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【#英语资源# 导语】初中是人生中一个重要的阶段,也是一个充满梦想和希望的时期。在这个阶段,我们开始思考自己的未来,也开始为实现自己的理想而努力奋斗。英语作为一门重要的学科,对于我们的未来发展有着重要的影响。在这篇初中我的理想英语作文中,我们将探讨如何通过学习英语来实现自己的梦想。®文档大全网为您提供面的英语学习资源和质的服务,帮助您在学习英语的路上取得更好的成绩。

1.初中我的理想英语作文 篇一

  Ideals are a beam of light in the darkness, illuminating the path you take, and guiding people in despair.

  My ideal is to become a calligraphy teacher and promote traditional Chinese culture. I have been studying calligraphy for three years. At the beginning, I found it very boring. My mother insisted on forcing me to learn it, just practicing hard brush calligraphy. So I didn't take my writing brush seriously at all. I watched as my classmates in the same class of xx advanced to the intermediate level and began learning official scr ipt, cursive sc ript, and many calligraphy styles, replacing many calligraphers' inscr iptions. I am very anxious, but the more anxious I am, the more useless it becomes. The teacher has talked to me countless times, causing trouble in class, telling jokes to classmates, and making the whole class burst into laughter

  One day, I finally climbed into the second class of junior high school and started writing on rice paper. At this moment, I met her. Yes, a quiet and knowledgeable teacher. Whenever I looked at her, she would always write gracefully to her classmates and patiently guide them. From then on, I seemed to be possessed. In class, I stopped talking and making trouble, listened attentively to the teacher's lectures on traditional Chinese culture, smelled the fragrance of ink, and wrote quietly intoxicated.

  It is this teacher who gave me an ideal: to be a calligraphy teacher. Whenever the cells that make pranks boil, I can restrain myself because I have an ideal that I will never regret - becoming a calligraphy teacher. Now that I have been promoted to the intermediate class, the class hours have changed from two hours to three hours, and the pressure is even greater. However, I can still attend classes calmly and become the monitor of the intermediate class. What motivates me is still my ideal - to be a calligraphy teacher!

2.初中我的理想英语作文 篇二

  Ideal, what a beautiful word! Everyone has ideals, some have ideals of becoming a teacher, some have ideals of becoming a star, and some have ideals of becoming a mayor. My ideal is to become a doctor.

  But why should I become a doctor? This is a long story. Once, when my mother went to the hospital to see my grandmother, I looked at the advertisement on the wall. It says that there is a doctor who comes to see patients after work, but he doesn't want them to suffer. He is still working after work. Other personnel have urged him several times, but he still insists on seeing this patient's illness before leaving. After reading this story, I realized that doctors are the "angels in white".

  If I were a doctor in the future, I would take every patient seriously, face every patient with a smile, and understand every patient; If there are still patients coming to see me after work, I will not hesitate to treat them; If some patients are temporarily unable to pay for certain reasons, I will pay for them first. If I were to be a doctor in the future, I wouldn't ask for the doctor's money recklessly. I also need to read more medical books and become a famous doctor. Not only will I receive less money, but I will also make patients suffer less.

  However, achieving these wishes is not easy. To achieve one's ideals, only action can lead to success. Realizing one's ideals is like a difficult marathon. So now I need to read more books, learn every subject well, not lose to others, and focus all my attention on studying to attend a good university. Because only by attending a good university can I find a good job, and only by finding a good job can I realize my dream of becoming a famous doctor.

  This is my ideal, and I will definitely strive to achieve it!

3.初中我的理想英语作文 篇三

  Guess what my ideal is? Doctor? A writer? Astronomer? Scientists? NO, NO, NO! No, my ideal is to become a painter and paint a colorful world.

  Being a painter is my dream from childhood to adulthood. When I was a child, I found drawing very fun, and when I picked up a pen and paper, I was very proud. Now I feel that drawing can calm my mind and allow me to see the world with a broader perspective. Whenever I see a beautiful scenery, I can't help but pick up a pencil and draw it, then put it in a collection, and occasionally take a look.

