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【#英语资源# 导语】在这个丰富多彩的寒假里,你是怎样度过的呢?以下是®文档大全网整理的《初中生寒假英语日记》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.初中生寒假英语日记 篇一

  During the winter holiday, my teacher said that let's learn to cook a dish.

  Since yesterday, I have been thinking about what to cook? This morning, I decided to learn how to make scrambled eggs and tomatoes.

  At noon, I put on my mother's apron and sleeves to prepare for cooking. By memory, I took a bowl from the locker, took another raw egg, and beat it in the bowl. At this time, my "master" mother said, "Another one is not enough to eat." I had to beat another egg in the bowl. After mixing the eggs, my mother said, "There is water in the pot, turn on the fire, dry the water, turn on the range hood, and prepare to smoke." I turned on the fire and range hood, and in the process of drying the water, my mother asked me to take a tomato, wash it, and cut it in half. I picked a big and red tomato from the basket, washed it clean with water under the faucet, and then put it on the cutting board, and cut it in half. But half of the tomatoes are big and half are small. I chose the big one and cut it into small pieces. Because my knife technique is not good, the cut tomatoes are big and small, wide and narrow. When I cut them, I laughed.

  The water in the pot is dry. It's time to put oil in the pot. I held the oil bottle, but I didn't know how much to put, so I had to ask my mother to watch it for me. "All right." I quickly took the oil bottle back. As I was about to pour eggs, my mother said, "Don't pour until the oil is hot." I turned left and right. Suddenly, I smelled a smell of oil. The oil is hot! I poured the eggs into the pot.

  "Zilala" a burst of oil, the eggs just poured into the pot have not been separated, like a big cake, but also a small creamy yellow bubble. Some egg liquid hasn't been stained with oil. I asked my mother how to separate the eggs? Mother said, "Dip the egg liquid with oil, and then stir it with a spatula." I tried. The eggs were separated, and I was ready to pour tomatoes. "Zilala" was another burst of oil, and the oil stars splashed all over me. Fortunately, I wore an apron. When the egg turns bright yellow and the tomato dissolves together, I put a little salt, stir fry a few times, and add a little water. When the egg turns golden, it can be out of the pot.

  Smell it. It smells good! Take a bite, it's more delicious! But I made soup and liquid egg on the chopping board. When my mother asked me to look at it, I couldn't help laughing.

  I feel a sense of achievement when I look at the dishes I cooked. At the same time, I also realized that it is not easy for my mother to cook. It's interesting to cook your own dishes!

2.初中生寒假英语日记 篇二

  The winter vacation passed in a twinkling, and when I think about that funny thing, I will keep laughing.

  It was the second day of the New Year, and we were going to eat at my grandfather's house. When I went there, I also brought a copy of "Brainstorm".

  It was more than ten o'clock when my aunt and they came, so I said to them, "Auntie, let's play the game of brain teaser?" My aunt nodded without hesitation and agreed to me. So I said, "Let me figure out the question. Guess, I can give you a hint, but I won't say the answer. The person who guessed wrong should stick a white note, and the person who guessed right should eat. Everyone should guess, and if anyone doesn't guess, he should stick a white note." At the beginning of the game, my first question was "What rice can't eat?" I saw my aunt, aunt, brother and sister sitting on the chair, frowning, you look at me, I look at you, Say something quietly. At this time, my brother stood up from the chair and said to me, "This is the broken rice." I went to him, patted his shoulder, and said to him, "Congratulations, wrong answer." I put a white note on his face, and immediately, his brother grew a white beard. Others looked at my brother and began to think again. After a long time, there was no answer. I said, "Now let me give you a hint, a unit of length." At this time, my brother stood up again and said, "I know it is decimeter."

  I said, "That's really smart!" My brother said, "Then take off my white note." I smiled and said, "Make up for the mistakes, OK."

  I had a very happy winter holiday, especially this game.

3.初中生寒假英语日记 篇三

  During the winter vacation, my sister-in-law, who is far away from Beijing, called back and said that she would give me a surprise. I guess left and right, up and down, but I can't guess. So I looked left and right, up and down, and finally brought my sister-in-law back. I also look forward to a surprise - a cute little pet dog "66".

  At the age of 66, his fur was slick and smooth, like wearing a black satin. It felt very comfortable. My sister-in-law said that she often bathed him. Her two big eyes were black, like two black grapes. I like it very much. I often tease it, and soon I get familiar with it. However, it still keeps close to her sister-in-law. She will follow her wherever she goes. If she steals out for a while, she will call to look for her in every room. When she comes back, she will jump into her arms. How interesting!

  One day, the sister-in-law went out, and Liu Liu looked everywhere for its owner. At this time, Jierui came back from the opposite door, and I opened the door to find Jierui to play. Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the door, six or six swish came out. Seeing that there was no owner, Jierui shouted at Jierui '"Wang Wang", and was so frightened that Jierui turned around and ran downstairs and threw himself into her mother's arms. After the event, Jierui and I gave a good training to Liu Liu!

  This Saturday holiday has brought me a lot of fun, but the happy days are always so short. My sister-in-law is going back to Beijing, so I have to say goodbye to Saturday. However, my sister-in-law promised me to bring six or six back next time. I'm looking forward to it!

4.初中生寒假英语日记 篇四

  Many interesting things happened around me during the winter vacation. The most unforgettable thing for me was playing play badminton with my mother.

  Somehow, my mother and I fell in love with play badminton. As long as my mother has time, she will go to play badminton with me. My mother's play badminton skills are very good. I just started playing play badminton with my mother, and I can't win her.

  So I made up my mind to win over my mother! I began to ask my uncle to teach me how to play. Finally, with my hard training, my play badminton skills are getting better and better.

  I am ready to compete with my mother. The competition begins. The first set was probably due to my good luck and narrowly beat my mother. The second round was probably because I was a little proud and lost to my mother. The third set is the key one. So my mother and I were very careful. After a bitter battle, we drew 10. There is only one ball left. We all use our strength and ability. I served first, and my mother hit back, and I hit hard! Mom didn't catch me. I won! I am extremely happy.

  From it, I learned that if you want to do a good job, you must concentrate and persist. As long as you pay, you will win.

5.初中生寒假英语日记 篇五

  During the winter holiday and the Spring Festival, our home has never been quiet. People come and go every day.

  Today, I had a quiet time. In the morning, my mother took out some dumplings from the refrigerator to celebrate the rare silence. I helped my mother clean the pot, and my mother told me to be careful with the gas. I turned on the gas switch and the fire was on. I scooped a few spoons of water and poured it into the pot. After waiting for 15 minutes, the water in the pot boiled. I put dumplings in it. I put four people's bowls and chopsticks on the table, and put a little pepper in each bowl. I asked my mother, "Will Dad come back to eat dumplings?" My mother said that my father had something to do, and would not eat until he came back. I said clearly: "Mom wants to eat dumplings!" Mom nodded. When the dumplings were ripe, I helped my mother ladle some dumplings into the bowl, and then put some into my sister's bowl. My mother was very happy. I learned to cook dumplings. My sister said, "The dumplings are delicious!" My mother and I laughed happily.

  On a quiet day, we ate dumplings happily. It was really comfortable.
