
时间:2022-12-03 01:03:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】过去是用来留恋的,岁月是用来怀念的,未来是用来畅想的, 现在是用心把握的,幸福是用汗水创造的,元旦是用来庆祝的。新的 一年,愿您敞开心扉,拥抱快乐! 下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!

1.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇一

  hello everyone!

  On this week's calendar, there is a glorious day - January 1, which marks the addition of a new growth ring in China, the sailing ship of the times, and the great motherland has ushered in another year full of hope.

  January 1, also known as New Year's Day, "Yuan" is the beginning, the first meaning; "Dan" means morning, a day. "New Year's Day" is the beginning of the year, the first day of the year. Literally, the horizontal line below the word "dan" represents the surging sea. A red sun is radiating brilliant light from the sea, which vividly reflects the image of the rising sun. Combining New Year's Day means that people should welcome the new year with vigor and fighting spirit.

  Dear students, the pace of Old Time is moving quietly. Don't we all feel that time flies like an arrow? Tao Yuanming, a poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once said, "The prime of life does not come again. One day it is hard to wake up again. You should be encouraged in time. Time waits for no one.". We also have this sense of urgency. We are young people, young people are the spring of life, the sun at xxxx o'clock in the morning. We are a cross century generation. Our studies will be carried out in this century and our career will be carried out in the new era. At this time of life, it is an honor and a challenge. Reading is the only way for all people to achieve great things and the basis for all creation. It is the requirement of the times to study hard. We should use diligence and sweat to consolidate the foundation of the academic building, use hard work to obtain value from time, and use our hands to add color to the bright five-star red flag. Only in this way can we be worthy of the Chinese descendants and shoulder the historical mission of inheriting the past and opening up the future.

  Students, we are full of hope and confidence to knock on the mysterious door of life. Life is so rich and vast. There are countless treasures waiting for us to dig, countless dangerous peaks waiting for us to climb, and countless blueprints waiting for us to draw. In the spring of life, sow the seeds of hope and work hard!

  thank you.

2.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇二

  Dear teachers and lovely students

  In a few days, it will be our New Year's Day. January 1 of each year is New Year's Day, the beginning of the New Year. In order to welcome the arrival of the New Year, people celebrate in various ways. In order to express the desire to pursue a better and happy life, we look forward to a better life. Everyone will hold different celebrations.

  Students, how are you going to celebrate? Some students said that we cleaned the classroom to welcome the New Year. Some students also planned to decorate the classroom more beautifully. More students were also prepared to show their talents to teachers and students at the New Year's Day party! In a word, students, you can use your brains, think and do, and let's have a happy and peaceful New Year together. I believe that every student has his own good wishes in the new year, and the teacher also has a wish: I hope we__ All the students in the primary school can become good children who are polite and civilized.

  Students, as the saying goes, "If people are united, Mount Tai will move.". As long as everyone participates in the school management, everyone starts from me and abides by the "code of conduct", your quality will be improved, your behavior habits will be optimized, and you will enjoy more new fun in our school's learning life. Finally, I wish every student progress and good health in the new year, and I wish teachers a happy family and happiness forever. Students, let's give warm applause to yourself and your teachers!

  Thank you!

3.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇三

  Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone!

     The pace of time is always in a hurry, 20__ As the New Year's Day came closer in, the horizontal line under the word "Dan" literally represented the surging sea, and a red sun gushed out from the sea. This means to write a brilliant and brilliant 20__ Will leave us soon, 20 full of hope__ The year is coming.

  The oath of counting down the three hundred days of the college entrance examination still reverberates in my ears, and the scene of mobilization for the first test sprint is just like yesterday. Now please look up at the countdown number of the college entrance examination on the screen - there are only 166 days left before the college entrance examination. A sense of urgency is lost. "The prime of life will never come again. One day is hard to come again. You should encourage in time. Time waits for no one." We are young, and we are in the third year of senior high school. The more urgent we are, the more we should write about the future with hard work.

  The day of senior three is doomed to be extraordinary. We carry our dreams and climb the mountain of books. For many days and nights, we have been determined to win the victory by Toad Palace and sacrifice ourselves to others, demonstrating our indomitable spirit of struggle in the sea of books and mountains. We are young and ambitious. The sky makes the shore at the end of the sea, and I am the peak on the top of the mountain!

  Look, "The fallen leaves blossom and fly to the phoenix, and the giant dragon dances in the sky". Listen, the sound of war drums urges the horses to keep moving. Ma bid farewell to the old year, while Yang opened Xintai. After ten years of sharpening his sword, he will ride his horse to break through the grand barrier and pass on the good news in June.

  My speech is over, thank you!

