[中职英语作文范文 十篇]五一节英语作文范文【十篇】


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【#英语资源# 导语】五一来到春色好,彩云飘飘阳光照,花儿朵朵枝头俏,生活悠悠奔美好。五一劳动节,祝幸福天天无烦恼!以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to the May Day holiday. Today, the sun is bright and cloudless. We are on our way to Fuhua amusement park. The journey is not far away. We talk about things on the road. Finally reached the destination. There is a lot of traffic here. From the side of the road, there is a "pirate ship" from above. There is a cry of surprise.

  We walked to the garden. Once again, I came to this children's paradise - "Fuhua amusement park". I have a new understanding of this amusement park. I saw too much "white pollution" on the ground and too much pollution on the water surface. I looked around. I saw the roller coaster, too naive; Pirate ship, it's boring. I saw the "torrent brave advance". I heard such a strange name for the first time and never played it. My curiosity drove me to play.

  We sat on a raft with a sink full of water below. The exciting "war" began. I sat on the leather raft and saw a steep hillside in the distance. At first, the leather raft slowly "walked", the little flowers next to me said hello, and the little willow waved to me. Soon I felt uneasy. "What if the leather raft goes off the track? What if it slides down again?" I whispered. The leather raft climbed up the hillside. My life! My life is determined by God! I closed my eyes tightly, "Shiyu, you want to be a man!" With my father's encouragement, I opened my eyes a little. "Wow! People are so small! Like the people in the Lilliputian country in fairy tales." When I went downhill, I quickly grabbed the big cloth in front of the raft and covered it on my head so that the water wouldn't get on me. The scenery around us changes rapidly! The exciting "war" is over.

  On this day, I not only had a good time, but also learned a truth: to be a man, you must have courage!


  May day every year is extremely boring for me. But this year, one thing broke the "rules".

  The short holiday of May Day is coming to an end! Not long ago, something... A funny thing happened! At night, I had dinner with my father. Who takes out the garbage? I volunteered, I! I carried the garbage, hummed the song and swaggered along. "Pa" garbage "flew" into the dustbin. I took a look. And swaggered back. When I came to the door, I felt before and after. No, I forgot my key. My mind was short circuited for a second. Ring the doorbell quickly. "Ding Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Ding..." the music is finished. No one answered me. I was stunned. My heart is like a rabbit climbing a tree --- in a hurry. Suddenly, I thought of the duty room. Walk quickly to the duty room. "Have you seen my father?" I asked anxiously. "Hmm? Who's your father?" I reported my father's name on March 21. "Ha ha, it's the fat one, er, the prawn! What's your father's phone number?" I gave out my phone number. "Oh", "doodle", "hello" Dad's voice came from the phone. "Hello, boss Chen! Hello! Where are you? Your daughter is looking for you?" After a while, the man on duty said, "your father is collecting the quilt." "Oh," I ran home and rang the doorbell. " Please come in. "I opened the door and ran home. Suddenly, I saw the sunset glow burning in the sky, while on the other side, the bright moonlight quietly climbed into the sky with the stars. My mind remembered those two words." Boss Chen, prawns "I couldn't help laughing. In this way, it has become a beautiful thing on May Day.

  In fact, the funny little things that happen around us will also feel very happy. Well, you should observe more small details of life in the future. It's time to write. As Du Fu said, "reading breaks thousands of volumes, writing is like God."


  Students, we all know that there will be a holiday on May 1, but do you know what festival it is? Why should we have a holiday? Why should the whole country celebrate? May day is actually may day international labor day. It is a common festival for working people all over the world. The annual "May Day" International Labor Day has become a festival for us to praise workers and labor.

  We are still middle school students. To commemorate may day, we should first bear in mind our learning mission. Cultivate noble sentiments, master rich knowledge and learn more skills, so as to lay a solid foundation for becoming an excellent worker in the future. Knowledge is strength. The more knowledge we learn today, the more contributions we can make to the motherland and the people in the future.

  We should form the good habit of loving labor from childhood. At home, they wear their own clothes, fold their own beds and take care of their own schoolbags; In school, actively clean up and keep the change clean at all times; In society, we should actively participate in public welfare activities within our ability and cultivate our adaptability.

  We should cherish the fruits of labor. "Who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard". We should start from the little things around us and not waste every grain of rice, every piece of water and every penny.

  We should respect everyone who works. Labor is the most glorious, and those who work are the most beautiful. Whether white-collar workers or migrant workers, scientists or cleaners, they are glorious workers and deserve our respect.

