tells the story of Monkey King, Pig Bajie, Monk Sha and Monk Tang's disciples who went to the Western Heaven to learn scri ptures. They fought against evil spirits and dangerous environments all the way, walked a hundred and eight thousand miles, experienced ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties, and finally arrived in the Western Heaven to obtain the s criptures.

  You may all like the wonderful stories in this book, such as "Making havoc in the Heavenly Palace", "Three strikes of white bone essence", "Flaming Mountain borrows three plantain fans", etc. What I like most is the "Monkey King worships his master and learns skills". I was deeply moved by Sun Wukong's perseverance and diligence. The Monkey King was a stone monkey grown from an immortal stone. He wanted to live forever, so he went across the ocean to learn from his master. Finally, he found the founder of Subuti. Through his diligence and hard work, he has developed a powerful ability.

  This reminds me that when I started to learn to swim, I was choked by water several times and dared not go again. The summer vacation in Shenzhen was extremely hot. But when I stood by the swimming pool, I felt chilly and shivered all over. I cried and shouted that I would go home and would not practice any more. Now I think of Monkey King who has gone through countless hardships to learn from his master. He has never been lazy since he started to burn incense, gather firewood and burn fire. Later, when he learned skills, he also worked tirelessly and diligently. After unremitting efforts, I finally learned real kung fu. But when I met a little difficulty, I wanted to quit. In fact, just drink more water and make up your mind to practice hard.


  The book Journey to the West mainly tells two important stories: the birth of the Monkey King and his escorting Tang Monk to the West to get scri ptures. Although there are many words and large spaces, they are not boring at all. What's interesting is "making a great fuss in the Heavenly Palace, borrowing plantain fans for three times, and beating white bone essence for three times". The stiff Chinese characters seem to have a life, which will take you to feel the interest in the book.

  In a hundred times, my favorite is "three dozen white bone essence". When I saw that the crafty white bone spirit turned into a peasant girl carrying food to seduce Tang Monk's disciples, I couldn't help but raise my heart. I was really worried about their fate. Fortunately, Monkey King was so hot eyed that he killed the monster with a stick, and my heart finally fell to the ground. In this scenario, I seem to be in the scene, and I am also a member of the Monkey King. When I finish reading the whole book, I feel as if I had a hard time with Tang Monk and his disciples, and had passed through the ninety-nine eighty-one disaster together to get the scr ipture. What a wonderful feeling!

  After reading the whole book, I closed the book, closed my eyes and carefully reviewed the first wonderful plot. At the same time, I understood the characters' different personality characteristics. For example, Sun Wukong, who is resourceful and brave and hates evil as his enemy, likes to play dumb Pig Bajie, and the monk Sha, who works hard without complaint and makes silent contributions. Among them, there are many valuable spirits worth learning. Although I haven't really read this book thoroughly, I understand a truth from it: if you want to succeed in doing something, you must persevere and be afraid of difficulties to succeed!


  Journey to the West is one of the four masterpieces in China, and it is a story that everyone knows. The story is magical and wonderful. Every time I read Journey to the West, I can't help but get into the wonderful plot.

  This little monkey is like our avatar. When he jumped out of the stone, it symbolized the birth of a small life. When he played with monkeys on the Huaguo Mountain, it was like our childhood life, colorful. When he made a big trouble in the Heavenly Palace, he was like a naughty child. He accidentally ran into the world of adults and made a mess. The adults wanted to coax him, but they didn't coax him. Another Great Sage has been sealed, but he still hasn't been pacified. At last, the Tathagata appeared and stretched out his "flying palm" to bind Monkey King at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. As if he were a merciful father, he finally overpowered his naughty son. After a long five hundred years, the appearance of Guanshiyin gave Sun Wukong new hope and embarked on the road of learning from the West as well as the road of life.

  On the way to the West for Buddhist scr iptures, the four disciples of Tang Monk met a total of ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties. It's like our growth path is full of thorns. In the end, they overcame the difficulties and won. The phrase "Kung Fu pays off to those who want it" is most appropriate for them. As long as we are not afraid of difficulties, we will also achieve ultimate success.