4.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇四

  Teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  We are about to welcome 20__ The first festival of the year: New Year's Day.

  What does "New Year's Day" mean? The Yuan Dynasty has the meaning of "beginning" and "beginning". Dan refers to "day". The rise of New Year's Day is the "initial day", that is, the first day of the year. Since the Western calendar was introduced into China, the word New Year's Day has been dedicated to the new year.

  The new year always brings good wishes to people. In this new year's day, people from all over the world welcome the arrival of the New Year with their unique ways.

  In Britain, on the day before New Year's Day, every household must have wine in the bottle and meat in the cupboard. The British believe that if there is no remaining wine and meat, they will be poor in the coming year. In addition, the custom of "fetching water from a well" is also popular in Britain. People strive to be the first to fetch water, believing that the first person to fetch water is a happy person and that the water they fetch is auspicious.

  Brazilians hold torches high on New Year's Day and rush to climb mountains. People are scrambling to find the golden birch that symbolizes happiness. Only those who are not afraid of difficulties and dangers can find this rare fruit. They call it "seeking happiness". However, there is a unique custom in rural Brazil - that is, to grasp each other's ears. When people meet on New Year's Day, they must grasp each other's ears to express their blessings.

  On New Year's Day, Pakistanis would run out with red powder in their hands. After seeing their relatives and friends, they would spread red powder on their forehead to celebrate the good luck of the New Year.

  Residents in northern Afghanistan hold fierce goat snatching competitions every New Year's Day to celebrate. The two teams of riders compete for prey. The competition is intense and joyful.

  When the new year comes, the Mongolian elderly will dress up as a shepherd, wearing a fur coat, a fur cap, and a whip in their hands. They will keep whipping the whip in the air to show their good wishes for exorcism. Argentines believe that water is the most holy. Every New Year's Day, people of all ages flock to the rivers to take a "New Year's bath" to wash away all the dirt on their bodies.

  Bulgarians hope that someone sneezes when they eat on New Year's Day, because they believe that whoever sneezes will bring happiness to the whole family. The family owner promises him the first sheep, cow or pony to wish him happiness for the whole family.

  But no matter which country, what customs there are on New Year's Day, people are eager for happiness and wish good luck in the same mood. I also wish all teachers and students in our school have new harvest and new atmosphere in the new year.

  thank you.

5.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇五

  Dear teachers

  hello everyone!

  I am XX student of Grade 13 Department. The theme of my speech today is New Year's Day, a new starting point. Time flies. I have been in college for more than three months in a flash. With the arrival of winter, the weather is getting colder. Strangely, I miss my family less, but I am more eager to start the next spring. Winter has always been a season I don't like very much, perhaps because many lives will end at this time. At this time, let me think of a sentence: "When winter comes, can spring be far behind?"?

  On the calendar book every year, there is a glorious day. On January 1, this day marks the addition of a new growth ring to our motherland. It marks that everything will start a new life journey along the river of time. The great motherland will welcome a new year full of vitality and hope on this day.

  January 1 is also called New Year's Day. "Yuan" means a new starting point, beginning and first. "Dan" means morning and one day. And "New Year's Day" means the beginning of the year, the first day of the year. One scholar said: Literally, the word "Dan" represents the surging sea. A red sun is gushing out from the sea, radiating brilliant light. This statement is very appropriate. Scholars vividly reflect the image of the rising sun. Yes, to put New Year's Day together is to make people welcome the new year with vigor and fighting spirit. Students, for us, every day is a new starting point, and the old man of time is moving quietly. We all have the feeling that time flies like an arrow and the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, don't we?

  Let's make every day full of vigor and passion as we welcome New Year's Day. Dear students, we should open the mysterious door of life with hope and confidence. Life is so colorful. There are countless treasures waiting for us to dig, countless mountains waiting for us to climb, and countless blueprints waiting for us to paint. We should plant the seeds of hope and work hard. Watch life sprout, blossom and bear fruit. Let's live each day in a dazzling way. Dear students, let's walk to the field of hope shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand!

  thank you.

6.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇六

  Dear teachers and students

  We are excited to welcome the New Year's Day of 20xx. Here, I would like to send a New Year's blessing to the teachers who have worked hard to cultivate us: I wish teachers success in their work, happiness and health. At the same time, I also wish the students to make progress in their studies.

  In order to celebrate New Year's Day, we held this New Year get-together. The students were very happy, very happy, and how interesting! Looking back on the coming year, each of us was filled with emotion. Under the hard cultivation of the teachers, the students achieved good results and won honors for the class through their efforts. In the new year, we will make a new plan for ourselves. From now on, we will work hard to learn all subjects, actively participate in various activities organized by the school, and work hard to unite and cooperate with the same goal. Let's take the harvest in 20xx bit by bit to the new 20xx year, and let's bring the wonderful and happy to 20xx!

