
时间:2023-05-04 19:33:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】如果没有树木,空气就会变得浑浊;如果没有树木,人类就会失去依靠;如果没有树木,世界就会黯然失色。在植树节来临之际,伸出彼此的双手,种树好,种好树,好种树吧!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In March, everything on the earth revives. The head teacher, Miss Wu, led us to plant trees on the hillside.

  We carried jubilant trees, carrying shovel and carrying buckets, and came to the destination with joy. We flew to the hillside of Fengshan. The teacher taught us how to plant trees and divided us into more than ten groups. We were all in one group. After a while, everyone found a place to plant trees. Some dig pits, some water, some cultivate soil, and some plant seedlings... We talk and laugh. Although we are sweating, it adds a beautiful scene to our motherland!

  All volunteered: "I'm a man. I'll do the heavy work." While talking, he had already picked up his shovel. The left hand holds the front end, and the hand holds the rear end, the hind foot pedaling, the body leaning forward, the shovel inserted into the soil, and the force of the milk is used to pry vigorously, and finally a piece of earth is dug up. I watched him digging and didn't want to fall behind. I picked up the bucket and came to the bottom of the clear stream. I squatted down, took a bucket of water and walked towards him, because I usually lack labor and can't lift a bucket of water. The water in the bucket splashed on the corners of my pants, but I was not discouraged and didn't care. I continued to walk towards him. When I came to him, he had dug a hole. I put down the bucket, lifted the saplings, inserted them into the soil, straightened them, and he cultivated the soil with a shovel and stepped on them.

  Finally, I lifted the bucket and poured water into the gap of the saplings. While pouring, I thought: small saplings, small saplings, you should grow up quickly, add vitality to the earth and color to the motherland!


  Today is the anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat Sen and also the arbor day on March 12. In order to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat Sen's contribution to the country, the people of the motherland set today as a day to add new green to the motherland.

  It's spring now. In the morning, Xiao Hong and I went to the suburbs to plant trees. We walked happily on the road. We saw beautiful flowers, tall trees and a fiery red sun hanging in the air. The sun was shining on my head, and drops of sweat fell from my head.

  When I got there, I took out a small shovel and dug a tree pit in a sunny place. Then I put a small sapling in. Xiao Hong held the small tree. I picked up the shovel and filled in the soil. In this way, the small sapling was planted. Xiaohong went to the river to fetch water with a bucket. When she came back, she slowly poured the water into the tree pit. I was so tired that I was sweating. I wiped the sweat on my head with a towel. Xiao Hong looked at me and laughed, and a passing bird also laughed.

  The tree planting task was completed. When Xiaohong and I left, we were worried that someone would destroy the small tree, so we tied a red scarf on it, which said "love greening and defend the motherland". At this time, a bird stopped on the sapling, as if to say to me: "children, I will build a nest on it!" The little tree also seemed to say to me, "little master, don't go. You have added more greening. You will be rewarded by your mother."

  Xiaoshu, I want to say to you, "you must thrive, and your efforts will make the motherland more beautiful!"


  Today is Arbor Day. My father is also at home. The whole family agreed to plant trees in the backyard. I jumped up with joy when I heard the news.      My father took nine saplings, my mother carried a shovel and I carried a bucket. The whole family happily came to an open space in the backyard of the community. At first, my father dug a pit and my mother went to fetch water, but I had nothing to do. I just looked around. When my father dug the fifth pit, he was already sweating. I thought my father was a soldier and his health was so poor, so I argued that I should dig it. My father agreed with a smile. But as soon as I picked up this spade, good guy, it was so heavy! I dig like my father. I don't know if I don't dig. I'm scared when I dig. It's useless to step on the shovel with my feet. This soil is like a stubborn donkey who doesn't know how to be obedient. After digging half a pit, I'm so tired that my back is sore and my legs ache. My father smiled and my mother stared at me, making me a little embarrassed. "Well, well, I'll do it." Dad couldn't bear it. He took the spade from me and finished it all at once. Then we buried the saplings into the pit, filled the pit with soil, stepped on it with our feet, and finally picked up a water spoon to water each small sapling, and the trees were planted. The small green saplings immediately added a lot of vitality to the community!

  In today's tree planting, although my little hand has worn bubbles, I am very happy, because today I not only experienced the hardships of labor, but also understand a truth: success comes from hard work!


  The spring in March is warm on the earth and the sky is spotless. My father and my classmates are going to plant trees on tree planting day on March 15.

