

时间:2023-12-28 05:49:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

一、单项选择: ( )1. It took my friend and me half hour to go to Feng Yang Foreigh Language School bybus. A. a;the B. the ; aC. an; /D. an / the ( )2. --- Are you robots?--- No, I am not. A. interesting at B. interesting in C. interested in D. interested at ( )3. your brother enjoy music last year ? A. Was; listening B. Did; listen to C.Did; listening toD.Was; listening to ( A. how to growB what to growC what grow D how grow ()5.----Would you like to come to the party tonight? A.I would be B. I’d like C. I’d like to D. I do ()6. If ittomorrow, we will go to Shao Lin Tample. A. doesn’t rainB. isn’t rainyC. rainsD. A or B ()7. Don’t make so much noise, Lily, A. do you B. don’t youC. will youD. won’t you ()8. Look ! who on the playground? A. is swimming B. running C. swimming D. is running ()9. _____there early, he often takes a taxi.A. To get B. Get C. GettingD. Got ()10. I saw a monkeyin the tree when I looked up at it. A. jumpB. jumpingC. jumped D. to jump ()11.my mother wanted to buy a hat she went shopping. A. Because ;so B. So; because C. Because; / D. / ; because ()12. There are only two students in the hall but there were of students on it yesterday A. hundreds; hundredB. hundred ;hundredsC. hundred ;hundred D. hundreds ;hundreds ()13. ---What your friend ? ---He has long curly brown hair. A. does; likeB. is ;like C. does; look like D.is look like ()14. One of my classmates often late class. A. is; for B. is ; inC. are; forD. are; in ()15. How longit take you to school? A. is; to getB. does; to get C. is ;get D. does; get ( ) 16.----Can you play _____ piano, Jim? -----No. But I can play ________ basketball. A. the,the B. the, /C. / , the D. the , a ( )17. -----Do you think she is a _____ girl? -----Yes, I think so. She is good at every subject. A. shy B.friendly C.smartD.beautiful ( ) 18. ----_______ did you sing last night? ----About two hours.. A.What time B.How longC.When D.How ( ) 19. ----Hi, Linda. Are your parents teachers? ----No, they are police. They work at the ______. A. post officeB.hotel C.hospital D.police station ( ) 20.I must _______ a book before I can ________ TV. A. read, watch B.watch, watch C. read, read D.watch, read ( ) 21.Let me ______ you how you can_____________ my home. A. to tell,getB.tell , arrive C.to tell , get to D.tell,arrive ( ) 22. ----___________shoes do you want to buy? ----Size 9. A. What colorB.What number C.What size D.What kind ( )23.We are having a math lesson now, you must stop _________ music. A. listen B. to listen C. for listening D. listening to ( )24. ---__________________? ---He has big eyes and a small nose. A. How old is he B. What does he do C. What does he look likeD. How is he ( )25. ---Who is in the classroom now? ----___________.All the students are in the park. A. Someone B. Anyone C. Nobody D. Mary ( )26. ----I don’t like chicken ____beef? ----I don’t like chicken, ______ I like beef very much.. A. and; butB. or; butC. and; and D. or; or ( ) 27..----Would you like something to eat? ----. I’m not hungry. A. No, thanks B. I would C. Yes, thanksD. I’d like it ( )28.There ____________________ in the large bowls. A. are some rices B. has some eggs C. is some riceD. have some noodles ( ) 29.My sister doesn’t like milk ____ eggs. A. and B.or C.for D.as ( ) 30.--- How ___________ your last weekend, Tony? --- It __________ very good. A. is, isn’t B. did, didn’t C. does, doesn’t D. was, wasn’t 三、.阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) A Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They come Heretowork.Jim comes here to study.He is in No. 15 Middle School.He gets up early every day. He is never late for school. He studies hard.He can read and write English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class, he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We’re very glad to stay with him. On Sundays, he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much. He likes living here. He likes the Chinese students very much. We all like him, too. