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【#英语资源# 导语】在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  My ideal is to be an environmental protection worker when I grow up.

  I am a child with special physique. When the seasons change, I feel chest tightness, first cough, then asthma, and finally have to go to the hospital for treatment. Several times, the doctor diagnosed me as allergic. Later, my father checked my allergens and found that there were no allergens at all. What is the reason? With my illness many times, my family found that the poor air quality was the "culprit" of my illness. Because it is the time of summer harvest and autumn harvest in rural areas at the turn of seasons. After the crops are harvested, people solve all the straw with one match for convenience. Thick black smoke and pungent smell flee around and slowly invade the city. The sky becomes gray, the air becomes turbid and mixed with scorching smell... The quality of the air decreases sharply, Some harmful gases gradually invade people's body. When they reach a certain degree, they will cause cough, chest tightness and tears. In serious cases, they will also cause bronchitis. As a child, I don't pay attention to protecting myself. Of course, I can't escape this "robbery". And I also found that there are more and more children like me. Whenever I see them suffering from air pollution like me, my desire to be an environmental protection worker becomes stronger and stronger.

  As an environmental protection worker, first of all, I will vigorously carry out publicity activities to let people understand the harm of burning straw, littering, deforestation and destroying cultivated land, and formulate relevant laws and regulations with the environmental protection department to put an end to various phenomena that damage the environment; Secondly, I would like to call on people to plant more trees, use trees to beautify the environment, purify the air, reduce noise, store water and protect soil... I would also like to give full play to my intelligence, invent new energy-saving and pollution-free means of transportation and household appliances, so that people can live healthily and happily in the "earth home"

  Now, I am studying hard and struggling for my ideal. I firmly believe that I will realize my ideal!


  Everyone has his own ideal. You may want to be an excellent host and a doctor who treats patients and saves people, but I have a unique ideal to be an excellent lawyer.

  You might ask me why? That's because once I was reading in a bookstore. I saw the glorious deeds of lawyer Zhao Yuzhong in a book. Zhao Yuzhong received many visitors and safeguarded their interests by legal means. In this process, he did not hesitate to take out his own money to work for the people. In any case, the requirements of the masses were met, He worked hard for every good person and never let a bad person succeed. I immediately admired him very much. Since then, I couldn't help admiring every time I saw those lawyers elute grievances for every victim in court. Since childhood, I was endowed with a sense of justice. I hope I will be a lawyer and work for every good person when I grow up, Never let a bad man succeed and let those bad guys get their due punishment. I am immersed in such illusions from time to time. Therefore, I made up my mind to be a lawyer for the benefit of the people.

  However, this ideal alone is not enough. I want to start now and prepare for becoming a lawyer in the future. The most important thing for a lawyer is to have a wealth of knowledge and eloquence. There are two things that are indispensable. Therefore, I always take time to read in the bookstore every week to understand all kinds of knowledge on a large scale and keep them in mind. Secondly, I have a strong memory, so now I will recite more books, recite every lesson of the text, and recite more > good words and sentences, all in order to cultivate my memory! On one occasion, the weekend was not enough. After learning English, I went to learn calligraphy. There were too many homework. I really didn't have time to read in the bookstore. My mother said to me, "don't go to the bookstore this week!" in order to read in the bookstore, I gave up playing for two hours and went to the bookstore to read with relish. Although I didn't play this week, I learned a little knowledge and was one step closer to my ideal.

  To be an excellent lawyer is my lofty ideal. However, from many examples of lawyers, I deeply know that it is not easy to become a lawyer. Therefore, it is not enough to have ideals and enthusiasm alone. We must strive for our ideals.


  Some of the "ideal" stories of my childhood have long been blurred, but this is not important. The important thing is that I have come from my ideal to today.

  As an educator, my ideal now is to do my job well. This ideal is the fundamental driving force for me to realize my personal value and improve my quality of life. We don't have to contribute our whole life to the cause of education, but as long as we are teachers for one day, we should do our best; We can't decide the future, but we can grasp our every day. We should have high aspirations in life, but if we are divorced from reality, the ideal will become a tree without roots and water without source. Only by starting from the bits and pieces around us can we appreciate the sweetness of life. The realization of any ideal is inseparable from every day of the ideal and every effort for the ideal, just as countless drops of water converge into rivers.

