
时间:2023-10-16 00:25:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



1) She was so angry as to be unable to speak. (她气得连话都说不出来了。)

2) I don't know her well enough to ask her for help.(我与她不太熟悉,不便请她帮忙。)

3) She was too angry to say anything.(她气得什么都说不出来了。)

4) I'm only too glad to help you.

注意与例3)的区别:only too与happy, pleased, glad 等词使用时,表示"非常":我非常愿意帮助你(能帮助你真是太高兴了)。

5) We waited in the train for nearly three hours, only to be told that the appointment had been canceled. (only to…表示意想不到的结果:我们在雨中等了近3个小时,结果被告知约会取消了。)

6) To be fair, he has been working very hard recently.(公平地说,他最近工作一直非常努力。类似的表达方式还有:

to tell the truth(说实话), to be frank(老实说),to go without saying (不用说 / 毫无疑问) 等。

关于分词做后置状语的举例 (注意括号中句子的演变过程):

1) She received an E-mail from her brother, saying that her mother was seriously ill. (她收到她兄弟发来的一份电子邮件,(邮件上)说她母亲病得很厉害。= She received an E-mail from her brother, which(= an E-mail)said that her mother was seriously ill)

2) Serious infection may develop in some patients, resulting in death. (有些病人会发生严重感染,导致死亡。(= Serious infection may develop in some patients, which results in death.)

3) The guests entered the office, accompanied by the manager. (客人在经理陪同下走进办公室。 = The guests entered the office, who were accompanied by the manager.)


1) 前面讲到:"动词不定式"的完成式表示过去时,它常在以下句型中出现:

(主语)+ be said / reported / believed / supposed to have (been) done

(主语)+ seem to have (been) done

(主语)+ be likely to have (been) done


2) 注意"动词不定式" to与介词to的区别,即:是to + 动词,还是to + 名词或动名词(-ing)。"第二讲五个基本句型"中已经提到:object to / look forward to / be (get) accustomed (used) to / be subjected to / subject to / be subjected to / be opposed to / agree to等中的to是介词。


关于on + ing 形式和with (without) + 分词独立主格结构

1)on + ing 形式:一般将介词on + -ing形式理解为"分词"(要有行为主体)而不是"动名词",意为 "当…时","一…就…",相当于when 或as soon as,例如:

On hearing the news, she burst into tears. (一听到这个消息,她一下子哭了起来。)

错:On arriving in Beijing, it began to rain heavily. (一到北京,就开始下起大雨来了。)


No sooner had we arrived in Beijing than it began to rain heavily.

2) with (without) + 分词独立主格结构

She fell asleep with the lamp burning. (她开着灯谁着了。)

Almost every day the kids returned home with their hands and faces covered with mud and sweat.(孩子们几乎每天回家时手上脸上都是泥和汗。)

当这样的独立主格结构中的动词为 "be" 动词时,往往省略,例如:

Every day the old teacher entered the classroom, with a poor bag under his arm. (每天,这位老教师夹着个破包走进教室。= with a poor bag being under his arm)


当一个动词后面加上-ing或-ed就可以是一个形容词,其基本概念还是-ing为主动语态,-ed为被动语态,例如:a sleeping child (一个正在睡觉的孩子),a wounded soldier (一个受伤的战士) .

一些带有感情色彩的动词,由于人的感情是"被刺激"后产生的,故一般用-ed形式,而外界的刺激物则用-ing形式,例如:I was moved deeply; the film was really moving. (我深受感动;这部电影真是感人。)

the + 形容词(包括-ed形容词)→ 名词(可以是单数,也可以是复数), 例如:

the wounded (伤员)/ the disabled(残疾人)



She regrets ______ idle when (she was) young. (她后悔年轻时无所事事。)

A. to have been

B. her being

C. her having being

D. having been

解题思路:1)regret后一般接ing形式,除非regret to tell / say, 故A不能选;2)当动名词的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致时,不要再加逻辑主语了,故正确答案为D,比较:Tom insisted on my going with him. (Tom坚持要我和他一起去。)


1) 分清过去、现在和将来;

2) 分清主动与被动;

3) 动词不定式的完成式表示过去时;

4) 见"for"要用完成式;

5) 否定式not要放在to / -ing / -ed的前面


