

时间:2022-04-21 22:44:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】清明时节雨潇潇,墓碑无声风飘飘。没有先烈的英勇献身,就没有我们今天的幸福生活。让我们缅怀革命先烈,缅怀他们那大公无私的精神。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  When the flowers bloom in spring and everything recovers, our people usher in another traditional festival - Qingming Festival.

  April 4 every year is a festival for the Chinese people to remember their ancestors and martyrs. In order to commemorate this day of far-reaching significance, cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, carry forward the spirit of patriotism and strengthen patriotism education. Let us overcome difficulties in our study; Let us win honors on the field; Let us be more united in collective life. Wearing bright red scarves on our chests, we came to the martyr Chen zanxian Memorial pavilion with a sad and heavy heart. Martyr Chen zanxian, as one of the founders of Gannan party organization of the Communist Party of China and the leader of the early workers' movement of the Communist Party of China, his British name will shine with the sun and the moon, and his deeds will last forever! The martyr memorial Pavilion is so solemn and quiet, and the pines and cypresses on both sides of the YingTing pavilion are so tall and green.

  Our class lined up to the martyrs memorial Pavilion, and we began the theme team meeting: first, the class teacher spoke, and then the class cadre representative spoke. The brigade counselor affectionately told the heroic and tragic deeds of martyr Chen zanxian, and also taught us how to be an honest and brave person. Yes, in that dark old society, the martyrs braved the test of life and death, regardless of personal safety, and traded their blood and lives for the prosperity of the motherland today. The noble spirit of their sacrifice for the country is moving and will always be remembered in my heart.

  Finally, we observed a moment of silence for martyr Chen zanxian. In those three minutes, I thought a lot: our happy and beautiful life today was created for us by the revolutionary martyrs, who threw their heads and blood in exchange. So I made up my mind secretly: to cherish this golden childhood, to inherit the legacy of martyrs, to realize our glorious mission and to strive for the rise of China. I must study hard, learn the skills of building the motherland, and contribute my intelligence and wisdom to the future of building the motherland.


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." Qingming Festival is a festival with rich feelings.

  The long history of the motherland is gradually flowing backwards

  When the motherland was in danger, countless patriots stood up for the reunification of the motherland and the of the people Emancipation, throwing one's head and sprinkling blood, risking life and death in the war, being faithful and unyielding in the prison, and being righteous on the execution ground. From Jiang Jie to Liu Hulan; From Huang Jiguang to Dong Cunrui... Countless heroes have written heroic patriotic movements with their lives. Don't they know the value of life? no They cherish their lives very much, but they deeply understand that when the motherland is in danger, as a Chinese, it is their responsibility to defend and save the motherland! It was they who exchanged their lives and blood for the rebirth of the Chinese nation.

  History is frozen, heroes sleep forever. Today, we can still feel the beating pulse of the martyrs and the breathing frequency of the martyrs. It is precisely because of their greatness that the Chinese dragon soared beyond the sky and the Chinese giant stood tall in the forest of nations. It is precisely because of their sacrifice that an ancient nation writes a new movement, and a great country rises in the east of the world!

  In primary school, teachers often said that our red scarves were dyed red by the blood of revolutionary martyrs. At that time, I didn't understand the meaning. Now, we have exchanged our lives for peace and peace. We can study happily and grow healthily in a comfortable environment.

  The train of the times has entered the 21st century. Living in this era of peace, although it is far away from the era of gunsmoke and war, there is no need to throw our heads and shed blood to defend the motherland like the martyrs, but we are the future and hope of the motherland and shoulder the important task of building the motherland in a new era. We have the responsibility to do our own thing well: arm our minds with knowledge, study hard and comfort the martyrs sleeping under Qingsong with excellent achievements!

  How beautiful I am when I am young in China, not old with the sky!

  Majestic is my Chinese youth, boundless with the country!


  With the coming of April, Qingming Festival is coming. During the Qingming Festival, the drizzle is like tears. People often cherish the memory of the martyrs with respect.

  When I was a child, some revolutionary stories told by adults seemed to emerge in front of me.

  Liu Hulan, who was only 15 years old, was killed by the enemy. She is a young revolutionary soldier. She has a strong will and a noble quality of caring for people. After killing all six of her comrades in arms, the enemy raised the gun to the villagers to threaten her with intelligence. But she bravely stood up and said, "if you want to kill me, don't hurt the villagers."

