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【#英语资源# 导语】粽子,由粽叶包裹糯米蒸制而成的食品,是中国传统节庆食物之一。粽子作为中国历史文化积淀最深厚的传统食品之一,传播亦甚远。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The happiest thing about the Dragon Boat Festival is to eat zongzi. I decided to make delicious dumplings with my mother.

  Peanuts, beans and rice were mixed together by mother and soaked. The leaves were boiled in boiling water and taken out. They were soaked in cold water. I couldn't help being excited and stirred the rice happily in one direction. oh By the way, there are dates. Tell you that my mother can't make zongzi. She invited an aunt as a helper. I must study hard so that I can make zongzi for my parents in the future.

  Aunt is super powerful. She picked up three leaves, just like a magic trick, and immediately made a funnel-shaped nest. She grabbed a handful of rice, put a jujube in the middle, and then put some rice until it was filled. She pressed tightly with her fingers, sealed her mouth and tied a knot. Just a few times, the zongzi will be wrapped.

  I have a model to learn, but I can't do it anyway. My aunt told me that my hands should not be loose, but must be pressed tightly, so that they will not be loose and taste better. With the help of my aunt, I finally wrapped a triangular zongzi. It looks strange, but I'm still very happy.

  Smelling the fragrance of zongzi from every household, I felt the charm of the traditional Dragon Boat Festival.


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. My aunt brought back a lot of glutinous rice and red dates. My mother said that since there are so many materials, let's make zongzi together. Everyone agreed.

  Dry as you say and soak the glutinous rice. We went to the supermarket and bought some zongzi leaves, sweet raisins, peanuts and red beans. The next day happened to be the Dragon Boat Festival. After the glutinous rice was soaked, the three of us began to wrap it. I saw my mother first make the long Zongye into a triangular funnel shape, then put various materials into the funnel in turn, and then press these materials by hand. Wrap the rest with the extra Zongye, and finally tie it up with a rope. A beautiful zongzi is ready. Looking at what my mother did, I was also eager to try. When I picked up Zongye, I was in trouble. The funnel could not be done well, and the glutinous rice could not be put in. It was installed here and leaked out there. It seemed that it was really easy and difficult to do! Finally, with the help of my mother, I managed to do three.

  Mother cooked the prepared zongzi in the pot. We can't wait to eat them. The zongzi I made is really delicious. I must practice quickly and strive to make beautiful zongzi by myself next year's Dragon Boat Festival.


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I'm very happy. I can finally eat the delicious zongzi wrapped by my grandmother again.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, grandma and aunt made zongzi together. I enjoyed it. It seems that making zongzi is a craft, so we must see it. I saw them take out the two bamboo leaves in the water and stay with them. Their left hand doesn't move and their right hand rotates in a triangle. Then scoop the soaked rice inside, seal the mouth with bamboo leaves, and tie it with a rope like a star. In this way, a small zongzi is ready. I saw almost it and did it. Round the triangle, scoop rice, seal, fold and bundle. In this way, the zongzi I made appeared brightly. Not bad, success! So I made a few more.

  By noon, the dumplings had been wrapped. I tried to hold back my saliva and looked at the dumplings in the pot. After a while, the dumplings were fresh out of the pot. I quickly took out a piece of rice dumplings and wrapped it up for eating. It's really fragrant. There's a trace of sweetness in the glutinous rice. The taste of bamboo leaves has been integrated into the glutinous rice. It's fragrant!

  Hehe, this Dragon Boat Festival, I ate my own dumplings. I'm so happy!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May. When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone will think of making zongzi. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, my family will also make zongzi by myself.

  On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, grandma and my mother first picked some fresh bamboo leaves and cleaned them - first put them into hot water and cook them. At the same time, after soaking the prepared glutinous rice, grandma began to make zongzi.

  Each time, grandma selects two or three leaves, holds one end of the leaf left and right, holds the other end of the leaf with three fingers in her right hand, gently rolls it in to form a cone, then carefully puts glutinous rice in it, and finally ties it with cotton thread. A zongzi "baby" was born. Grandma likes to make different zongzi according to everyone's taste: I like white zongzi; Mother likes eating meat dumplings; Grandpa likes to eat black rice dumplings... Which babies in green clothes are cooking on the fire and haven't come out of the pot yet. The smell of zongzi is already in the air. It makes people greedy. I can't wait to take it out and eat it.

  When the zongzi came out of the pot, I immediately went to get one and ate it. I took a big bite. It's really delicious. Eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is really my happiest thing.


  On the Dragon Boat Festival, every family eats zongzi. My family is no exception. On the day before the Dragon Boat Festival, my grandparents wrapped zongzi. The zongzi vary in size and shape: triangle and cuboid. Grandma said that there are many kinds of fillings for these zongzi: white sugar fillings, black sesame fillings, jujube fillings and vegetable fillings. After listening to grandma's introduction, my saliva was almost flowing out. I was busy asking grandma to cook zongzi.