  Dad drove the car, while my classmates and I looked around for Dad. It was suitable for planting trees. Finally, we saw a small hill with few people. We took the borrowed shovel and approached the hill. When we came to the foot of the hill, my father said, "we should plant these small saplings on the hillside." My classmates and I answered dad with one voice: "no problem." So we started the mountain climbing before planting trees.

  The hillside is not only steep, but also very slippery. The side of the mountain is covered with soft and fine sand. If you don't grasp the strong weeds nearby, even the gecko will fall with dust on your face. It only took us a long time to climb up. It's a pity that we didn't climb high, but it still took us nine cattle and two tigers. It is gratifying that we finally climbed to the hillside. We planted the saplings we brought on the hillside and watered them. Dad found a new bamboo on the hillside, so we dug some to take home and plant.

  Dad drove the car home. We couldn't wait to run to the green grass. Dad helped us dig the pit. We carefully set the bamboo seedlings in the pit, buried the pit and filled it with strength. Dad brought the water, we sprinkled water for the little bamboo seedlings, threw a look full of longing, and reluctantly went home.

  That night, I had a dream that the bamboo tree in front of my new home was growing healthily and enveloping my home in a green "sky" with its emerald green leaves. Ah! How happy the tree and I are!


  Winter goes and spring comes. In the twinkling of an eye, it is a suitable day for tree planting. "312" arbor day. Today, our family planted a peach tree in the park of the community and gave it a nice name "tree of hope".

  Fully equipped for the morning, I lifted the bucket, and my mother was carrying a shovel. My father was carrying the peach tree seedlings. First of all, we have to find a good place for the young trees. The book says that the most important thing is to have enough sunshine and wet land. We will find a place soon. My father announced that he started, so I grabbed the shovel and dug it up. The shovel was heavy and heavy, and he didn't listen to me. He had just excavated the first spade, and the fragrance of the earth came up to him. After digging for a while, it always digs off the side, which makes me very angry, my My hands became more and more heavy. I finally dug a shallow pit and wanted to put the small peach tree into the pit. My father quickly stopped me and said, "pipi, this can't work. In such a shallow pit, the saplings can't stand. When the wind comes, they will fall down. For the firmness of the small tree, we should at least dig a pit 30 cm deep and 20 cm in diameter. Come on, let's go!" No way, I hardened my scalp and dug patiently. With the help of my parents, I finally succeeded, but I was sweating and my limbs were weak! How tired! At this time, the breeze blew and the trees in the community made a loud noise. I think it must be the trees who are playing a welcome symphony for us. Thank you for adding new friends to them.

  After a rest, my energy is replenished. We began to work again. I picked up the saplings and put them in the dug pit. First fill the soil, and then step on the soil with my feet to fix the saplings. My mother immediately poured water on them. Ha ha, it's done. I jumped up excitedly, and I had an unspeakable joy in my heart. I think this is what people often call a sense of achievement!

  Looking at the tall and straight little tree, I thought: little tree, grow up quickly. Let's race to see who grows tall and great!


  Today is Arbor Day. My mother took me to plant trees. At 6:30 in the morning, I got up on time, got everything ready and set out with excitement.

  When we got to the back door of the school, we saw no one, so we looked at the front door. Sure enough, the students were here. Teacher Zhou came and arranged for everyone to get on the bus. On the way, grandma Kang explained the essentials of tree planting to us. First, tear the plastic bag containing the seedlings, then put the seedlings into the dug tree pit, bury the soil next to them, and then use her feet to pick the soil around the seedlings without leaving gaps, so that the seedlings planted can survive easily.

  When I was about to go up the mountain, my mother and I happily went up the mountain hand in hand. At first, I was very afraid of falling down. My mother said, "don't look at the bottom of the mountain, but look at the road under my feet. Later, I did what my mother said, and sure enough, I wasn't afraid at all.

  When we reached our destination, we climbed the mountain to look for tree pits. My mother encouraged me not to be afraid and walk slowly step by step. But this method is not efficient, so we lined up in a long line, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, like a long dragon. The saplings passed through each of our palms, one by one, which made me deeply feel that there are many people and great power!

  After two hours of tree planting, we finished the tree planting activity. Although we were a little tired, we added a little green to the mountain, so we were very happy. As long as we all have the consciousness of planting and loving trees, our earth will become more beautiful!


  With the blue sky and gentle breeze, we ushered in the annual Arbor Day. I made an appointment with two good friends to plant trees in the wasteland of the countryside. We will do whatever we say.