  In order to lay the groundwork for the future, I read the secrets of painters' paintings every day and often check their comments online. For example, in Zheng Banqiao's painting "Ink Bamboo", several bamboo poles stand upright against a stone, and a clump of orchid grass grows amidst the towering boulders. The strength of bamboo, the clarity of orchid, and the strength of stone are cleverly integrated, giving the entire scene a sense of openness and detachment, exuding a calm and proud demeanor. For example, Fu Baoshi and Guan Shanyue painted "So Many Beautiful Rivers and Mountains" for the Great Hall of the People, which includes inside and outside the Great Wall, up and down the rivers, the snow covered northwest plateau, the lush land in the south of the Yangtze River, and the East China Sea. The entire scene highlights the beauty of the mountains and rivers, giving people a magnificent feeling.

  I love painting, although I cannot compare to Zheng Banqiao's obsession with painting; Fu Baoshi and Guan Shanyue love painting to the extent that they forget to eat and sleep, but I will certainly learn from these famous artists and become a painter in the future to paint our beautiful life!

4.初中我的理想英语作文 篇四

  Everyone has their own ideals, and my ideal is to become a sketch actor.

  When it comes to sketch actors, most people will think of Mr. Zhao Benshan. He is an old master in sketch, and many people like to watch his performances. Because every line he plays in a sketch can make people burst into laughter, and the classic Northeast accent combined with the humorous and humorous lines make people never tire of watching them. The sketch actor I admire the most is Teacher Zhao. His every sketch is so humorous, from his initial sketch (selling abducts) to his current sketch (not short of money), from the unknown actor at the beginning to the well-known humorist now, he has gone through many hardships.

  I can't help but admire sketch actors and enjoy watching sketch shows. Every year at the Spring Festival Gala, I am afraid of waiting at home by the TV to watch sketch shows. I have a clear idea when the sketch of the program on that channel on TV will start. Whenever I watch a skit show, I am mesmerized. Even nine cows can't take me away. When I see a good skit show, I always want to write and play a skit based on this skit. But I never had a chance, At a "June 1" Children's Day conference, I had an opportunity to perform a sketch with several good friends, and won the first prize. I am very happy that this sketch is a masterpiece of me and my friends! In another "June 1" At the Children's Day General Assembly, I played a sketch with my friends, and this sketch also won the first prize. Since then, I prefer watching sketches and acting sketches.

  In the future, I will watch more skit shows and work hard to achieve my ideals.

  This is my ideal.

5.初中我的理想英语作文 篇五

  Everyone in the world has their own ideals, whether they are big or small, they will have them. As for those who say they don't have ideals, it's because they haven't found them or they haven't discovered them yet.

  My ideal is to be admitted to medical school and become a dentist. I have only had this ideal since this summer. In fact, I originally wanted to become a doctor because it not only treats and saves people, but also has a good income. I just don't know which doctor to choose. At first, I wanted to be a general practitioner because a general practitioner knows everything. Later, my mother advised me that it was too tiring and there was still a lot of pressure. Some doctors even passed away due to the pressure, so I gradually gave up this idea. Afterwards, I saw in a TV drama that the male lead was a dentist, who didn't seem to have that much pressure and didn't have to stay in the hospital all day, so I decided to become a dentist.

  In order to make this dream come true, I must now study hard and achieve good results in the exam. I must learn when it's time to learn and play when it's time to play. I cannot be distracted by things, nor can I be tempted by computers or games, because these will only lead us further away from our ideals. In addition to not wasting time, we also need perseverance and a firm and courageous heart to move forward, because if we "fall" in the middle, we will never be able to achieve our goals. We cannot lose heart or give up just because of some unpleasant words from others. We must believe in ourselves! Believe in your own strength! Since others have done it, why can't we do it?
