【#英语口语# 导语】个人情况一直是雅思口语part 1的必考题,主要是问考生干什么工作或者学什么专业等问题。以下是®文档大全网整理的雅思口语part1个人介绍范文,欢迎阅读!
Hello. Sure, here you are.
2. Could you tell me your full name please?
My full name is XXX. Friends usually call my English name, XXX.
3. What shall I call you?
You could call me XXX.
4. How are you?
I am fine, thank you, and you?
5. How old are you?
I am 22 years old. In other words, I was born in 1980. March 8, 1980, to beexact.
6. Does your name have any special meaning?
Yes, my name does have some special meaning. My family name means ‘peace’,and my first name has the meaning of ‘strong one’. My English name was given byone of my high school teachers, and itdoes not have any special meaningreally.
7. Does your name have any special meaning?
I presume you are referring to my Chinese name. Yes, the English equivalentof my family name would be something like ‘peace’, and in the case of my firstname it would be ‘strong one’. My English name was randomly chosen by one of myhigh school teachers, and it really doesn’t have any special meaning.
8. Is your name important to you?
No. I don’t think it can do anything for me. I believe a person has to workout his own life. I am planning to do this as well as I can.
9. Is your name important to you?
Not really. I belong to the new generation who do not attach too muchsignificance to our names. Names were important to the older generation as theyare of the opinion that it will determine your destiny to some extent. However,I personally believe that I myself will determine my destiny no matter what myname is. I will do this by acquiring good qualifications and by workinghard.
词汇可以分不同类别的话题进行补充和记忆,在语言没有错的前提下尽可能用更丰富的表达方式和一些的词汇,避免对一些overused vocabulary的高频使用。
平常要按照以上几个要求,每天进行4-5个话题不少于30分钟的练习,并且在练习新内容时还要时常对练习过的话题进行复习。建议大家对着录音机或复读 机进行练习,回听、纠错并优化自己的语言。可以对着镜子把已经练习过的内容脱口而出,并且在此过程中注意自己说话时的眼神、表情以及礼貌程度。
1、说的过程中要尽量多说,回答不要就短短的几句应该尽可能的多,在雅思口语第二部分要说到考官说停为止(但是请注意要控制话题各部分的比例,不要到考官叫停了没有把CUE CARD上的要点讲完。
有些人习惯在思考时托着下巴,手指还会遮住嘴巴,这个习惯要花时间改掉,因为考官会觉得你很没礼貌。虽然说口语考试中要的是eye contact,但事实上考官还是很习惯的把眼神停留在你的mouth上的。
5.雅思口语话题卡之Education System介绍
题目:Tell me about the education system in your country.
1. at what ages students go to different schools
2. what the advantages and disadvantages of the system are
3. how the system is changing
4. and explain what changes you would like to see.
Example 1:
Well,the education system in my country includes preschool, primary school, secondary school, high school, university and college, as well as graduate school education. Kindergartens take children above three years old with a term of three school years; Primary schools and secondary schools take six school years and three school years, five school years and four school years, or just nine-year-through schooling. Most areas practice the six-year and three-year school-year terms. Therefore, primary school term is six or five years, and secondary school term is three or four years; school age for primary schools is six or seven years old, and 12 or 13 for secondary schools; School age for common high schools is 15 or 16, with a term of three school years, Secondary professional schools are divided into two types: school age for the first type that takes junior middle school graduates is 15 or 16, usually with a term of four school years but with some exceptions of three-year schooling; school age for the second type that takes high school graduates is no more than 22, with a two-year term of schooling; secondary vocational schools usually provide three or four years of schooling; technical schools provide three years of schooling; school age for vocational high schools is 15 or 16, with a term of two or three school Years, or even four years in some places.
Example 2:
To begin, because the country has a federal system of government that has historically valued local governance, no country-level education system or curriculum exists in the United States. The federal government does not operate public schools. Each of the fifty states has its own Department of Education that sets guidelines for the schools of that state. Public schools also receive funding from the individual state, and also from local property taxes. Public colleges and universities receive funding from the state in which they are located. Each state's legislative body decides how many tax dollars will be given to public colleges and universities. Students in grades 1-12 do not pay tuition. College and university students do pay tuition, but many earn scholarships or receive loans.