  Our happy life comes from the hard work of our parents day and night, the hard work of our teachers and the common dedication of the majority of workers in the whole society. Let's pay tribute to them and greet them! Wish them "happy Labor Day".


  I had a wonderful three-day holiday on May Day!

  Because my father took me and my little brother back to my hometown Tongcheng, Anhui, where there are my beloved grandparents and many of my children. I miss them very much.

  On the morning of May 1, I got up early, dressed up beautifully, prepared a gift for my good friend - my five color painting, and took the bus to the station. The car is speeding on the road. My heart has long flown to my hometown to play with the children.

  The car arrived after driving for more than 3 hours. There are yellow rape flowers on both sides of the road to get off and go home. They are beautiful and can't be seen in Nanjing. I pestered my father to take pictures for me. Grandpa and grandma met us at the door. I threw myself into Grandma's arms and kissed grandma. Grandma was so happy that she hugged my brother with one hand and me with the other, kissing on my little face. My little partners Yao Yao and Tingting also came. They hurriedly took out my gifts to them.

  In my hometown, I played rubber bands with my friends and climbed the mountains with them. I also taught them to dance. I had a good time and didn't go home until very late. The next morning, I went to the tea garden with my grandmother to pick tea. My grandmother picked tea. My little brother and I played in the tea field digging earthworms, making us like gray mice. In the afternoon, my grandmother and I went to the ridge to pick Artemisia (a wild vegetable) and went home to make Artemisia cake. It was delicious. I hadn't eaten it for two years. When my grandmother finished it in the evening, I ate three at once and gave up until my stomach was full.

  Time flies. We have to go back to Nanjing and separate from my good friends. When we leave, they all come to see me off. My tears are almost flowing out. We got on the bus. Grandpa and grandma kept seeing us on the bus. On the bus, I said to my father, "Dad: I'll go back to my hometown in the future vacation".


  This week, the teacher assigned a special homework to taste the "taste of labor". I have tasted many flavors from childhood to adulthood, including the taste of different delicacies, the taste of happiness, the taste of sadness and the taste of learning. I really haven't carefully "tasted" the taste of labor! What exactly does it taste like?

  With questions, I came home and saw my mother dragging the floor. I asked my mother, "Mom, do you know what it's like to work?" Instead of answering me immediately, my mother wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand and said to me half jokingly, "come and taste the sweat." I stretched out my finger and put it on the tip of my tongue. Wow, it's so salty and bitter!

  At this time, my father came back. I greeted him and asked him, "Dad, do you know what it's like to work?" Dad pointed to my dirty sneakers at the door. "Go, wash the shoes first, and you'll know!" So I excitedly picked up my sneakers and went to the bathroom. I put them in the basin, turned on the tap, squatted down and washed them. The soapy water splashed everywhere. After more than half an hour, I finally washed them! Just as I was about to stand up, I found that my legs were a little numb and my waist was too sour. I thought: is this acid also the taste of labor?

  Dad came in to check my achievements and immediately became serious: "look at you, washing shoes makes a mess of this!" I lowered my head in shame and felt a hot on my face. Mother hurried to make a round at one side. "It's also commendable to wash your own shoes! Just pay attention to correction next time!" Hearing my mother's praise, my heart immediately became sweet!

  The original taste of labor is so wonderful. In a short time, I "tasted" the taste of labor: it is bitter when working, sour when working, sweet after being praised, but it is spicy when criticized. Isn't this the ups and downs of labor?


  The May Day holiday is finally here! Excited, we chose to go to Qiandao Lake greenway to enjoy the scenery while exercising.

  Early in the morning, we walked more than 100 kilometers of highway from home to the beautiful Chun'an Qiandao Lake. Qiandao Lake is a huge reservoir. Islands are actually flooded peaks. The water surface of the lake is sparkling and there are large and small cruise ships on it. But the purpose of our visit is not to visit Qiandao Lake, but to ride and tour on the greenway around it for more than 200 kilometers.

  Finally on the road, the greenway is paved with plastic. Many people come to ride bicycles, including children, the elderly and young people... There are also many kinds of bicycles, including double seats, three seats, four seats and so on. The plastic cycling road is green, red and blue. On one side, there are fragrant and refreshing flowers, and on the other side, there is the sparkling Qiandao Lake, which makes people forget the hot weather and the fatigue of cycling.

