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【#英语资源# 导语】《朝花夕拾》写的虽然是个人的生活经历和心路历程,是对亲人和师友的缅怀、眷念,但同时又超越于此而表现了一个特定历史时代中国社会的面貌,提供了丰富、详实的文献资料。这是一般的回忆散文所不可企及的。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  "Morning and evening" was originally named "reminiscence of old things". The book is divided into four parts, namely: morning and evening, current affairs essays, rambling on culture and occasional feelings of reading. Every part fascinates me.

  Among them, what impresses me most is "morning and evening", because ten essays describe the people and things around Lu Xun that he can't forget, and express the eternal nostalgia for his former relatives, friends and teachers. Mr. Fujino in the book is my favorite article. Because Mr. Fujino has the excellent quality of respecting others and not racial discrimination.

  "Current affairs essays" is a fine essay written by Mr. Lu Xun. Some are Mr. Lu Xun's thoughts of some close friends, some are Mr. Lu Xun's chat with us to discuss the knowledge of all corners of the world, and some are to mention some daily trivia. Reading these is like a great writer talking to us.

  "Rambling on culture" is some of Mr. Lu Xun's opinions and views, which reveals his precious quality of daring to fight against the dark forces.

  "Reading experience" wrote some of Mr. Lu Xun's feelings about reading books, what he should not do in reading, the types of books and the main points of his composition.

  "Morning and evening" reveals to us the overall social phenomenon of old China at that time, which was backward and foolish. It also inspires us to cherish the present and better create the future.


  The book morning and evening is one of Lu Xun's representative works and Lu Xun's only collection of essays. This book vividly describes the stories of Lu Xun's childhood and youth.

  After reading morning and evening, I was very impressed by the article from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore. Reading this article is very enjoyable. The innocence revealed from time to time between the lines makes people see fascinating and vivid pictures from time to time, which describes Lu Xun's character of yearning for freedom and loving nature, as well as Lu Xun's happy and carefree childhood.

  Of course, there is also "acid" in the book. "Father's disease" reflects the darkness of this society, and describes the reality that quack doctors mistook people and neglected human life at that time. Many people did everything they could to get money, making people feel the sadness of life. People's hearts are made of meat. Don't you feel ashamed? My father's illness is so serious that quacks still only think about money and cheat people's money under the title of famous doctor, regardless of the safety of patients. It's very mean and shameless!

  Mr. Lu Xun said: "on the road of life, drop blood drop by drop to feed others. Although he consciously becomes thin and weak, he also thinks he is happy." This book has made me understand a lot of life philosophy and benefited me a lot.


  During the winter vacation, I read the book morning and evening. This is a collection of Lu Xun's essays, which tells the stories of Lu Xun when he was a child. Reading these stories reminds me of my childhood, with real feelings between the lines.

  Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren and from Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, is a great writer, thinker and revolutionary in China and one of the top ten literary giants in the world.

  Zhou Fuqing, Lu Xun's grandfather, was the Imperial Academy in the emperor's order, and the whole family was proud of it. But then his grandfather committed a crime, was caught in the capital and sentenced to death. Since then, the Zhou family fell, and Lu Xun's father's illness became more and more serious. From then on, Lu Xun ran back and forth between home, Sanwei bookstore and pawnshop. During this period, Lu Xun also thought that he would never read again, because he thought that his grandfather, father and Mr. Shou of Sanwei bookstore had all read books for a lifetime, but in the end, there was nothing. However, Lu Xun's father hoped that their three brothers could read good books and add glory to the Zhou family in the future. The result really gave him hope. Lu Xun became a great figure, a great writer, thinker and revolutionist, and the main general of China's new culture movement.


  This book is the work of Mr. Lu Xun in his later years, and what is written in this collection of essays is all about Mr. Lu Xun's childhood. In "morning and evening", Lu Xun used a lot of contrast and irony. Reading Mr. Lu Xun's essays on childhood memories, I can't help thinking of my childhood, so real. Suddenly, I was greedy for the taste of childhood. He also realized Mr. Lu Xun's inner love for childhood. It makes me feel very kind and full of passion.

  Everyone has his own childhood. In childhood, there are laughter and tears. However, although Lu Xun's childhood also had unpleasant things, he showed a different mentality. When reading Mr. Lu Xun's morning and evening flowers, I feel chatting with Mr. Lu Xun. From Lu Xun's articles, he read plain. Just think that this simple, let the reader feel very cordial. Lu Xun's relaxed and vivid language, reading, you seem to see that person standing in front of you.

  Mr. Lu Xun misses all his childhood with sincere feelings.

  For the first time, I didn't understand the meaning of the title of the book. Dad said, "morning flowers and evening flowers" refers to picking up flowers in the morning until evening, and people in their later years recall bits and pieces of their childhood.

  Lu Xun's childhood memories are like a moving diary. If you turn them inadvertently, you will feel lingered and forget to return.

  That bit by bit of laughter and joy, when we are free, do not turn it out and taste it.


  In this winter vacation, I read the prose collection "morning flowers and sunset" written by Mr. Lu Xun, which describes Lu Xun's childhood in a fresh, easy, affectionate and soothing style. In his later years, the author recalled his youth, as if the flowers opened in the morning were picked at night. Although they lost their beauty and fragrance when they first opened, the reflection of the sunset added a charm to it, which made people imaginative and had endless aftertaste. I seemed to see Lu Xun in his childhood. Although there were some unpleasant things, he always revealed his naive and brilliant feeling, I watched, lost in thought

  I like to recall the past in my spare time, recalling the past bit by bit, as if I had returned to my carefree childhood. One by one unforgettable thing, one by one kind and familiar face, is that I leave all my troubles behind, immerse myself in them and aftertaste

  In these long 12 years, many memories have quietly left with the passage of years. Only the growth footprints recording their gains and losses will remain in the memory forever. Childhood is like coffee. It is rich and delicious. When you taste it carefully, it is very bitter, but there is some sweetness in the bitterness, but it has endless aftertaste.

  Those trivial memories of childhood are like an unforgettable diary. If you turn them inadvertently, you will feel lingered. When we are free, we might as well taste this cup of coffee and turn over this "diary" of growth, and you will find that you have matured a lot.