  People cannot live without ideals. If fame and wealth are the basis for improving the quality of life and living conditions, ideals are the spiritual home. Without ideals, there will be no peace without soul and happiness without soul. With ideals, people's material life will not easily fall into the mire of profit seeking; With ideals, people's spiritual life will not be erratic and out of reach, and will become cordial, true and credible.



  Everyone has his own ideal, and I am no exception. However, my ideal is to be a national table tennis player.

  I had this ideal when I was 12 years old. At that time, I was still in the fourth grade. I couldn't play table tennis at that time. Therefore, I can only play on the altar with a racket. I have loved this sport since I started playing table tennis. So I play for a while every day. In this way, by the fifth grade, my table tennis skills were greatly improved, and the teacher asked me to sign up for the table tennis characteristic class. I'm glad. Although it can be very hard in the characteristic class. But I didn't feel the pain. All I know is that I'm fighting for my ideal now.

  After a long time, I feel that my skills are very good for a primary school student. But I didn't stop, I continued to practice. By the sixth grade, there will be no characteristic class. Therefore, there are fewer opportunities to practice. But I still want to practice, so I often practice with my father at my own home. After a long time, it made me more firm and persistent to my ideal. Since then, I have made up my mind to be a national table tennis player.

  Since I made up my mind, I've been practicing more vigorously. When my father went out to work, because there was no one to practice with me, I had to practice by myself. So I came up with all kinds of tricks to let me practice my ball well.

  Today, I have practiced my ball very skillfully. Also played very well. Seeing today, I seem to see my hard work, pain and sweat during practice. My efforts have not been in vain, so that I have made good achievements today. However, to become a national table tennis player, I have to work harder in the future.


  Being a pilot has always been my ideal. How eager I am for it, so that I think about it when I sleep.

  One day, I sat in the pilot lounge of Pudong International Airport, drank some coffee and had some snacks. At this time, the radio rang out: "please captain Wang Xinyue to the dh2398 cockpit to take off. This flight is from Shanghai to Seoul." I left the lounge and got into the cockpit. The co pilot was in place. We drove it to the boarding gate, and then the stewardess boarded the plane. I opened the beauty camera in my hand and took a handsome selfie to record my 136th flight.

  The passengers boarded the plane one after another. 40 minutes later, I received the take-off instruction, put on my headphones and microphone, and everything was ready. I press the "forward" button, and the plane goes towards the runway. After reaching the takeoff runway, I press the "take-off" button, and the plane starts to travel quickly. At the speed of 200 kilometers per hour, the front wheels of the plane leave the ground, followed by the rear wheels. I sent a message to the ground through the radar: "take-off is normal, climbing altitude is medium, current altitude is 150 meters, speed is 600 kilometers per hour." hey hey, it's fun, it's really cool. The plane slowly rose. The beautiful blue sky and lovely white clouds accompany me, as if I had entered a fairyland. After a while, I began to pressurize and add oxygen to the cabin... Just as I was about to press the button, the "Ding Ding Dong" alarm bell rang, and I got out of bed reluctantly. My dream was still lingering in my mind

  I think, with my hard study and efforts, my dream of becoming a pilot will come true!


  "The road of ideal is long and tortuous, sacred and glorious. No matter how small an ideal is, as long as it is pursued unremittingly, it can finally shine the brilliance of life!" as it says, if you have your own ideal, you must pursue it unremittingly. And my ideal is to be a doctor.

  The reason why my ideal is to be a doctor is because of one thing: when I came home from a holiday, my mother told me that my sister was ill in hospital. At that time, I was very worried, so I quickly went to the hospital to see my sister. When I got to the hospital, I entered the ward and saw my sister. I saw my sister wearing an oxygen mask and sleeping with her eyes closed. My mother said to me, "my sister's illness is not very serious, but her resistance is still poor. She has a fever and a cold..." when I saw my sister so uncomfortable, I thought that others were worse than her, so I had a thought in my heart - I want to be a doctor.

  Being a doctor can not only heal the pain of family members, but also save the lives and heal the wounded, treat other patients and let them return to their usual health.

