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【#英语资源# 导语】“红星闪闪放光彩,红星灿灿暖胸怀。红星是咱中国的星,照亮祖国照万代。”这是影片的主题曲,随着这些振奋人心的音符,一个个革命英雄的伟大形象摆在了我的面前。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  "Shining red star" is a well-known book, which reflects the fearless belief of the Red Army. In order to liberate the poor people, they fought local tyrants, divided land, fought hard with the enemy, and saved millions of poor people in dire straits“ The red star shines brightly, and the Red Star warms your heart... "When you hear this shocking song, your blood can't help boiling. The shining red star is our Communist Party. It lights up the years of passion and brings us into the days of the revolutionary era

  In Liuxi village, Jiangxi Province, pan Dongzi had a carefree childhood. Because his parents were both Red Army, he experienced joys and sorrows when he was ten years old. I especially admire xiaodongzi's mother. She is still loyal to the Communist Party and the people under the threat of the enemy. She died on the first day of joining the party. What a loss to the Communist Party! Dongzi's father was injured and insisted on not using anesthetics. During the operation, he was sweating all over, but gritted his teeth without moaning. This strong will made pan Dongzi deeply educated and inspired. Dongzi was nurtured by the revolutionary family since childhood. He has ambition and courage. He wisely fights the crafty local tyrants and evil gentry; He skillfully averted danger, avoided the enemy's close investigation, and completed the task of sending salt to the Red Army on the mountain; He skillfully changed the word, causing the rice shop boss who hoards and colludes with the enemy to lose tens of thousands of kilograms of rice. I not only sweat for Dongzi, but also admire him from my heart. Finally, Dongzi finally joined the Red Army after thousands of hardships.

  After reading this book, I couldn't calm down for a long time. Today's happiness is hard won. It is the blood of countless revolutionary martyrs. If you want to win, you can't wait, you have to fight. Wait, you can only wait to fall behind and be beaten; Wait, you can only wait for the shame of the sick man in East Asia. I can't be born in bliss without knowing it. I should follow the steps of red memory, race against the clock, and remember the red eternal insc ription in my heart, so that my motherland, which has experienced all the vicissitudes, can stand on the top of the world. On the road of growing up, like Dongzi's father, I will never bow to difficulties and setbacks and overcome them with perseverance. On the road of life, like Dongzi, I will never forget the important task I shoulder, put the honor of the motherland above all else, strictly demand myself and fight with tenacious spirit. This book vividly reflects Dongzi's clear love and hate, courage to fight against evil, alertness, calmness, purity and simplicity. I am deeply moved and shocked by the spiritual quality of the characters in the book who look back on death for the fate of the country. It is like a star, like a battle horn, constantly urging me to forge ahead, and like a beacon of navigation, illuminating my way forward everywhere.


  In this book, the protagonist pan Dongzi, a 10-year-old boy, was influenced by his parents as a Communist Party member since childhood and wanted to join the workers' and peasants' Red Army and the Communist Party. In the book, he is brave, witty, clear about love and hate, never bows to bad people, and is very strong. He was originally a rural child and a member of the children's League. At the age of 12, he became a soldier. With a red star given to him by his father, he embarked on the road of revolution and performed meritorious deeds on the road of revolution.

  In this book, I feel a lot. First of all, he felt his unyielding and tenacity in the face of the enemy. His mother was burned alive by the enemy in order to protect the masses, but he didn't change his mind. He still wanted to help the Communist Party and continue to fight the enemy. Then he felt his intelligence, wit and bravery. On the way of his revolution, he first used his intelligence to skillfully defeat Hu Hansan, and then skillfully used tricks to secretly transport salt to the Red Army. Pan Dongzi had no fear and fear on the whole way. For the enemy, he just wanted to attack, but did not want his own safety. He felt that his life was not easy. He was a rural child. He was poor, didn't have enough to eat and wear, and his parents were busy. Later, his mother was killed by the enemy for protecting everyone. In his early years, he lost his mother, but he had to bear the heavy responsibility of children's League members, pass information for the Red Army, help the Red Army destroy the enemy, and fight against fierce enemies. It can be seen that he was not easy, but nevertheless, He still persisted and contributed to the cause of communism.