  In this young age, she was able to care about the safety of the masses under such great pressure. How great! When the knife was on her neck and the blood dyed the earth red, our hearts were broken. One was just a child and was killed. How sad we are. She is only a child, but she has such a strong will. Although the body is dead, how can we not admit that her soul is immortal in people's hearts?

  He gave up his life to blow up the bunker. Yes, he is the well-known Dong Cunrui. The enemy set up a bunker on the way our army must pass. When our army was in a dilemma, he applied to blow up the bunker. However, he knew it would die, but he didn't wait for anyone to say. From time to time, he picked up the explosive bag, slowly stood up, lit the fire and blew up the bunker. When he left, our hearts could not be calmed for a long time. With his sacrifice, our army won. With such a comrade in arms who sacrificed himself to others, there is no reason why we should not win. When he went, our hearts hurt like tears. We decided not to be sad silently, but to use all our strength to avenge our fallen comrades in arms. Yes, it gives us strength. He made our army win.

  Of course, there are heroes everywhere and Xiake everywhere. Huang Jiguang, Jiang Jie, Qiu Shaoyun... They all have noble qualities such as self sacrifice and selfless dedication.

  In this Qingming Festival, let's remember the martyrs! They built the future for us with their own blood, their own flesh and their own bodies! That's why we are today. So let's give them our most sincere salute! Repay them with our practical actions!


  Today is the annual Tomb Sweeping Day. In the morning, under the leadership of my parents, I came to Zhenxiong martyrs cemetery with the crowd of mourners to remember the revolutionary martyrs.

  As soon as I entered the gate, I saw the towering monument to the people's Heroes standing in the cemetery, with the words "the revolutionary martyrs are immortal" glittering. Everyone dragged their heavy steps up the stone steps. They saw rows of martyr tombstones hidden in green pines and cypresses, sleeping quietly.

  My heart couldn't help heaving up. It was these martyrs who laid down today's beautiful mountains and rivers. It was these martyrs who exchanged their precious lives for such a good learning environment. I respectfully presented them with flowers. While looking at the tombstone and watching the insc riptions, I listened to my father tell me their moving stories. At the same time, their feats of defending the country constantly come to mind: in that cloudy and white era, in that era of gunfire and smoke, in that bloody battlefield, martyrs from all over the world who fought in the north and south, with unlimited loyalty to their ancestors and people, for the peace and happiness of the motherland and the people, and for the liberation of the whole China, came to Zhenxiong, a barren land, He threw his head and shed blood and offered his precious life.

  At this time, although the sun is hanging in the sky, my heart is like ice. The martyrs gave their fresh lives just for our today. Is there any reason why we don't study well? If the martyrs have knowledge under the spring and see that we don't study hard and waste time, their hearts will hurt! They'll be upset!

  Rest in peace! Heroes! Your ordinary and moving deeds will become a wordless monument forever engraved in our hearts; Your heroic spirit will last forever and inspire us to study hard; Your spirit will become our eternal pursuit! I can't help sprouting an ideal and belief in my heart, which will accompany me to act and become my own belief and pursuit forever. At this time, I feel that countless monuments are very tall and will last forever!


  Qingming Festival every year is a day for our people to cherish the memory of our ancestors and martyrs. In order to commemorate this day of far-reaching significance, cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, carry forward the spirit of patriotism, strengthen patriotic education, guide students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and promote the construction of spiritual civilization in our school.

  On the eve of Tomb Sweeping Day, all the teachers and students in grade 4 of our school went to the moon pit Memorial pavilion to visit the tomb. On this day, the sun was shining and the students were sweating, but they were still in high spirits and came to the moon pit Memorial Pavilion. Everyone came to the memorial Pavilion and lined up according to the order of the class. After a while, an elder came up to speak and finished speaking. What impressed me most here was which white haired grandfather spoke. He talked about how great our Chinese heroes were in the past and defeated the hateful devils in this way. When he finished speaking, I can't feel the trace of hot sweat at all. Instead, I feel that the heroes of our six townships are so great that I would rather exchange my precious life for today's happy day. Let me know that every hero has the spirit of patriotism. At the same time, let everyone standing under the memorial Pavilion strengthen the spiritual education of patriotism. Heroes serve the Chinese people is our example. We must learn from them. Our sweat flows down our faces like drops of water. But after listening to what the old man said just now, I thought in my heart, I must stick to it. After a while, everyone went to the memorial pavilion to salute and went back to school.