  After a while, we drove into the woods beside Qiandao Lake, where the birds greeted us happily. Soon, we got out of the woods, and the picture we saw shocked us: it was a bridge specially built for riding. We could only see the water below, and the sun shone on the water surface. It was not that there were speedboats passing through and riding on the bridge, as if we were drifting slowly with the lake

  Out of the bridge, I came to the plank plank plank path at the edge of the cliff. The most interesting thing is: in order to build the road without damaging the trees, I left openings for these trees one by one. Therefore, there was a tree in the East and a lesson tree in the west of the plank path. After a sharp turn, a tree suddenly appeared in the middle, but it was an exciting challenge for me. I grabbed the handle of the car, leaned around to avoid obstacles, and took a sharp turn, Almost my whole body is grinding to the ground and there is a drift. This is called speed and passion! After a long time, another exciting path came: wave path. This road first rushes up a section of the way and then down. Once up and down, people don't need to make efforts at all. Once down the slope, they rush up the slope, and the whole person flies up. I'm still shooting for the first time, and then the more I play, the more energetic I get. It's really a flying feeling!

  It's getting late, and we can't go around the whole lake for more than 200 kilometers, but we've broken through the limit: riding for more than 50 kilometers!

  Looking at the beautiful sunset and the boat floating slightly on the lake, how reluctant I am to give up!

  How I want to do it again!


  Today is the "May Day" International Labor Day. My family went to Wuxie scenic spot together.

  After arriving at the scenic spot, my father went to buy a ticket, while mine was waiting for him in place. At this time, there was a sea of people at the gate of the scenic spot.

  After a while, my father bought five tickets. My family followed the crowd into the scenic spot. Just entering the entrance of the scenic spot, you can see the high green mountains and green lake, and there are several ships and motorboats on the lake. This beautiful scenery is really refreshing. Walking, unconsciously, my has come to the dock. But there were too many people, so it took a long time for my turn to get on the boat. On the boat, the scenery seems to be more beautiful: the mountains on both sides go straight into the clouds, there are still some clouds in the mountains, the lake is clear and green, and several small fish jump out of the water, as if welcoming me!

  It took more than ten minutes for the ship to reach the opposite bank. When I got ashore, my first went through a corridor and then passed a battery station. My saw a green lawn. Just then, two peacocks flew over the lawn. I hurried to catch them, but I didn't catch up. After crossing the lawn, the road slowly began to become steeper. Unconsciously, my began to climb the mountain. Climb and climb, climb and climb, I heard bursts of thunder like sound. As soon as I turned, a magnificent waterfall appeared in front of me. I couldn't resist the temptation and stopped like other tourists to watch. The waterfall poured down from the rock crack between the two mountains, which was more than ten meters high. Surrounded by water mist, it was spectacular, which was the "five discharges".

  After watching for a while, my went on the road of mountaineering again. After four discharges, three discharges, two discharges and one discharge, I finally reached the top of the mountain. At this time, my father, mother and sister were very tired, but my uncle and I were tireless, so I began to run down the mountain, but because I went the wrong way, I came to the foot of the mountain very late, and my sister had reached the foot of the mountain when I went the wrong way.

  My family took many photos on the lawn at the foot of the mountain as a souvenir, and then went home happily.


  During the May Day holiday, I went to Zhengzhou Diandian dream city with my mother, aunt and cousin. It arrived at more than 8 o'clock. Although it began at 9:30, it was already a sea of people. We bought tickets and lined up in a long line. When waiting in line, the staff said: "today is mainly for children. Let the children go through time and space to this dream country - Diandian dream city, to complete this wonderful dream journey!"

  As soon as the time came, we walked into Diandian dream city, got 30 yuan Diandian coins from "China Merchants Bank" and spent 5 yuan to buy a map. There are so many experience halls on the map! There are more than 70 occupations, such as scientists, doctors, baby breeders, archaeologists, builders, postmen, broadcasters, miners, salesmen, carpenters and so on. There are experience halls that pay fees and experience halls that earn a little money.

  After reading the map, I went to the children's store and "applied for" a job as a salesperson. The main job of this job is to sell maps. A map is 5 yuan a little coin. The saleswoman's aunt gave us the overalls of the children's store. She said to us, "each person sends four maps at a time and comes back to get them after they are sold out, but they can't sell them within the specified time." Eight of us set out. In the streets and alleys of dream city, I ran up to people and asked, "Hello, aunt, do you want a map?" After a while, four maps were sold out. I rushed back, brought four more, shouted along the street, and sold out again with a warm smile and polite language. For the third time, he took four tickets on the road, and the man was sweating profusely. Maybe I'm tired, maybe my attitude is not enthusiastic enough. It's time to sell only one ticket. This time I made a salary of 6 yuan. But the heart is happy to bloom.

