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【#英语资源# 导语】《西游记》是一部神魔长篇章回体小说,这部小说记载了师徒四人要去西天取经的路上,经历了九九八十一种的困难,他们为了取到真经,挑战了八十一种的困难,还受了许多伤呢……下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  The most loyal of the four masters and disciples is monk Sha. He is loyal and honest and wants to get the Sutra, which makes me sigh.

  Zhu Bajie, we all know that he is lecherous, delicious and fun. He is greedy and can't do anything. When he is in trouble, he just wants to flinch. When he got the Sutra, he begged the Buddha to let himself come down to earth to play! Don't forget to demote the Jade Emperor.

  Monkey King is characterized by courage. He is not afraid of difficulties and fights away demons and ghosts. If Tang Seng is caught, he must find a way to rescue Tang Seng. He is a good example for me to learn from!

  Tang monk is strong willed, compassionate and kind. He is a devout and persistent Buddhist. In the process of learning sc riptures, he is firm, never slacken and waver, not confused by wealth and lust, not yield to death, and finally achieve good results with perseverance. On the other hand, he is kind-hearted and can forgive even the ferocious enemy.

  "Journey to the west" made me realize that it is by no means easy to accomplish any major event. The four teachers and disciples of Tang Monk learned from the Sc riptures and experienced many dangers and difficulties, not all of which are mysterious and bizarre. Take our study for example. Why are there no difficulties in every day we experience? We went from primary school to junior high school, from junior middle school to senior high school, and then graduated from senior high school to enter the University... How could it be just the difficulty of "9981"? The process of overcoming the difficulties gave birth to the success of Tang Monk and apprentice. Each of them has their strengths and weaknesses. It is they who help each other and learn from each other that can succeed. This also taught me that if we want to achieve a great event, we must work together and unite together to succeed.


  Among the four famous works, "journey to the west" makes me never tire of reading it.

  Tang monk is a monk who fasts and chants Buddhism. The four teachers and disciples have worked hard to obtain the scr iptures on the way to learn the Scr iptures.

  Monkey King is the disciple of Tang Monk and the senior brother of Zhu Bajie and Sha monk. It will change and ride the clouds. Have a pair of golden eyes, can see through the disguise of demons and ghosts; One somersault can turn eighteen thousand miles; The weapon used is like the golden cudgel. It can be big or small, and can change at will. He occupied Huaguo Mountain as the king, claiming to be the great saint of Qi heaven. He fought with the Tathagata Buddha and was pressed at the foot of Wuxing mountain for more than 500 years. After being enlightened by Guanyin Bodhisattva, he protected the Tang monk from the west to learn the Sutra. After ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, he retrieved the Sutra and finally achieved positive results. He was granted the title of fighting Buddha.

  Zhu Bajie was the marshal of Tianpeng under the Jade Emperor of Tianting, in charge of Tianhe. She was expelled from heaven by the Jade Emperor for flirting with Chang'e while drunk. Tang Monk went west to learn scri ptures and passed gaolaozhuang. Zhu Bajie was accepted by Sun Wukong and accepted as a second disciple by Tang monk.

  Monk Sha was originally a rolling curtain general in the heavenly palace. He was demoted to the world because he broke the glass lamp at the flat peach meeting and angered the queen mother. He became a monster by the Liusha river. Later, he was accepted by the Tang Monk's teachers and disciples and was responsible for carrying the burden. After getting the right fruit, he was called "golden arhat".

  Journey to the West made me realize that it is by no means easy to accomplish any major event. The four teachers and disciples of Tang monk have experienced many dangers and difficulties, not all of which are mysterious and bizarre. Let's take our study as an example. How can we experience no difficulties every day? We go from primary school to junior high school, junior high school to senior high school, and then graduate from senior high school to enter the University... How can it be just nine ninety-one difficulties? The process of overcoming difficulties gave birth to the success of the four teachers and disciples of Tang monk. Each of them has strengths and weaknesses. It is they who help each other, Learn from each other's strong points to make up for their weaknesses, which makes me understand that if we want to achieve a major event, we must work together and unite to succeed.