  On the contrary, how beautiful our life is now! You can not only read quietly in school, but also play happily. But some people are still not satisfied with the status quo. They regard themselves as the "little emperor" at home and ask their parents for this and that. They don't want to study. As everyone knows, our stable life now is bought by heroes like Pan Dongzi with their youth and life, and by the sacrifices of those old soldiers and martyrs. Although their living conditions were difficult, they devoted themselves to the revolutionary cause, bravely fought against the enemy and would rather die than surrender. Although their conditions were much worse than the enemy, they defeated the enemy with firm willpower. Although we don't have to die bravely for the motherland like them now, we must love the motherland and the Communist Party, study hard, work hard, and build a better life in exchange for the blood of our predecessors, so as to live up to their efforts.

  I also want to learn from Pan Dongzi's spirit. No matter what happens, I should stick to it, face difficulties bravely, dare to challenge difficulties, and become a good boy in the new era who can contribute to the motherland!


  The setting of shining red star is during the long march of the Red Army in 1937. There are dozens of poor families in a village. They were exploited and bullied by bullies. The protagonist pan Dongzi is also one of the poor farmers.

  Pan Xingyi, pan Dongzi's father, is a Red Army soldier. Under the guidance of Pan Xingyi, the Red Army established a red regime in their village. Pan Xingyi was wounded in a battle with the enemy. With only the last anesthetic left, pan Xingyi gave the anesthetic to his comrades in arms, and he finished the operation without anesthetic. And gave the warhead to his son and told him: This is the blood of the enemy, and we should let them pay for their blood. When I read this, I couldn't help but admire it. At the same time, I saw tenacity, unyielding and selflessness in the great people's Liberation Army. Of course, this matter made the young pan Dongzi very educated, and he also set an example for his son. Later, the main force of the Red Army was forced to withdraw from the central base area. Pan Xingyi moved with the army. Before leaving, he left pan Dongzi a red star

  After his father left, only a small number of red guards were stationed in Liuxi village. The traitor Hu Hansan returned to Liuxi village and occupied Liuxi village again. In order to cover the villagers' retreat, pan Dongzi's mother died bravely, but his mother's death did not defeat pan Dongzi. Looking at the glittering red star, he became stronger. Seeing here, I can't help tears. I wonder what spirit makes the young pan Dongzi tall and unyielding? Responsibility or patriotism.

  In order to protect pan Dongzi, Mr. Zhao sent him to damaoyuan rice shop in the city as a primary school apprentice. In the rice shop, Xiao Dongzi met Liu laizi, who was born with a bitter child. When they saw that the owner of the rice shop hoarded grain and did not sell it to those farmers, they were very angry and secretly called on the masses to grab grain. Dongzi also set fire to Hu Hansan, but he didn't burn to death. Seeing here, I have long been attracted by Pan Dongzi who dares to think and do and can defend the grievances for the public. Later, Xiao Dongzi left the rice shop to find the people's Liberation Army. On his way to Yan'an, Xiao Dongzi passed a village. He was hung up by a bully there, beaten half to death, and threw it by the river. An old grandfather saved him and took him in for some time. Later, the grandfather who took him in found someone to send him to the people's Liberation Army. After a rough journey, pan Dongzi finally found the people's Liberation Army and became a member of the people's Liberation Army. Comrades are very concerned about him. Dongzi's hometown. After liberation, the army gave Dongzi a few days off to go home and have a look. He went to the village where he lived. With the approval of his superiors, he killed the traitor Hu Hansan. Avenged his mother. The division commander of the people's Liberation Army helped pan Dongzi find his father pan Xingyi, who has become a deputy division commander. Xiao Dongzi wrote a letter to his father, who hadn't seen him for 15 years, telling him what he had experienced over the years, and agreed to meet him again when the country was liberated.

  After reading this book, the power of revolution took root in my heart. I once swallowed my anger and silently clenched my teeth, which doomed the peace of today's prosperous era. Ruthless deprivation! Oppressed people! Brave soldiers who want blood! Did you see that? Now the Chinese people are in charge!