  Then I went to Diandian flower shop and became a flower arranging girl. I beautified the flower shop and earned 5 yuan at the same time; Go into the salad bar and learn to make salad.

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, I reluctantly walked out of the dream city and embarked on my way home. I counted today's on the bus Harvest - 41 yuan, with sweat on each one. A drop of sweat is a harvest. If you sprinkle more sweat today, you will get more harvest tomorrow. Cheer for me, I want to grow up and have my own job! Not illusory, but real.


  Taking advantage of the May Day holiday, I made an appointment with several students to Jiuxian mountain, located in Wulian County, Rizhao City, and started our may day trip.

  Jiuxian mountain is a beautiful fairyland on earth. It is famous for its strangeness like Huangshan, beauty like Mount Tai and danger like Mount Hua. With a vision of this mountain, we embarked on a journey to Jiuxian mountain. It was already noon when we drove to the foot of the mountain. We decided to eat first, fill our stomachs and reserve our strength for going up the mountain.

  After eating something, we went to Bainiaoyuan first, but as soon as we went, all the birds hid. We only saw a bird's nest, in which chirping birds came. According to the uncle of our peers, it was the chicks waiting for their mother to come home. There are very high and steep mountains in the hundred birds garden. We can only climb up to see the scenery on the mountain. So we began a difficult climb. In front of us, the leaves of the adults and the scattered stones are scattered in front of us. At the beginning, I rushed to the front of the team, and my strength became worse and worse. In the end, I climbed more and more slowly like a depressed patient and came to the back of the team. When I felt physically exhausted and my legs trembled so fast that I couldn't climb, I finally climbed to the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the rolling mountains around, I really realized the feeling of being the top of the mountain and looking at the small mountains. From laomu Pavilion on the top of the mountain, we took a car to maojia river.

  Maojia river is also called Longtan Grand Canyon. We walked down the curved wooden path and went down to have a look. There was a big waterfall. There were some small lakes below. There were many small tadpoles in the lake. One of my female classmates and I fished for small tadpoles and filled a bottle, but in the end, they were released because we couldn't raise them. What a pity!

  Finally, we went to Sun Bin Academy. The wooden ladder inside is long. It's at least 100 stories high. Climbing on the wooden ladder gives people the feeling of no end. This is the longest wooden ladder I've climbed. My legs tremble when I think of it now. In my mother's words, climbing the mountain has no temper! Although tired after climbing, he has a special sense of achievement.

  Climb the highest mountain and see the most beautiful scenery. Jiuxian mountain is truly a fairyland on earth! Wherever I go, I feel refreshed and relaxed. Next time I have time, I'll go back and see its style.


  In this sunny and beautiful May Day holiday, I learned one thing that made me very happy: boating.

  On May 1, I came to Shishi. I heard early in the evening that Shishi has an East Lake Park where I can take a boat. So I asked my mother to take me to the park to row a boat. When my sister heard this, she said, "I'm going too. By the way, I'll teach you how to row a boat?" "Oh, sister, you can row a boat. I can't see it!" I said naughtily! "Of course, I didn't know how many times I rowed when I was a child!" My sister said.

  When we got to the East Lake Park, we rented a boat. My sister and my mother set foot on it. In the season, we rowed there first. I said, "let me row too!" "You little devil, can you?" My sister said, "I can. Let me row. It must be better than you!" I said confidently. My sister pretended to be angry and said, "you really shouldn't say hello, boy." My mother couldn't help laughing beside me.

  I rowed like my sister. Somehow, the oar didn't listen to me. It either got into the water and didn't move, or ran against the water. Sometimes it went up and sometimes it went down. After a while, it splashed water all over my sister and my face. The boat was just beating in place. The people on the other ships laughed at it. I feel hot on my face. I'm a little embarrassed. "It doesn't matter. Slow down. My mother said and rowed. I calmed down like my sister. Slowly, I clenched the oar with both hands, stared at the front with my eyes, and rowed one after another. The boat really moved forward. I was very happy, and my strength came, so I rowed hard. I thought the boat was moving fast and rowing from the dock to the other bank. As I rowed, the oar seemed to be more and more obedient. I was excited and didn't know what to do. Later I reached the other side smoothly.

  I finally learned how to row. Although I was sweating, I had unspeakable joy in my heart!

