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【#小学英语# 导语】小学生英语阅读能力的培养是小学英语教学的重要任务之一,以下是®文档大全网整理的《小学生英语阅读理解及答案五篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。

1.小学生英语阅读理解及答案 篇一

  A: Can I help you?
  B: Yes, I’d like to buy some tomatoes.
  A: These tomatoes are fresh.
  B: They look nice. How much do they cost?
  A: Five yuan a kilo.
  B: Five yuan a kilo? They’re too expensive. What about four yuan a kilo?
  A: Mmm, let me see. OK. How much do you want?
  B: Two kilos, please.
  A: Here you are. Anything else?
  B: That’s all, and here’s the money.
  A: Thank you.
  ( ) 1.Mrs Web wants to buy some tomatoes.
  ( ) 2. The tomatoes aren’t fresh.
  ( ) 3. The tomatoes cost 5yuan.
  ( ) 4. Mrs Web wants to buy four kilos of tomatoes.
  ( ) 5. The tomatoes cost Mrs Wed 8yuan
  T F T T T 

2.小学生英语阅读理解及答案 篇二

  Jack was a school boy. He didn’t like going to school. He always wanted to have more holidays. One day he made a telephone call to his teacher and said in a voice. The voice sounded (听起来) like his father’s. I am sorry to say that Jack is ill in bed. He won’t go to school for three of four days.
  "―Oh," said the teacher, I’m sorry to hear that, but I want to know who is speaking?" ―My father, sir." said Jack. The teacher got very angry.
  ( ) 1. Jack was very angry.
  ( ) 2. Jack wasn’t ill in bed.
  ( ) 3. The teacher was sorry to hear that Jack’s father was ill.
  ( ) 4. The teacher knew that Jack was speaking at last (最后).
  F F F T

3.小学生英语阅读理解及答案 篇三

  My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother’s room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window.
  There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, it’s my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall.
  ( )1. This is Lily’s house.
  ( )2. There are four rooms in the house.
  ( )3. There are three pictures in Lily’s room.
  ( )4. There are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room.
  ( )5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.

4.小学生英语阅读理解及答案 篇四

  New York, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world.
  But there are serious problems in big cities too. It is expensive to live there, and there are too many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs, to study at good schools and receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean.
  Some people enjoy living in big cities, others do not. Before move to a big city, they should think about the problem of living there.
  1. In big cities people can ________.
  A. go to different kinds of museums
  B. see all kinds of plays and films
  C. buy things from all over the world
  D. A, B and C
  2. which of the following is true?
  A. Big cities are not clean and safe enough.
  B. People can easily find good place to live in big cities.
  C. People can always have many chances to live in big cities.
  D. All people like to live in big cities.
  3. In this passage the writer thinks it is right for people ________.
  A. to move to big cities
  B. not to move to big cites
  C. to move to big cities without thinking of any problems
  D. not to move big cities before think over the problems of living there
  4. This passage doesn't tell us that ________.
  A. Paris is an exciting place for people to live in
  B. big cities have a lot of serious problems
  C. big cities are all very dirty
  D. usually people can get very dirty
  5. Which is the best title for this passage?
  A. Big cities.
  B. Interesting Things in Big Cities.
  C. Good School in Big Cities.
  D. New York, London and Paris.
  参考答案:D C D D A

5.小学生英语阅读理解及答案 篇五

  This is a picture of a family. The grandmother’s name is Harry Smith. The grandfather’s name is Jean Smith. They are very old. They are Americans.The father’s name is Lake Smith. He is 44.The mother’s name is Kate Smith. She is 40. They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen.
  The son’s name is John Smith and the daughter’s mane is Mary Smith. They are students of No.12 Middle School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. It’s a very good family. 
  ( )1. Lake Smith’s parents are         .
  A. Americans           B. American            C. America
  ( )2. John’s father is           .
  A. 44                  B. 40                  C. very old
  ( )3. Mary’s mother is a           .
  A. teacher                B. policeman          C. doctor
  ( )4. they are in the           school.
  A. some              B. same           C. any
  ( )5. The family has          children.
  A. six                 B. two           C. four
  A  2.A  3.A  4.B  5.B 