  From this, I thought of our study. Learning is like getting the scr iptures. In school, there are all kinds of people. Some are like Pig Bajie, doing everything carelessly, and some are like Monk Sha, sincere and honest. Some are like the Monkey King. Tang Monk is kind-hearted and unwilling to be discouraged. If we can all be Monkey King in learning and have faith in learning, we will be successful.


  Journey to the West tells the story that Tang Monk led three disciples to the West to learn s criptures after going through the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties. The journey to learn from the West is long and dangerous, and there are often demons and ghosts. Tang Monk had no magic power and was often caught by monsters. Thanks to his three disciples, they killed the demons and killed them, and rescued them in time. They went all the way to the west. Among the three disciples of Tang Monk, Sun Wukong is the great disciple. He has a fiery eye and 72 changes. One somersault cloud can travel one hundred and eight thousand miles; The second disciple, Zhu Bajie, likes to eat and is lazy, and often speaks ill of the Monkey King; The third disciple, Sha Wujing, although he is weak, is diligent and carries luggage all the way.

  There are many dangers and contradictions along the way of Tang Monk's four apprentices. Baigujing had been transformed into a human shape three times. Sun Wukong saw through it and killed it on the spot. Tang Monk misunderstood Monkey King and drove him away. However, when Tang Monk was in danger again, Sun Wukong did not hesitate to help him, and the two of them cleared the ice. Along the way, the natural environment was harsh, with Flaming Mountain, violent storms, and rivers blocking their path.

  Journey to the West told me: when encountering difficulties, we should persevere and never give up; And be wise. Don't give up because of a little difficulty, persistence will win!


  After reading Journey to the West, I learned that only by doing anything sincerely and never giving up, can I realize my ultimate desire. Just like Tang Monk's disciples, they overcame all difficulties and finally obtained the Sutra.

  This book is mainly about the eminent monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty who took the Monkey King, the Great Sage of the Heavenly Kingdom, in the process of learning Buddhist scr iptures from the West; Marshal Tianpeng's Pig Bajie came down to earth; The monk Sha, the general of Rolling Curtain, came down to earth as his first disciple, second disciple and third disciple. They overcame many difficulties on their way to the Western Heavenly Spirit Mountain. They experienced a total of ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties, and finally got the Sutra. Their merits were complete and they were successful. Tang Monk was granted the title of Merit Buddha; Wukong defeats Buddha for fighting; Bajie is the messenger of the Pure Altar; Monk Sha is a golden Luohan.

  Among them, my favorite character is Sun Wukong. Because he is not only highly skilled, eloquent, respectful of teachers, but also has a monkey's nature, naughty and cute; I have a problem with Tang Monk, because other people are evil, and Wukong is kind enough to save him. Tang Monk is not grateful, but has misunderstood Wukong many times. He also often recites the Hoop Curse to punish Wukong. He didn't think of Wukong's benefits until he saw the true face of the monster. After reading this book, I learned that persistence is success. It was the sincerity and persistence of Tang Monk and his disciples that moved God, and that made the scri pture come true. I can't help thinking of myself. After a little difficulty, I was unwilling to continue. Instead of taking the initiative to find a solution, I gave up or became angry; The four masters and disciples met many more powerful monsters and monsters and powerful weapons on the way to learn the s criptures. Of course, they also had many opportunities to enjoy themselves. They did not give up going west, and each time they found a solution through the unity and wisdom of the four masters and disciples.


  During the holiday, I read the book Journey to the West in one breath, and I learned a truth: unity is strength. We should always be a team player.

  This book mainly describes that Tang Monk and his three disciples went to the West to get scr iptures. On the way to get sc riptures, they went through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties and finally got the true s criptures. On the way, although they had disagreements, they would often complain about each other, but eventually they would make up and never give up any teammates.