  Teachers are the hardest. They are the leaders of our growth. Let's give warm applause to the teachers who have worked hard for us. I wish the teachers a smooth job! Healthy and happy! I wish you all good results and new progress in the new year!

  thank you.

7.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇七

  Dear leaders and teachers

  good afternoon.

  The auspicious snow bodes well for a prosperous year. The long-awaited snow has finally arrived as promised. At the beginning of the new year, everything looks fresh. On this occasion, please allow me, on behalf of all young teachers, to extend the most sincere New Year greetings to school leaders and teachers. I wish you a happy New Year, good health, smooth work, a beautiful family and all the best!

  Objectively speaking, our teaching career is still very short, and our teaching experience is still insufficient. However, school leaders and old teachers should rest assured that we have youthful vitality, enterprising passion, flexible mind and strong energy. We are diligent, hardworking, willing to study, and brave to actively explore. We will, like old teachers, take the school as our home, take life as our friends, and abide by teachers' professional ethics. We believe that our efforts will add luster to the development of our school and we will become excellent teachers of the people!

  Thank you!

8.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇八

  Good evening, managers, employees

  It is also New Year's Day, and the new year begins with people's expectations. As the sun shines on the earth for the first time in the xx year, the New Year begins her graceful steps. Joy is accompanied by sweat, and success is accompanied by hardship. We have unknowingly entered the 20xx year. In the past year, we have made great progress in all our undertakings, and our business performance has risen steadily. After a year of training, our strategy has become more focused, our ideas clearer, our foundation more solid, our management model more perfect, and our execution more powerful. With the joint efforts of all xx people, we overcame all kinds of pressures and difficulties, not only successfully achieved the expected goals of the enterprise, but also greatly improved the quality of the team, professional spirit and management level.

  Here, on behalf of our leaders, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your hard work and dedication in your work over the past year!

  Thank you for your efforts and dedication, and thank all the employees for their support and trust. Let's take action and contribute our enthusiasm and strength to the development of our cause, youth and dreams! In the new year, we are full of confidence and passion. Let's join hands to make unremitting efforts and create miracles!

  Thank you!

9.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇九

  Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone!

  Today, we gather under the national flag and quietly look back on the 20__ In the year of, we look forward to 20__ With the arrival of the New Year, I would like to send my sincere New Year wishes to teachers and students. May you sail in happiness and set sail in happiness with the New Year bell.

  Students, you are now in the spring of life, and spring is also the sowing season. William James, a great psychologist, has a very popular saying, which is: "sow a thought, reap a behavior; sow a behavior, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a life." I sincerely hope that in the new year, you will start from the most basic way of being a person, and in the fertile soil of your youth, you will plant a heart of gratitude, a behavior of self-discipline, a habit of self-examination, and a sense of responsibility.

  20__, It is a new beginning and a new future. "There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, and the cloud sail will help the sea!" May we cherish the time, ride the whip, persevere, persevere, meet new challenges with full enthusiasm, and dedicate ourselves to hardworking teachers with unremitting pursuit of innovative achievements! Let flowers and applause accompany us forever, and let our common home, xxxxx school, be more brilliant tomorrow.

  Thank you!

10.迎接元旦英语演讲稿 篇十

  Dear teachers and students

  good morning!

  Following the steps of years, we have once again come to the starting point of longing for hope. In three days, we will synchronize the first into 20__ Years. The New Year's Day holiday this year is from January 1 to 3.

  As New Year's Day approaches, the teacher wants to give each student some suggestions:

  First of all, pay attention to your personal safety during the festival. No fire, no electricity, no dangerous games. Don't play in dangerous places. Such as: beside the highway; Under the transformer; Factory production area and warehouse; Construction site; Abandonment of uninhabited houses; Roofs, tree tops, wall tops, etc.

  Do not go to the river, pool, pool or pit without safety facilities to play and prevent drowning. According to statistics, an average of 40 pupils die from drowning every year. This is just the statistics of the number of deaths, as well as the injured and the survivors. If you add them together, what a terrible number!

  At the same time, we should also do a good job in sanitation, epidemic prevention and disease prevention. During the New Year's Day, we should pay attention to our eating habits to prevent food poisoning and the spread of infectious diseases.

  Of course, during the festival, we should be civilized, polite, and filial to our parents and elders, so as to help the family do some housework within our power. We should also carefully complete the homework of each subject and do a good job of the corresponding final review. Finally, I wish all teachers and students a happy New Year's Day in advance. thank you.