  I first saw journey to the west when I was six years old. At that time, I only thought it was very good-looking. The characters in it were vivid and the plot was tortuous, which made me have endless aftertaste. Later, I read journey to the west when I was ten years old. At that time, I was sensible, understood the truth in the story, and appreciated the book more. The author of this book is Wu Chengen, a famous novelist in the Ming Dynasty. After many hardships and various tests, the four masters and disciples of Tang monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha monk in the book still persevered in the end, did not give in, fought bravely with demons and ghosts, and finally achieved the myth and legend of becoming a Buddha through the difficulties of September 81. Journey to the west makes me feel the good and evil in the world, and the truth that success can only be achieved through courage and perseverance.

  The four masters and disciples in the book have their own characteristics and abilities, which adds a bit of charm to the novel. Monk Tang is the main protagonist in this novel. He is timid, nagging and does not distinguish between good and evil, but he is always kind '. He is dedicated to the Buddha and does not give up in the face of difficulties, becoming zhantan merit Buddha; The monkey king is impatient and naughty, but he is always loyal to the master. Even if he is driven away, he cares about the master very much. He always comes back every time. He is brave and good at fighting, has golden eyes, and never flinches from dealing with goblins. He finally defeated the Buddha; Zhu Bajie was the marshal of Tianpeng in the sky. Later, he was demoted to the earth to become a pig because of his lust. He also learned from the Tang monk. On the way, he often said that he had to go his own way. He was always greedy for beauty and lazy, but he never abandoned his master. Although his martial arts was not as good as that of the monkey king, he was actually a good disciple and finally became the messenger of the clean altar; Monk Sha used to be a rolling curtain general in the sky. Because he broke the sulfur glass lamp of the queen mother, he made atonement and learned from monk Tang. His kung fu is the worst of the three disciples, and he is also an apprentice who obeys the master's words. His underwater Kung Fu is one of the three masters and disciples, and he has become a golden arhat.

  After reading this book, I really realized how difficult it is to succeed. It requires a lot of effort and persistence. Only if I am willing to work hard, spend time and do it seriously, I must be able to get twice the result with half the effort.


  "Wukong, Wukong, Wukong", the image of "Wukong, Wukong, Wukong". Pig Bajie is greedy for money and lust and likes to eat and do nothing. Monk Sha is kind-hearted and hardworking. Monk Tang, I hate him most. I can't protect myself. I have to scold Wukong.

  Monkey King is the hero of journey to the West. He has boundless magic power and is a great hero. As soon as he heard that the master was caught, he scratched his scalp and flew to the demon and ghost with Caiyun to save the master. He still dared to fight. When he felt something was wrong, he made a scene. Even the Jade Emperor was not afraid of making trouble in the heavenly palace, which earned him the reputation of "the great sage of Qi Tian". His golden eyes will not let go of any dangerous monster, and the golden cudgel will not be merciful. This is the great saint that everyone admires - Monkey King!

  Pig Bajie is much worse than Wukong. He is greedy for money and lust. He has a big stomach all day. His ears are bigger than a fan. From time to time, he would ask the Tang monk to chant scri ptures and hoop mantras for Wukong. But he is also willing to protect the master and fight with demons and ghosts. He is not good for nothing at will.

  Journey to the west is really one of the four famous works in China, which describes the characters vividly.


  Journey to the west is one of the four famous works. When I was a child, I sat by the TV and watched the monkey king fight monsters.

  Today, I finished reading the complete works of journey to the West with great interest. I was very excited. This story is about the wonderful story that Tang Monk went to the west to learn scr iptures and subdued Monkey King, pig Bajie and monk Sha on the way. Their teachers and disciples overcame many difficulties.