  Today is the most unforgettable day for me and the most profound day for me. I will never forget today. In the future, I will study harder, learn my skills well, protect my country and maintain world peace in the future!


  It is another Tomb Sweeping Day. In the morning, facing the golden sunrise and accompanied by a warm breeze, we lined up in a neat line. With a sad and heavy heart, we came to the martyrs' cemetery in our city to commemorate the martyrs and sweep the educational activities. We all use a grateful and respectful heart to get close to the great souls of the martyrs and feel the washing of the soul and the spirit of revolution.

  Youth composes a glorious journey, the martyrs live forever and the monument is eternal! This is a holy and pure land, where the heroes of martyrs are placed. Facing the monument to the people's heroes, my heart is full of infinite sadness. Walking into the memorial hall, you can see the murals and profiles of the martyrs who fought at that time, as if you can still see their heroic fighting figure, see their eyes that firmly believe in the success of the revolution, and hear their loud slogans and horns, your heart can not help but surge with enthusiasm. Recalling the past, we can't tell our infinite respect for martyrs. Looking at the present, we can't finish our infinite vision for tomorrow. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are boiling because of their blood. The great wall and the towering Kunlun are eternal because of their lofty aspirations.

  In this martyr cemetery, there are countless martyrs, not everyone has a portrait, not everyone has a detailed des cription, but each of them is worthy of our memory and admiration, because they watered the land that raised us with their blood.

  Dear martyrs, although you sleep for a long time, we will remember you.

  The towering monument is your tall figure, the evergreen pine and cypress is your immortal soul, and the blue sky and white clouds are the habitat of your soul. History will not forget you, let alone us!

  Now, we stand in the golden sun. Caress the hot heart with your hands, be full of ambition, and sow the fire of revolution with your heart.

  We are well aware that today's life is hard won. You have exchanged your precious life for the happiness of the people. We are infinitely grateful. We will live up to expectations and carry forward your patriotism.

  Today, let the bright five-star red flag testify for us: we are strong people, we are brave people, we are confident people, and your unfinished journey will be inherited by us!


  During the Qingming Festival, peach blossoms are red.

  On April 4, we came to the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs of Guandao early in the morning. As soon as you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a tall memorial tower, with a glittering and powerful big character "memorial tower of revolutionary martyrs". Some people who came to visit the tomb raised their hands in front of the tower to swear; Some offer wreaths; Some hold flowers, stand in front of the tower in silence, and then gently put the flowers in front of the tower. With heavy steps, I walked towards the tower and bowed three times to the memorial tower affectionately to express my condolences and respect for them.

  We came to the revolutionary martyrs memorial park again. As soon as I entered the Memorial Park, I saw a display board with the names of many martyrs from the war of resistance against Japan to the war of liberation. After reading it, it was shocking. The names of martyrs are densely written on one wall, and the miserable scenes are vividly described in one painting! My eyes were wet and my heart was very heavy. The commentator's aunt said: "these heroes are only part of them. Many countless unknown heroes threw their heads and shed their blood in the war years filled with smoke and bullets, and exchanged their flesh and blood for our hard won happy life today." Then we came to the memorial hall of the revolutionary martyrs, which contains the information of Anti Japanese heroes, the names of the Anti Japanese War and the war of liberation, as well as war weapons.

  Famous and unknown heroes and martyrs, you are the good children of the people and the loyal soul of the Republic. Your deeds will last forever. Future generations will always remember you and remember that tragic history. We will inherit your glorious traditions and aspirations, study hard, be successors in the new era, and protect our great motherland and beautiful homeland when we grow up.


  April and April every year is the Tomb Sweeping Day for Chinese people to remember their ancestors and martyrs. In order to commemorate this day of far-reaching significance, remember the revolutionary martyrs, carry forward the spirit of patriotism, strengthen the patriotic University, guide the majority of students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and promote the construction of spiritual civilization in our university. The University held the activity of "remembering the revolutionary martyrs and sweeping the tomb on Qingming Day".

