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【#英语资源# 导语】细雨绵绵落人间,捧花默立在墓前。雨滴当知离人意,犹如泪水撒地面。一杯清酒敬祖先,但愿天国人平安。生者当知先人愿,珍惜生活每一天!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today, we went to the cemetery to sweep the grave of my grandmother who has died for many years.

  At seven o'clock in the morning, our family had prepared the sacrifice early and walked to grandma's cemetery in my uncle's car. About half an hour or so, we came to Diao Fangyang's nest in Xingning. After getting out of the car, I turned over a high mountain and walked through a forest towards grandma's cemetery. Finally, I came to grandma's grave. I saw that the grave was covered with tall weeds. Dad picked up a hoe to hoe the grass. Although he was very tired, dad still insisted. It can be seen how much dad cares about his dead grandmother! After hoeing the grass, we put candles, set fruit plates, burn paper money and set off firecrackers

  When I had not recovered from the sound of firecrackers, my father put his hand on my shoulder and said; "Yuhao, come and talk to Grandma about your wishes." I went to the tomb, knelt down on my knees, put my hands together, and said with tears in my eyes; "Grandma, although you have died for many years, we still care about you and recall the happy time we spent together. You are like the same height as the mountain, the same flow as the water and the same size as the sky. Grandma, your spirit in heaven, please bless our family happiness! Rest in peace!" I wiped away my tears with a paper towel, then put a bunch of flowers on Grandma's grave and left reluctantly

  Looking at the lush trees, free birds, all kinds of white clouds and colorful wild flowers dotted in the green grass, I gently took a breath of fresh air and seemed to enter another world.

  I will remember this beautiful Qingming Festival forever!


  "It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." every year on this festival, I will silently recite this poem written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, to express our yearning for our ancestors.

  Today, my family and I went to Wuxi to visit my grandmother's grave. After arriving at Grandma's grave, each of us picked up a broom or rag to scrub grandma's portrait and tombstone. Next, we placed several bouquets of flowers, several plates of cakes and some fruits. Finally, we burn incense and burn the folded tin foil, paper money and ingots to grandma to express our thoughts and blessings to grandma. May grandma get a lot of money and a happy life in another world. I hope grandma can bless me to have a bright future. At this time, I can't help thinking of the years I spent with my grandmother. When I was very young, my grandmother hasn't died yet. At that time, although my grandmother had wrinkled face and gray hair, she loved me very much. My grandmother's kind smile left a deep impression on me. But now, grandma has died, but her kind face is still in my mind.

  The scenery in the distance came into my eyes. Birds sang beautiful songs and golden rape flowers were everywhere. There was a scene of vitality and the recovery of all things. Qingming Festival, let us in such a special day, while remembering the past, we should also be full of hope for the future, cherish life, make our life more meaningful, and don't waste such a beautiful life. Let your every day be full, so that you will not leave regret.


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession. Pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. I ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." Whenever I think of this poem by Du Mu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, I think that it seems that the Qingming Festival is coming, and the pace of Qingming is not far away

  It's about 8 o'clock today. My mother and grandpa set out from home. On the way, I kept thinking about the past. It seemed that I had never seen grandma's kind appearance, and there were no deeds related to grandma in my mind. What does she look like? Treat me well... A series of questions suddenly came to my mind. I asked my mother, "Mom, have I seen grandma? How about treating me?" Mother reluctantly said: "to tell you the truth, she is kind to you. You made a mistake, and she has been protecting you..."

  After dozens of minutes of car bumps, we finally came to grandma's grave. We cleared the weeds in front of the tomb, dredged the drainage ditch on the side, put offerings, lit incense and candles, and burned the folded paper money into ashes to worship our loved ones, so as to place our thoughts on our dead loved ones. After we finished the etiquette of the Chinese nation, my uncle took out firecrackers and "crackled". The sound was deafening, just like thunder in the sky. I silently made a wish in front of the grave "I hope grandma can bless me to study smart, study and make progress, make my family happy and healthy".

  In the smoky mountains, we walked back on the muddy path. The grave sweepers who help the old and the young on the road, or in groups, or one or two walking alone, are worthy of being a traditional festival of our Chinese hair nationality. It is so meaningful.


  "In the Qingming Festival, people on the road want to break their souls." This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is Thursday, April 4. Our family drove to our hometown, Chaoyang Gurao, early in the morning to sweep the tomb and worship our ancestors. The cars lined up all the way to the cemetery.