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Jim comes from the USA. ( )2. After class, he likes singing and playing basketball. ( )3. On weekdays, he often helps his mother with housework(家务). ( )4. He gets up early every day. ( )5. He often helps us with Chinese. B Howie Henderson is a college student in New York City. This weekend he plans to study for an exam, but he doesn’t want to study. He just wants to have a fun. On Friday night he dances. On Saturday morning he plays tennis with his friend Keith. On Saturday afternoon his friends call him, and they have a party in his friend Roger’s home. On Sunday he goes to see a movie. The name of the movie is “Cloudy Monday”. Howie doesn’t like it. It is a comedy, and Howie doesn’t like comedy very much. At last, on Sunday night, Howie studies for the exam. He studies from six in the evening to two in the morning. On Monday morning Howie goes to school and takes the exam. He is tired and now he is sorry he didn’t study. 根据短文内容选择答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. Where does Howie live? A. College.B. England. C. America. D. at home. ( )2. What does “exam” mean in Chinese?A. 游戏 B. 考验C. 面试D. 考试 ( )3. Howie doesn’t want to _______ . A. study for the exam.B. have a fun.C. sleep.D. see a comedy. ( )4. Howie studies ________ on Sunday night. A. eight hours. B. from six in the morning to two in the evening C. nine hours. D. all the time. ( ) 5. How many things does Howie do on the weekend? A. Four.B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven. C (1) The looks are for Tom’s family. (3) These are TV shows in Chongqing Station. CQTV - 4 7:30 Morning News 14:30 Soap Opera: Dumpling king 15:30 Arts and Cultures 16:50 Sitcom: Happy Family 18:20 Chinese cooking 19:00Talk show ( )1. Tom’s mother is ______ and heavy with ______ hair. A. tall, curly B. short, black C. medium, long D. short, long ( )2. Beijing is ______ but Chongqing is raining. A. sunny to cloudyB. cloudy to sunnyC. sunnyD. cloudy ( )3. We can watch the sitcom at ______ on TV. A. 4:50 p.m. B. 7:30 a.m.C. 3:30 p.m. D. 6:20 p.m. ( )4. The highest temperature(温度) is ______ and it is sunny to cloudy. A. Chongqing B. ShenzhenC. XiamenD. Beijing ( )5. Which of the following sentences is right? A. Tom’s father is a cook. He learns Chinese cooking on TV at 15:30. B. Tom’s sister looks my mother and she likes watching soap operas. C. A reporter asks me about what I did on weekends on TV at 16:50. D. Tom’s mother went to Harbin, she has to wear very warm clothes. 四.用所给词或汉语意思的适当形式填空。 1. Li Ping decided ____________ (make) his breakfast. 2. I found the little girl ____________ (哭) in the corner. 3. ____________ (not take) a shower when you are ill in bed. 4. Let's ____________ (买) some hamburgers and soda. 5. We had fun ____________ (游泳) in the water yesterday afternoon. 6. His father made him ____________ (go) to bed before 10:00 every evening. 7. One of the animals ____________ (be) very friendly and intelligent. 8. My cousin can speak three. (语言) 9. The headheacher showed the (visit)around our school. They were very happy. 10. He ____________ (看见) the police officer last night. 五.补全对话: 根据情景从所给的六个选项中选五句填入空中,只填序号。(5分) T: What are your favourite sports? T: Now, tell me what you like to eat? T: ? B: Oh, yes, I love vegetables. T: Do you drink wine(酒)? B: No, I never drink wine or coffee(咖啡). ? 六. 书面表达(15分) 写一篇日记,记述你在那一天当中发生的事情。 要求: 1.用过去时态写,条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范; 2.注意日记格式,可以选择运用如下短语:stayed at home, visited my uncle/aunt, went to beach, visited museum, played soccer/basketball, did housework etc.; 3.不得少于60个词。 人教版七年级下英语期末测试题部分参考答案: 一、CDCAC / ACDAB / CBCAB 二、完型填空(10分) 1-5 DCADA 6-10 CBCAA 三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) A.FFTTFB.CDAAB C.BCABD 四、1. to make 2. crying3. Don’t take 4. buy 5. swimming 6. go 7. is 8. languages 9. visitors 10. saw 五、补全对话: 根据情景从所给的六个选项中选五句填入空中,只填序号。(1-5 DEACB 5分)