  Wait and wait. After a few hours, the zongzi was finally cooked and boiled.

  As soon as the zongzi came up, I picked up a zongzi, cut the thread, untied the Zongye, put the glutinous rice ball in the Zongye into a bowl, brought a pair of chopsticks and ate it. The chopsticks in my hand kept waving between the bowl and my mouth. After a while, a piece of zongzi entered my belly. It's delicious. The rice dumplings have the fragrance of glutinous rice, the fragrance of Zongye, the sweetness of peanut and the sweetness of jujube. These flavors are intertwined and mixed together, giving people endless aftertaste.

     Eating, I couldn't help it. I put five zongzi in the bowl at once. He ate in a big gulp and muttered, "delicious, really delicious." After a while, five zongzi entered my stomach. I also have a lot of rice on my face. But I'm not happy.

  I didn't expect this little zongzi to be so delicious! I also know: "each zongzi represents the elders' love for their children!" When I grow up in the future, I will also make zongzi for my elders.


  "May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival. The door is inserted with wormwood, and the hall is full of incense. Eat zongzi and sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat goes into the water happily." Whenever I hear this song, what emerges in front of me is fragrant zongzi, green Wormwood Leaves, and a jubilant dragon boat.

  It's the Dragon Boat Festival again. It's a festival in memory of our ancestors. It's in memory of Qu Yuan's day. I got up early, picked up a wormwood leaf and gently put it in front of the door. It is said that this can ward off evil spirits. But I think it's just a trust in people's hearts.

  Sitting at the table, peeling off the green brown leaves, a fragrance came to my face. It was the fragrance of glutinous rice and the sweetness of bean paste. Take a bite while it's hot, and an unspeakable sweet waxy spread in your mouth. After eating it, I found that the fragrance of brown leaves had long been melted into the glutinous rice, which can be described as the finishing touch of the dragon. Smelling the fragrance of Wormwood Leaves, let the glutinous rice melt slowly in your mouth. This sentiment can only be realized in the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Then, I searched the Internet for videos about dragon boat rowing, and found tens of thousands. I watched the dragon boat race on the water, My heart was filled with emotion: "if Qu Yuan saw this scene, would he be very happy? Would he know that because of his feat, will his descendants miss him in thousands of years? No, No. people die like lights out. After a hundred years, who can live forever in the world?" The answer is: No. No one can escape death and old age. Thinking of this, my heart is full of sadness. A hundred years is just a moment. In a hundred years, I will go to the grave. Dragon Boat Festival, you have aroused my infinite sorrow!

  But anyway, it's God's arrangement. Everyone is like this. They grow old slowly in the years. It's better to face death without regret than to wait for death.


  Eating zongzi, drinking realgar, hanging dandelion, in a twinkling of an eye, the Dragon Boat Festival came quietly again with the strong memory of Qu Yuan by the children of the Han nationality

  I remember when I was a child, when it came to the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother and grandmother would make all kinds of fragrant zongzi, and my grandfather would hang the cattail outside the door early. For me at that time, the Dragon Boat Festival was vague. At that time, all my memory was that there were many delicious things in the Dragon Boat Festival; As I grew up, I learned more about the Dragon Boat Festival and the doctor Sanlu who moved countless Chinese people. The Dragon Boat Festival began to become more and more clear in my life.

  Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the country! In that era of war and chaos, in that era when everyone was confused and I was alone, in that era when everyone knew how to protect themselves and even sold national interests to enrich themselves, he did not put down his faith, he did not forget his responsibilities, and he was tortured by the suffering of the country every day. Therefore, the upright man saw his motherland invaded and his heart was cut like a knife. Finally, on May 5, after writing his final work Huai Sha, Holding a stone and throwing it into the Miluo River to die, he composed a magnificent patriotic movement with his own life.

  The tide washes away the sand. Those historical figures have long disappeared, but their great spirit has been inherited, recorded in the Dan book and integrated into the blood of the Chinese people.

  On the fifth day of May every year, dragon boat races, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine; We are not only commemorating our great patriotic poet Qu Yuan, but also inheriting the fine traditions of our Chinese nation. As students living in peaceful times, we can't fight to defend our country, but we can repay our motherland by studying hard. As long as we learn knowledge well, there will always be an opportunity for us to serve our country in the future. As long as all students take "revitalizing China" as their own responsibility, I believe our country will stand tall in the forest of the world!


  Today is the annual traditional festival - the Dragon Boat Festival. In this ancient festival, people make zongzi and race dragon boats, which is full of a strong festive atmosphere everywhere. The Dragon Boat Festival in our home is full and warm!