  It was my first time to visit the grave. On the way, I always guessed what the cemetery on the mountain was like. I was looking forward to it. Finally, when I arrived at my destination, I couldn't wait to rush up, but the hillside Road on rainy days was too slippery, "plop" I fell and chewed mud. I got up. My mother looked at it and said, "Daye, I'm too anxious to eat hot tofu. I have to walk slowly on the hillside.". I listened to my mother and walked slowly. There are many fruit trees on the mountain: red bayberry trees, apple trees, banana trees, olive trees... Small red bayberry trees hang on the trees. Some apples are as red as children who drink a lot of wine, and bananas hang on the trees like small boats. The air is so fresh!

  Walking and walking, we finally came to grandma's tomb. After we cleaned the weeds in front of the tomb, we put the tribute and paper money in front of grandma's tomb, lit incense and candles, and began to worship. My mother was talking and I didn't know what she was talking about. After paying homage, we inserted the incense and candles in the soil, then we took some wood to light a fire, and then put the paper money into the fire, Finally, we lit firecrackers and took things home after three prayers.

  There are so many ancestor worshippers on the mountain. There are echoes of money, paper and firecrackers everywhere. Today's mountain is really lively!

  When I got home, I was wet all over, but I was still very happy because I learned a lot from this tomb sweeping.


  When the Tomb Sweeping Day comes, every family goes to the graves of the dead, and the state has set holidays for this. Originally, I wanted to go to my grandfather's grave, but my mother said I couldn't go to the grave under the age of 12, so I'm sorry I didn't experience it personally. Now let me interview my uncle to see how he went to my grandfather's grave.

  In the morning, uncle got up at 5:30 and was going to go to the grave. Because I heard that this year is the year of leap month, it is time to add the earth to the grave, and it is better to get out before the sun comes out. So the uncle takes the shovel, carries the paper money, and also has several kinds of vegetables, incense, cigarettes, wine and fireworks that the grandmother nibbled. About 10 minutes to the cemetery. He first went to the northeast corner of the cemetery to worship the Beidou. It is said that it is the God of the earth and will keep the whole family safe. Then, after the gun rang, I went to Grandpa's grave. When I heard this, I asked my uncle, "why do I have to ring the gun?" Uncle replied, "that's to remind your grandpa that uncle has brought him food." He offered small dishes in front of the grave, lit three incense sticks and inserted them in the soil. Then he took out all the paper money and cigarettes and burned them with fire. His uncle said, "only when all the paper money is burned, grandpa can use it in another world." Then he sprinkled the wine in front of the grave. This is the whole process of his going to the grave.

  Adults are very filial to the elderly. They go to the cemetery to show filial piety on Qingming Festival. I think: this must be the love returned by adults to the elderly. Therefore, we should also seriously study how to return love to our parents. This is: "whoever speaks with an inch of grass heart will get three Chunhui".


  Today, dad drove our family to uncle's house. As soon as I entered the door, I heard the dog barking of "woof woof woof..." and I immediately curled up in the car like a shrinking turtle and refused to get down.

  At this time, grandma came to comfort me: "it's all right. The dog doesn't bite." But I still refused to get out of the car. My mother said, "this little dog is tied; just come down." I got out of the car with hesitation. After getting out of the car, I found that I was cheated by my mother. The dog was running happily in the yard. I ran into the house like lightning when he didn't pay attention.

  I never expected that the uncle would bring the dog into the house. I was terrified and yelled, and then hid under the table, but at this time, the dog ran around as if it were scared by me. The uncle said, "you see, the dog is scared by you, touch it!" Then I asked my sister to hold it to me, and I still stepped back. Mother came to the dog, squatted down and touched the dog, and said, "it doesn't bite. Look how cute it is." I said, "he's a bulldog, and even a tiger dares to fight." Mother said, "he's still young. Don't be afraid." Then I dared to touch it with one hand. It was all right. So I touched its back with my whole hand. My mother asked, "how do you feel? I said," thick and fleshy. "My mother said," you have overcome your fear. It's brave.

  After this experience, I won't be so afraid of dogs anymore. I hope my "dog phobia" can be cured. "


  The weather is fine today. In the afternoon, all the teachers and students of our school went to the martyrs' cemetery to visit the tomb.

  We walked happily in a neat line on the road. The "leader" held a bright red school flag and fluttered in the wind. When we arrived at the martyrs' cemetery, we slowly entered in two columns. On both sides of the road were tall and green pines and cypresses, guarding the cemetery like guards. First of all, we came to the martyrs' relics exhibition room, where there were rows of glass display cabinets with old certificates of merit and military medals, as well as rusty cartridge cases and grenades. Seeing these relics, the students slowly quieted down. The trumpet was accompanied by low music, slowly telling the fighting deeds of the heroes. The students listened quietly and whispered, A heavy heart.

