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【#英语资源# 导语】英语是世界上最流行的语言,也是所有语言中使用最广泛的语言,学好英语有利于我们对外交流。欢迎阅读®文档大全网为大家精心整理的“小学英语作文”!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  【篇一】年轻有才的人 The Young Talents

Everytime I see the news about the young people make great achievement and win the world’s attention, I feel so envious and wonder about how they make it. I think about myself. I am so naive and know nothing about the world. I feel so small. But most kids like me grow up slowly and enjoy our time.

  【篇二】吸血鬼电影 Vampire Movies

I like to see horror movies. But when I see vampire movies, I don’t think they are scared and I like this type a lot. The vampires are so beautiful. They have eternal life, which makes me so envious, because I want to keep young and beautiful. The most important thing is that vampire is so cool, and they are so loyal to the one they love.

  【篇三】完美的父母 The Perfect Parents

Almost in every child’s eyes, their parents are not perfect, because they won’t give them whatever they want, or sometimes they will have argument. They want the perfect parents who can satisfy them with everything. The fact is that nobody is perfect, but the relationship between parents and children can’t be replaced. Let’s cherish what we have now.


小学英语作文:年轻有才的人 The Young Talents.doc