  Early in the morning of Tomb Sweeping Day, the teachers and students of the whole school lined up in a neat line, sat in a car and held the flag of the young pioneers to the revolutionary martyrs cemetery in the old camp. The teachers and students came to the monument of the revolutionary martyrs and presented their own Xiaobai University to the revolutionary martyrs. Facing the bright red team flag, the young pioneers took a collective oath: "be ready, always ready, and strive for the cause of communism". The oath echoed in front of the martyrs' monument for a long time.

  At the swearing in ceremony, students, teachers and teachers said one after another: we should inherit the aspirations of the martyrs, hold high the flag, move forward bravely along the road they have not finished, and let the star torch pass on from generation to generation. Practice your skills, enhance your quality, and make your own contribution to the prosperity of the motherland and the prosperity of the nation!

  Then the students discussed about the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs and accepted the patriotic University. I thought: today's happy (beautiful) life is created by the revolutionary martyrs for us, and it is also exchanged for red blood; Therefore, an idea came into my mind: we should inherit the martyrs' will, study hard and strive to become the pillars of building the country.

  At more than 3 p.m., the tomb sweeping activity ended. The students slowly returned to school in the car. The students were also tired all day. Many students on the car entered a dream


  The Qingming Festival is coming. The teacher organized us to watch videos of revolutionary lectures. That's why our school specially invited them to talk about the deeds of martyrs for this tomb sweeping day.

  I think it's the army and one is the air force. He's over 70, but he still has the style of a soldier. He's really not old! The loud voice resounded through the whole ladder classroom, as if it had led us into the fierce war in 1934.

  Looking back on the past, the revolutionary martyrs threw their heads and shed their blood in exchange for victory with their own lives. Whenever new life thrives, we should let them record it as history. We should not forget the pride and shame of our nation. The descendants of a nation who do not know the history of their country are extremely ashamed, and the descendants of a nation who cannot shoulder the historical responsibility of their country are ignorant.

  The glory of the revolutionary martyrs The thought is immortal, and the blood donation of heroes cannot be wasted. The long river of history shines with incomparable spiritual light. Although it is the 21st century, we still need to carry forward the heroic spirit of revolutionary martyrs and cherish today's happy life.

  From moving historical pictures to shocking revolutionary stories, I felt the arduous struggle of our party and remembered the great spirit of revolutionary martyrs.

  The martyrs were fearless in the face of death and full of firm faith in the revolution for the future of the motherland. Although they died, they lived forever in the eyes of the latecomers. As Mao Zedong said, "to die for the people is to die."

  In this regard, I have a new view of myself: don't have lazy thoughts, have firm faith in yourself, do everything well, and work harder and persevere where it can't be done well. Only in this way can we move towards success. I believe I will become a sunshine girl, come on!


  When swallows come to the news agency, pear flowers lag behind Qingming. In the twinkling of an eye is another Qingming Festival. Qingming Festival is not only a natural solar term, but also our traditional festival. We should not only worship our ancestors, but also remember those brave and fearless martyrs.

  With heavy steps, we came to the martyr's tomb along the rugged mountain road, stepping on the withered leaves and holding high the national flag. Looking at the eight big words engraved on the monument: the revolutionary martyrs are immortal! A solemn and solemn atmosphere immediately came. It's so tragic to think that countless martyrs guarded the motherland and people before they died, and the tomb guarded the mountain and soil after they died!

  We laid wreaths on the tombstone of the martyrs with great respect. Then, all the teachers and students observed three minutes of silence to the revolutionary martyrs. Standing in a neat line, I had a myriad of thoughts. Faces and scenes were printed into my mind: Huang Jiguang flew to block the bullet hole, Dong Cunrui gave up his life to blow up the bunker, Liu Hulan, Qiu Shaoyun, pilot Wang Wei and four young martyrs who died on the China India border last year... It was they and thousands of unsung heroes who used their blood and lives to create our quiet and happy life today.

  Finally, in front of the martyr's tomb, we solemnly vowed to learn from the thoughts of our ancestors, inherit the will of our ancestors and inherit the spirit of our martyrs.

  This activity is an important lesson in my life. Let's cherish this hard won beauty, study hard and shoulder the historical responsibility and mission!

