【#教育# 导语】教育要使人愉快,要让一切的教育带有乐趣。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有所帮助! How do you become confident if you are a very shy person?
获得74.7k好评的回答@James Haforlarin:
1.I really desired confidence and was ready to give anything to have it- it all starts with this burning desire to want to be something more。 I was going to be confident no matter what or I die trying!
2.I read lots of books on self-confidence and motivation alone- I have a lot of knowledge now that all came together from a large amount of books。 When you combine the ideas from a wide range of authors, you get something better。
3.I stayed away from them- you know them right? All those negative people who see the world as a prison, those who only spreads epic awfulness everywhere, all those who always make you feel uncomfortable and undervalued。 In short, I ran away from them。 I changed where I lived and my life got better…。
4.I got support- I had my uncle family who helped me through it and several friends I met at seminars and workshops。
5.I made my decisions final- the thing with shyness is that you make decisions to act and then you break it。 Meanwhile, each time you break this little commitments, your self esteem drops。 What I did was to make my decisions final。 I don‘t say I want to approach a girl and back out。 No。 I made sure I was forced to act every time。
6.I acted it out like Hollywood- It‘s really true that if you just start smiling and walking like a superman like I did then,you’d get superconfident in no time。 I remember how I suddenly start speaking slowly, walking deliberately and always having that cool smile on。 I‘ll maintain eye contact with everyone and spread out。 With time I became addicted to this confidence acting。 It became part of me。