  Jubilant, shovel, bucket, and we were carrying the saplings and the water pails to the nearby villages. The tulips on both sides of the path deeply attracted us. They were colorful, some were in bud, and some were generous and open. We walked along the country road, found a place suitable for planting trees and began to get busy. It was hard to dig with spades and shovels and shovel. With her efforts, the pit was soon dug. It was deep and big.

  Then, Xi Xi put the small sapling into the pit, and she squatted and held the small sapling. The shovel was used to fill the roots of the seedlings and then compacted to ensure that the seedlings could not be collapsed and the seedlings were planted. By this time, I had brought a bucket full of water from the riverside. I struggled to lift the bucket full of water to the sapling and poured water evenly around the sapling with a spoon. The little sapling drank enough water "Gudong, Gudong" and seemed to say to us with a smile: "thank you for planting me so well and letting me drink sweet water." We are proud to look at the fruits of our labor and feel happy.

  After a while, a group of birds flew over. They flew around the saplings and chirped, as if to say, "children, great! You have made a contribution to protecting the environment."


  March 12 is Arbor Day. At this time of year, some volunteers go to Yijiangshan island to plant trees. Today, I finally had the honor to follow them in the gunboat of the marine police to Yijiangshan island to plant trees. Yijiangshan island is located in the southeast of Taizhou Bay, Jiaojiang District, Haimen, Zhejiang Province. It is 11km away from Dachen island in the south, 8km away from toumenshan island in the north, 12km away from Gaodao in the northeast, 20km away from langjishan island in the southwest and 35km away from Haimen in the northwest. Yijiangshan island is divided into a river in the South and a river in the north.

  About 30 minutes after the ship went out, there was a heavy fog on the sea. The gray fog, like a huge veil, shrouded the whole Grand Canyon. For the sake of safety, our ship had to return and plunged my heart from Mount Everest into the canyon. Fortunately, we set sail after two hours.

  It was almost noon when we finally arrived at the island that I had been longing for for for a long time. As soon as the ship stopped, I couldn't wait to rush ashore and look at this place. I couldn't believe that this island was Yijiang island. It was bare. Holding red flags and carrying saplings, we followed the trail to the place where we planted trees. As soon as the team stopped, everyone took a hoe and began to dig a pit. Although we are small, we are usually small emperors at home. At this time, we are not vague in our work. We dug pit after pit and planted tree after tree. We are sweating and ashen.

  Looking at the hero island at the foot and the small saplings behind me, I seem to see that they have grown into towering trees, adding infinite green to the hero island.


  Today is Arbor Day. All the students in our class wear neat school uniforms and go to Taiping Wanhua mountain to plant trees in the spring breeze.

  Along the way, while looking at the scenery outside the window, I listened to the guide uncle tell us the history of Shaanxi. Soon, the bus arrived at the destination. Everyone couldn't wait to get off the bus and lined up into the hillside.

  The tree planting activity began. Each of us got a shovel, a basin and a small tree seedling. Start planting trees on a family basis. I first dug a small tree pit, arranged the soil in the pit, then carefully held the young seedlings with two hands, and mother used a shovel to earth the seedlings. The little tree stood there as if saying to me: little master, I'm thirsty. Give me some water. So I poured the water on the cultivated soil, and the little trees drank it down in one gulp.

  At this time, I looked up around the hillside and saw that everyone was working in full swing, like a little bee working constantly. Finally, we each wrote a wish card and hung it around the neck of the little tree. A breeze blew, and the leaf shaped wish card fluttered with the wind, as if waving goodbye to us.

  When the tree was ready, everyone smiled knowingly.


  All the students in our class have become planters. Do you think it's new?

  Spring is coming. It's the time for all things to grow. On March 12, it's Arbor Day, but we can't plant trees. So the teacher told us a clever trick. Let's collect seeds or seedlings of surviving flowers, find a flower pot, plant it and raise it. Record the habits of your flowers and the suitable environment for growth, and then give a name to your flowers, make a business card and stick it on the flowerpot. The teacher also found two students to remind us to water the flowers on time.

  When I came home from school in the afternoon, I put down my schoolbag, found a beautiful empty flowerpot on the balcony, took the flowerpot downstairs, shoveled some good soil, and came home. I planted the seedlings of Chlorophytum in the flowerpot, then wrote down the habit and suitable growth conditions of Chlorophytum, made a business card and pasted it on the flowerpot.

  Then it's done. The next day I took the flowers to school and put them on the windowsill. After class, everyone went to see their own flowers and carefully observed their own flowers, which was convenient for us to write observation diaries. It really killed two birds with one stone! How's it going? Fresh!