  I remember the Dragon Boat Festival. Our family was full of the atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival, but ordinary people always stay at home and make zongzi. Sometimes they go out to race dragon boats. It's so boring! I don't want to spend the Dragon Boat Festival like this every year. Just when I think about it, a muscle in my mind "swish -" jerks up. Why don't you have a competition to create zongzi by yourself? Just do it. I grabbed the time and called all my cousins, cousins and friends. It started. We were in a hurry and made a mess. Some, made a rice ball, some, made sushi, and others, Breaking one in the East and one in the west, I think: is this also called creativity? I don't want to be creative like this. After thinking about it, I finally came up with a good idea. I simply made a love. When others looked at me, they were surprised, "is this a good idea?" I don't care what they say. I'm busy doing it myself.

  After the dumplings were steamed, my mother came to see our dumplings. I rushed up: "Mom, I want to give you a gift on today's Dragon Boat Festival!" Thank you for taking out this zongzi from behind me, thank you for giving it to me Mother looked at it and tears came out of her face. Dad came over and said to everyone: today's zongzi competition, Xinyu won. We want to thank our mother!

  In this Dragon Boat Festival, I not only made zongzi myself, but also thanked my mother! Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional and ancient festival, is a warm and full Festival. What a beautiful Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon boat racing is the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival and one of the most important folk activities of the Han nationality in the Dragon Boat Festival. It is very popular in the south of the people's Republic of China and there is also the habit of rowing dry dragon boats in the north. There are many theories about its origin. There are sacrificial activities such as sacrificing Cao E, sacrificing Qu Yuan, sacrificing water god or Dragon God. Its origin can be traced back to the end of primitive society. It has been listed in the intangible cultural heritage list. Dragon boat racing has been introduced to neighboring countries such as Japan, Vietnam and the United Kingdom. It is an official event of the XX Guangzhou Asian Games.

  "Dragon Boat Race" is a custom that existed in the Warring States period. During the Warring States period, people carved dragon shaped canoes in the rush of drums and played Race Games to entertain gods and people. At this time, the dragon boat race was a semi religious and semi entertaining program in the sacrifice. In the two lakes region, sacrificing Qu Yuan is closely related to dragon boat racing. Maybe after the death of Qu Yuan, Cao E and Wu Zixu, the local people also used soul boats to bury their souls, so there is this custom. However, in addition to commemorating Qu Yuan, dragon boat racing has also given different meanings to people everywhere.

  Before the dragon boat race, we should invite the dragon and offer sacrifices to the gods. For example, before the Dragon Boat Festival, Guangdong dragon boats should start underwater, sacrifice the Nanhai God in the Nanhai temple, install the dragon head and dragon tail, and then prepare for the race. And buy a pair of paper cockerels and put them on the dragon boat, thinking that they can bless the boat. Fujian and Taiwan went to Mazu temple to worship. Some sacrifice the dragon head directly by the river, killing chickens and dripping blood on the dragon head, such as Sichuan, Guizhou and other individual areas.

  Before the dragon boat race, various sacrificial and commemorative ceremonies will be held. Generally, incense candles and paper money will be burned for chicken, rice, meat, fruit, zongzi, etc. Nowadays, these superstitious rituals are rare, but in the past, when people offered sacrifices to the Dragon Temple, the atmosphere was very serious. They prayed for a good harvest in agriculture, good weather, going astray, bustling about disasters and good luck in everything, and also blessed the safety of boating. In people's words, "a lucky picture" expresses people's good wishes.


  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the traditional festival in my hometown - the Dragon Boat Festival. Every day, every family will hold relevant ceremonies to commemorate this special day.

  The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the great ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan. According to records, in 278 ad, the Qin army broke through the Kyoto of the state of Chu. Qu Yuan watched his motherland being invaded, but he was powerless. His heart was like a knife. He threw himself into the Guluo River on the fifth day of May and died. After Qu Yuan's death, the people of the state of Chu went to the Guluo River to pay tribute to Qu Yuan. The fishermen rowed in the river to salvage Qu Yuan's body. The people were afraid that the fish, shrimp and crabs in the river would eat Qu Yuan's real body, so they threw rice balls and other food into the river. Later, on the fifth day of May every year, there were customs such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine to commemorate Qu Yuan.

  There is no dragon boat race in northern China, but there are still customs of drinking, eating rice cakes and eating zongzi. On the fifth day of May every year, people always make zongzi, rice cakes and fried oil cakes. The children are happy on this day because they don't eat much rice cakes and zongzi in a year. The old people will not be careless about this festival. Children often talk about when to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival and when to eat zongzi and rice cakes. That feeling and expectation are so real.

  Rice dumplings and rice cakes are usually made on the evening of the fourth day of the fifth lunar month. Rice cakes and zongzi are not easy to cook. They need to be cooked overnight. Children always fall asleep in anticipation. The next morning, the children carried rice cakes and ate rice dumplings while talking about whose rice dumplings and rice cakes were delicious and whose mother's craftsmanship was good. That scene was really enviable.

  I always look forward to the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival and am fascinated by the sweet and attractive rice cakes.