  My favorite person in journey to the west is monkey king. He is brave and strong. He has a wishful stick that can grow bigger and smaller; Have a pair of eyes that can see through monsters; There is a tumbling cloud that everyone envies; There is also the ability to fight with thousands of miles! But Tang Seng always misunderstood that he was too cruel. Tang Seng drove him away several times. Sun Wukong returned to Tang monk after reading about his safety.

  Pig Bajie was Marshal Tianfeng. He broke the rules of heaven, was driven into the mortal world and cast a pig fetus. He wants to be a senior brother very much. He is clumsy and hates the monkey king. But there are also many lovely things. His presence always makes people laugh.

  Monk Sha is honest and brotherly. When Tang Monk recites the tight hoop mantra, he always intercedes for Wukong.

  Tang monk was too kind, but he never bowed his head in front of difficulties.

  The four masters and disciples in journey to the West have their own strengths and weaknesses, but they finally share weal and woe, stick to it to the end and obtain the Sutra. Their spirit is worth learning from.


  I like reading the book journey to the west best. I've read it several times from beginning to end. I'm never tired of reading it.

  The book describes the process of Monkey King, pig Bajie and monk Sha protecting Tang monk from the west to learn scr iptures. I like the monkey king best, because he can change seventy-two, can ride the clouds and fog, has a pair of golden eyes, can subdue demons and subdue demons, and I also like his spirit of fearing difficulties and never giving up. In order to protect the master from going to the west to learn scri ptures, they went through thousands of hardships. On the way, Wukong was misunderstood and driven away by the master. However, because of his loyalty and sense of justice, the four teachers and disciples finally experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties to get back the S criptures.

  On the way to learn sc riptures, my favorite story is "three dozen Baigujing". Mrs. Bai Gu became a girl, a grandmother and a grandfather, and caught the Tang monk (it is said that eating Tang Monk's meat can live forever). But Wukong's fiery eyes were seen through every time, and finally killed Baigujing.

  In journey to the west, Monkey King is a hero who has a sense of justice, resourcefulness and will overcome difficulties when encountering difficulties. In my study and life, I should learn Wukong's spirit of never giving up and daring to show difficulties. At the same time, you can also learn from his intelligence, wisdom and adaptability. Although I don't have the indomitable spirit and resourceful thought of the monkey king, I will be able to correct my mistakes and become an excellent me.


  In the journey to the west, my favorite is the monkey king. He has great powers and golden eyes. He helps the Tang Monk learn scrip tures from the West and eradicates demons and ghosts for the Tang monk. When he hits Baigujing for three times, he is not confused by the demon. No matter whether the Tang Monk wants to read the hoop curse or drive him back, he cares more about everything. He killed Baigujing. He is also loyal to his master. Although the Tang Monk drove him back, when the monkey king heard that the Tang monk was caught by Baigujing, he was eager to save the teacher and went to save the Tang monk at all costs. His spirit is worth learning from.

  The second is the pig Bajie, although he is greedy. He was a little sleepy and respectful to his master and senior brother. As soon as the master is caught by a monster, he will unite with his senior brothers to rescue the master. But when he knew that the beauty was changed by the monster, he did not hesitate to kill the monster.

  If you don't want to kill a bandit, you don't have to kill him.

  Their perseverance, unity, integrity and kindness moved heaven and earth. Their Kung Fu did not live up to their intentions. They finally achieved the Sutra.


  In October, Mr. Zheng asked us to read the book journey to the west, which is one of the four famous works in China. There are also three books: a dream of Red Mansions, the water margin and the romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  It tells the story of Monk Tang going to the west to learn scr iptures. He received three apprentices along the way. The first apprentice "fire eye Venus" was named monkey king; The second apprentice was greedy. His name was Zhu Bajie. When he lived in heaven, he was called "Marshal Tianpeng"; The last Apprentice is monk Sha. His original name was "Sha Wujing". Later, Monk Tang named him "monk Sha". His stick is scary, but I think it's cool.