  Now that I have made clear the goal of becoming a doctor, I tell myself that I must complete this dream. From now on, I will strive for the goal of becoming a doctor! I want to pursue unremittingly!

  First of all, I want to study hard and listen to the teacher that it is not easy to be a doctor, so I want to work harder. When he grew up, he was admitted to a Medical University, really became a doctor and worked in a hospital. When working, I will inevitably be tired. Therefore, I can't complain because of fatigue, because it's my duty to treat patients. I also want to strive for the hope of life for more people. I believe I can save others' health.

  From now on, for my goal, start fighting!


  Everyone has his own ideal. Ideal is the goal of one's struggle, the beacon of life navigation and an essential thing in life. My dream is to be a singer.

  I have been particularly interested in music since I was a child. Whenever I hear beautiful music, I will be very excited. Because of this, when I was a child, my father bought me a DVD player and a lot of music CDs. When I came home from school, as soon as I finished my homework, I couldn't wait to turn on the DVD player, put on beautiful music, and involuntarily sang along with it. The happiness was indescribable.

  I think I have a talent for music since I was a child. In the fourth and fifth grades of primary school, the class held a little singer competition. I always came first. Now I am in the sixth grade. Every Sunday, I will check the Internet for good pop songs, and then learn slowly and try to imitate the voice of singers. I am completely immersed in the world of music. In this way, I became a famous little singer in my class.

  One day, I watched Zheng Zhihua's concert on TV. He sang on crutches. I was particularly moved. I think his life is very unfortunate: he suffered from paralysis at the age of three. At the age of six, his legs couldn't bend straight. At the age of seven, he went to the hospital and straightened himself. Finally, he only walked on crutches. One of his most famous songs is sailor. After watching his concert, I think he succeeded through hard work, strength and courage. Yeah! How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? A person must go through ups and downs before he can surpass himself.

  I want to study hard now. Although I like music best, I want to learn my lessons well. There is still a distance to go to the Conservatory of music when I grow up, but I will fight for my song star dream all my life.


  Everyone has his own ideal. My ideal is to be a performer.

  I want to be a performer because when I was in kindergarten, the music teacher assigned a strange homework for a day. Let's ask our parents who are there at home and abroad.

  I went home and asked my parents which foreign performers they had. My parents said a lot like doggerel. When I asked them which Chinese performers they had, my parents thought for a long time and reluctantly said a few. I asked my parents to think more for me. But mom and dad still didn't think of it. I read some books, but there are still some foreign performers, not many in China. I am determined to become a performer and win glory for my country.

  But I haven't had the chance to exercise myself like this. Finally, I went to primary school. There is a special class in the school. My first choice is brass music. I came to this special class to strive for this ideal. But in this special class, I am often bullied by some senior students. They let me do this and that. I thought of leaving to avoid these torments. But at the thought of my ideal, I gritted my teeth and survived. Finally, my efforts worked. I was selected as a member of the school party. I was very happy that day when I sat on a tall stage and showed my playing skills with my classmates. I am a step away from my dream of being a performer and winning glory for the country. Later, the teacher selected the monitor of the characteristic class, and I chose him as the monitor of the characteristic class with my excellent playing skills.

  I believe that as long as I make continuous efforts, I will become an excellent performer and win glory for the country.


  I have considered many ideals, such as being a people's teacher, teaching and educating people, so that children who have no money to go to school can go to school. But I still prefer to be a love ambassador and use my love to make those poor people live a happy life.

  The reason why I have such an ideal is that I have experienced many things. When I was in the fifth grade, I often watched TV and played with the computer at home, and sometimes watched some news. Once, when I was playing with the computer, I didn't know where to jump out of a news. When I was about to turn it off, I glanced at it. At this time, I was surprised to see a picture of a child standing in front of a stone with ragged clothes and no shoes. I clicked on the news and found that their classroom was actually a ragged hut with a big hole in the roof, The water drops kept inside. The desk they studied was a big stone without chairs. They studied in such an environment. At this time, I was sad and thought: what if they ran barefoot in the mountain? Can they stand studying in such a humble house? At this time, I have an ideal, that is to become a love ambassador, use my love to make those poor families live a good life, and let those children who do not go to school study in a beautiful house.

  For this ideal, I will study hard, see people in need on the road in the future, and extend a helping hand to help them.

