【#英语资源# 导语】在外貌协会中,为减肥而节食的美女帅哥们真不少,而一项新的科学研究表明,节食还可以让人年轻!当然啦,不需要天天挨饿,爱美的宝宝们有福啦!
The idea that organisms can live longer, healthier lives by sharply reducing their calorie intake is not exactly new. Laboratory research has repeatedly demonstrated the anti-aging value of calorie restriction, often called CR, in animals from nematodes to rats—with the implication that the same might be true for humans. 严重减少卡路里摄入量将会使人更长寿,更健康,这可不是什么新鲜事了。实验室研究多次证明卡路里限制(通常成为CR)对从线虫到老鼠这些动物都有逆龄效果,这个推论对人类也适用。
Now two new studies appear to move calorie restriction from the realm of wishful thinking to the brink of practical, and perhaps even tolerable, reality. Writing in Nature Communications, researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the National Institute on Aging reported last month chronic calorie restriction produces significant health benefits in rhesus monkeys—a primate with humanlike aging patterns—indicating “that CR mechanisms are likely translatable to human health.” The researchers describe one monkey they started on a 30 percent calorie restriction diet when he was 16 years old, late middle age for this type of animal. He is now 43, a longevity record for the species, according to the study, and the equivalent of a human living to 130. 从前CR只是一个不切实际的想法;如今两项新的研究表明其可能为实用,甚至能够接受的现实。来自威斯康星`麦迪逊大学以及美国国家老化研究所的研究人员在上月发表在《自然通讯》上的文章写道:长期的卡路里限制对恒河猴——一种和人类年龄模式类似的灵长类动物的健康有非常大的好处。研究表明“CR机制可以转移到人类健康上。”研究人员讲述了一只从16岁,相当于中年时期开始接受30%的卡路里显示的猴子的事情。它现在43岁了,这个年龄破了该物种的长寿纪录。研究表明,这等同于人类的130岁。
In the second study, published this week in Science Translational Medicine, a research team led by gerontologist Valter Longo at the University of Southern California (U.S.C.) suggests it is possible to gain anti-aging benefits without signing up for a lifetime of hunger. Instead, a “fasting-mimicking diet,” practiced just five days a month for three months—and repeated at intervals as needed—is “safe, feasible and effective in reducing risk factors for aging and age-related diseases.” 在刊登在本周的《科学转化医学》的第二项的研究中,一个由来自南卡罗拉大学的老年学专家 Valter Longo带领的研究团队表明不用一生挨饿也能长寿。与此相反,一种“模仿禁食”的饮食,太只需要每月进行5天,持续3个月,在需要的时候间歇进行,是一种“安全,高效降低老龄化以及与老龄相关的疾病风险的好方法”。