  On the road, most of the monsters are played by the monkey king. I think he is very powerful. Tang Seng is very kind in his heart. However, when the monster becomes a person, Tang Seng does not distinguish between good and evil. When the monster becomes a poor man, he does not know good and bad, and regards him as a good man. Pig Bajie only needs to see delicious and edible things, he will eat them and want them after eating. Monk Sha is a kind man and cares about others.

  My feeling is that I can't be a "greedy ghost" like Zhu Bajie in the future. I want to learn from monk Sha, be a kind person and care about others. I want to be as smart and brave as monkey king; Overcome difficulties and be a useful person!


  Journey to the west is one of the four famous works in China, written by Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty. The characters inside are vividly portrayed. Monkey king hates evil like a foe. He is honest, so he listens to flattery, also known as sun walker. So he is clever, greedy, lecherous and a little selfish. He was originally the marshal of the canopy in the sky. Needless to say, of course, he is the pig eight precepts that people see people flash flowers and flowers fade. The Dharma name is pig Wuneng. He is honest, hardworking and dedicated to helping the master get the Sutra as soon as possible. He is monk Sha, also known as Sha Wujing. I am sad, kind, fearless of difficulties and dangers, and a little regardless of right and wrong. That is their master monk Tang.

  This mythological novel almost tells all kinds of demons and ghosts to eat Tang Monk's meat for immortality. Their teachers and disciples suffered all kinds of hardships. Under the protection of Monkey King and pig Bajie sand monk, they finally saved themselves from danger. What impresses me most is three dozen Baigujing. For the first time, the Baigujing turned into a girl and pretended to give something to Tang monk. In fact, he wanted to eat Tang monk. He was seen through by Sun Wukong and ran away; Besides, Bai Gujing didn't eat the Tang monk. She didn't give up and became an old lady again. She pretended to be poor and won the sympathy of the Tang monk. As a result, she was seen through by the monkey king and ran away again; Bai Gujing still refused to give up and became an old man again. He told Tang Seng that his daughter and wife were missing and came out to find him. The kind Tang Seng believed him again and took him in. When Baigujing just wanted to eat the Tang monk, he was beaten to death by the monkey king and turned into a white bone.

  In order to obtain the Sutra, they worked hard all the way through mountains and rivers to subdue demons and subdue demons. After 91 difficulties, they finally achieved good results. Tang monk, Sun Wukong, pig Bajie, sand monk and white dragon horse were granted the titles of Tathagata Buddha respectively.


  The story of journey to the west takes place in the Tang Dynasty. There is a Huaguo Mountain in the sea of Aolai country, Dongsheng Shenzhou. There is a fairy stone on the Huaguo Mountain. Every day, one stone egg turns into a stone monkey. The stone monkey learned 72 changes and somersault clouds, and went to the Dragon Palace to get a golden cudgel. Soon, the monkey king made a big fuss again and painted out the names of all the monkeys in the book of life and death. The Dragon King of the East China Sea and the king of hell played the Jade Emperor and invited the demon monkey. The Jade Emperor sent 100000 heavenly soldiers and generals and failed to defeat the monkey king. The Jade Emperor asked the Tathagata Buddha for help. The Tathagata Buddha pressed the stone monkey at the foot of the five elements mountain. It was not until Tang Sanzang passed by that he saved the monkey king and became an apprentice. Then he accepted two apprentices, Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng. The four teachers and apprentices worked together to go to the west to learn sc riptures. On the way, demons continued to want to eat Tang Monk's meat, which were defeated by the monkey king one by one.

  In addition, in the process of learning sc riptures from the west, the monkey king also needs to deal with the contradictions among the four masters and disciples. To this end, he suffered great grievances and made great sacrifices. However, this did not shake his determination to eliminate demons. The purpose of the monkey king's eradication of demons is mainly to protect the Tang monk from reaching the West and obtaining the S criptures; At the same time, it is also to save the people and eliminate harm for others.

  After reading this book, I know: in order to achieve noble goals, people must work hard, persist for a long time and bravely defeat all enemies.