  We walked out of the slightly dark showroom, walked in the bright sun, and came to the martyr's tomb area. The arrangement of the tombstone was like the steps of the ladder classroom, higher and higher. We stood under the steps and looked at the martyr's tomb. The students presented bouquets of flowers in front of the martyr's tomb. The counselor and teacher explained to us that the happy life now was bought by these martyrs with their lives, Our red scarf is dyed red by the blood of martyrs. We should study hard, grow up and serve our motherland. Everyone has been deeply educated.

  After sweeping the martyr's tomb, we lined up and returned to school.


  I remember last year's Tomb Sweeping Day, I went to my grandmother's house in the countryside, where my whole family went to worship our ancestors.

  At first, Grandpa and grandma cleaned the living room, and then brought the freshly cooked fish and other meals to the table. Then grandma lit candles in the middle of the table, and finally put a straw mat on the ground in front of the table. After setting these, our whole family kowtowed and prayed that our ancestors would live happily in another world, And bless our family all the year round.

  After everyone kowtowed, grandma found a large vat, poured all the paper money she had folded a few days ago into the VAT, sprinkled a kind of sacrificial grass in it, and then lit a fire to burn the things in the VAT... In an instant, the whole family stopped talking, stared at the burning fire and prayed in her heart, Pray that our ancestors will take all their paper money to another world, pray that they will live a better life in that world, and bless our family happiness and peace. When my brother saw that the adults stopped talking, he burst into a cry of "wow", which added a bit of sadness.

  At this time, the things in the jar had been turned into ashes, and then grandma poured these ashes on the grass at the door. We looked at the sky. The sky was gloomy, as if our ancestors were about to cry, and there was a sad and desolate scene everywhere

  Later, we went to the grave together. We saw that some of the people were singing sad songs, some were crying loudly, and paper flowers were flying everywhere. I couldn't help crying. At this time, the sky seemed more gloomy than before.

  After sweeping the tomb, we went for an outing. We saw that all kinds of plants were alive, but how could they know the sadness in our hearts!

  That Qingming Festival made me deeply feel people's incomparable nostalgia for their ancestors and longing for a better life. How I hope people can live forever! In this way, there will be less loneliness and sorrow in the world, and people from generation to generation can be reunited!


  As the saying goes, "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." This festival has come, but there is no trace of rain in the clear sky, but I still take a heavy heart to worship my dead relatives and visit them.

  It was a sunny day, but my heart was as heavy as a stone, because I hadn't visited them once before. I just listened to grandma every time. I wanted to visit him every time. Just then my wish came true. On the way, I was absent-minded and occasionally answered my cousin's questions. I thought to myself: Grandpa, what kind of person are you? Do you hear what I think of you?

  Along the way, we picked many flowers for grandpa to make her happy and know that her granddaughter came to see her; We silently went to Grandpa's grave, and where we really went was that the stone in my heart fell, but the air seemed to solidify at once. My eyes had been staring at the tombstone. I saw Grandpa.

  But when I wanted to offer flowers, my impulse on the road suddenly disappeared. It was just a simple timidity and escape. Finally, I just looked at my grandfather and left.

  This Qingming Festival let me know a lot of truth, but also let me see Grandpa, Qingming Festival worship.


  Another Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. With bright red scarves on our chest and a sad and heavy heart, we come to the martyrs' cemetery to remember the soldiers who died bravely for the liberation of the motherland and the peace of the people and pay tribute to their great achievements.

  The martyr cemetery is so solemn and solemn, and the pines and cypresses on both sides of the door are so tall and green.

  When we arrived at the martyrs' cemetery, we first lined up a neat line, and then stood in line as required. Slowly entering the gate of the cemetery, the first thing to see is the pines and cypresses standing tall, symbolizing the immortal revolutionary spirit of the martyrs. Then we held many activities. What moved me most was the silence for the martyrs. In those three minutes, I thought a lot: our happy life today was created for us by the revolutionary martyrs, and it was also exchanged for our blood. Therefore, an idea came into my mind: we should inherit the martyrs' will, study hard and strive to become the pillars of building the country.

  Then, we crossed songberlin and arrived at the martyr's tomb. I made a team salute and presented white flowers to the martyrs with both hands. At this moment, I said silently in my heart, "rest in peace, martyrs. The motherland and people will always miss you." We came to the memorial hall, ah, what a magnificent stone statue! Walking into the memorial hall, there are many relics of martyrs, including models, handwriting, pictures and so on.

  Through this tomb sweeping, I learned many stories of martyrs. At the same time, I also learned to cherish this hard won golden childhood.