  In the book, Tang Monk is merciful to the Buddha; Wukong is wise and brave, and has great powers; Although Bajie is lazy, he is kind-hearted; Monk Sha is the most honest and hardworking among the four disciples. On the way to the Buddhist sc riptures, although Tang Monk regarded the monster as a good man for many times, and had differences with Wukong, as long as Tang Monk was in danger, Wukong would wholeheartedly save Tang Monk, rather than leave Tang Monk alone. As far as possible, the four masters and apprentices had different personalities, but they were united for the common goal of learning from experience, so they finally achieved success. From here, I can realize that "people are united, and Mount Tai moves". You can't abandon any member in team work.

  In life, unity is also very important. For example, in this semester, the teacher divided ten groups, and the group that added points within a week will be rewarded. The same group with the most points deducted will be punished. When the group assignment was completed, I was like a deflated ball, watching others and their favorite members form a team with confidence, and I felt that our group would be the last but one. Because there is a famous naughty king in our group, who once deducted more than 40 points in a class. But when I was about to give up, I remembered that Tang Seng and Ba Jie in Journey to the West also often delayed the team, but they never gave up on each other, so I shouldn't give up. Finally, under the strict supervision of me and the members of the team, the naughty king became very clever. As a result, our group achieved a result that impressed the whole class.

  Therefore, we must be united and friendly in life. We cannot give up our teammates because of a little difference, because there is a team behind you that supports you.


  Journey to the West is my favorite book. It is not only a fairy tale, but also one of the four masterpieces. It mainly tells the story of a monk named Tang Seng and his three disciples who went to the western sky to learn sc riptures after going through the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties in the Tang Dynasty.

  Tang Monk's three disciples are: Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha. Like everyone else, I like the Monkey King best. He is versatile, helpful and has golden eyes. It is Monkey King who saves Tang Monk from danger every time. Pig Bajie has a big stomach, likes to eat and do nothing all day long, carries a big rake, and claims every day that he used to be Marshal Tianpeng. Pig Bajie is also a good man and has never harmed anyone. Monk Sha is honest and honest. He never complains when carrying luggage.

  Each of the four masters and apprentices has both advantages and disadvantages. It is the so-called "Three people must have my teachers". We should learn from their strengths and try to correct our weaknesses to become a more perfect person.

  During the journey, Tang Monk also mistakenly thought that Monkey King had killed a good man many times and broke off the relationship with him. Monkey King returned to Huaguo Mountain. Because he was really worried, he turned into a bug, followed Tang Monk, and secretly protected his master. I admire Sun Wukong very much.

  After reading the story, I thought that my study was not smooth. In the future, whenever I encountered difficulties, I should overcome them one by one, and learn to face them. What's more, I should learn from the indomitable spirit of the four masters and apprentices, no matter how many dangers they encountered, to go to the West to learn from the Bible. As long as we persevere, fear no difficulties, and work together, we will surely succeed.


  The Monkey King impressed me most in Journey to the West. He not only has unparalleled martial arts, but also can walk in the clouds without a trace. Of course, what I admire most is his kindness and generosity. As the saying goes, "A drop of water will surely be rewarded by a spring". I think Monkey King can really do this. Just like five hundred years ago, when he made a scene in the Heavenly Palace and was held down by the Buddha at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, Tang Sanzang helped him escape from the Five Elements Mountain, and he paid back with his life. On the way to get the scr iptures, he went forward bravely, killed the demons, and saved Tang Sanzang by sacrificing his life. He had no complaints. So much valuable spirit. As for me, as long as my parents say a few words about me, I feel very bored and talk back to them. I am far from Monkey King. At the thought of this, I felt ashamed and admired Sun Wukong's spirit. I vowed to learn from him.

  In Journey to the West, my favorite are the three white bones. Baigujing changed a lot and became a human figure to confuse Tang Sanzang, a mere mortal. He became angry with Monkey King three times and four times for Baigujing's sake, and finally drove him away. Then he woke up after being caught. He wrongly blamed Monkey King. But when Sun Wukong heard that his master was in trouble, he went to save Tang Sanzang without saying a word, which saved the day.

  After reading Journey to the West, I understand the meaning of gratitude. Don't worry about how much others give you, and then measure how much they give you. Learn to be tolerant, so that there will be no so many disputes and conflicts in the world, and the world will be peaceful and beautiful.
