【#英语口语# 导语】和同学用英语进行对话时,面对提出的问题,你都能迅速反应并给出答复么?下面是由©文档大全网给大家整理的英语情景口语对话,供大家参阅!
N: Hi. Sam. How are you doing? Are you accustomed to the brand new university life?
S: Pretty good. Everything is wonderful. I joined the Student Union of our college and made many new friends. Last Sunday, my classmates and I went for a picnic.
S:非常好,一切都很棒。我加入了院学生会,还交了很多新朋友。上固日,我和班 上的同学去野营了。
N: I envy you. I have been longing for a picnic.
S: You are the envy of me! I have been dreaming of going abroad. By the way, how are you getting on with your work at Yale University?
N: Not too bad.
S: Anything interesting? Tell your dear sister. She has always been your loyal listener.
N: Well, at the very beginning, the situation was terrible. You know, as the best law school all around the world, everyone here is something great.
N:哦,刚来耶鲁的时候,情况很糟。你知道的,耶鲁法学院是全球的法学院, 这里的每个人都是牛人。
S: You are something, too.
N: Yeah. I used to think so, but now I don’t. Compared with my classmates, I am backward in many aspects, so in the past four months, I have been reading day and night, and have attended many lectures. Anyway, it’s good to see that I am catching up with them, but I am really tired.
N:嗯。以前我也这么认为,但是现在不了。跟同学们一比,我在很多方面都很落后; 所以,4个月以来我一直在夜以继日地读书,还参加过许多讲座。不管怎样,我正在赶上他们,这点挺欣慰的,但是我真得很累。
S: Don’t bum your candle at both ends. You need to relax yourself from time to time. I heard that there are many recreational activities such as Master’s Tea.
S:不要太拚命了。要适当地放松_下。我听说你们学校有许多娱乐活动啊,比如院 长茶会。
N: That J for college students. For postgraduate',event)">graduates, there is a weekly gathering at the weekend. We also have many birthday parties. In addition, “happy hour” is Law School’sspecialty.
N:那是本科生的院长茶会。研究生每固末会有一个研究生聚会,还有很多生日聚会。 另外,"幸福时光”是法学院的一个特色。
S: What does “happy hour” mean?
S: “幸福时光”是什么意思?
N: Every Friday, the dinning hall will be open to teachers and students at 5 p.m. During this time, drinks and foods are all offered for free.
N:每个星期五的下午5点,法学院的餐厅将向全体师生开放。这时候,饮料和食品 都是免费供应的。
S: You mean people can drink and eat without paying?
N: That’s right. It’s the liveliest time of Law School, with so many people chatting and laughing. Sometimes, the dean and some famous professors may also show up. This is a great opportunity to network, catch up with long-time friends, and make new friends.
N:对。那是一固最热闹的时刻,整个法学院人声鼎沸,说说笑笑。院长和一些 的教授有时也会出现。这为拓展人际关系、与老朋友联络感情,以及结识新朋友 都提供了绝好机会。
S: It must be great fun to join such parties every week.
N: Life is not all beer and skittles. Except for the leisure time, we have to study with diligence. It’s a matter of daily occurrence to stay up reading.
N:生活并不都是吃喝玩乐。休闲之外,我们就得努力学习了。熬夜读书对我们来说 简直是家常便饭。
S: Perhaps this is what “happy hour” really means: throw yourself into work, and enjoy yourself to the utmost.
N: All work, no play, makes Jack a dull boy.
S: That’s quite right. Are there any other interesting things?
N: Let me see. Last Sunday,we were invited to a Tort Law professor’s home. I was really shocked that the 70-year old professor lives with his wife in a farm which is inside a forest, with surrounding hills and a small lake. It’s so beautiful that I tended to linger on there.
N:让我想想。上周日,教《侵权法》的老教授邀请我们去他家里做客了。当我看到 70岁的老教授和他的夫人住在森林中的时候,简直惊呆了一那是一个农场,群 山环绕,还有一个小小的湖。美得令我流连忘返。
S: Maybe the professor will invite you once more.
N: Well, he said that the farm is open to everyone, we can go anytime.
S: It seems that you keep good relationship with your teachers.
N: Yeah. At Yale, it’s very common for professors to invite students to their houses. You know, Yale is a university caring much of interpersonal relationships.
N:是呀。在耶鲁,教授请学生到家里做客是很平常的事情。要知道,耶鲁是很重视 人与人之间的交往的。
S: I also want to apply to Yale after graduation.
N: Well, then you should work hard to lay a good foundation .
S: I will.
N: The semester is ending. What’s your plan for summer vacation?
S: Well, I haven’t thought about it yet. I'm busy preparing for final exams. What about you?
N: I’m also busy preparing for term papers. I planned to travel around USA, but haven’t decided where to go. By the way, it would be the Spring Fling in two weeks.
S: What’s that?
N: It is an annual festival for the students to have fun at the end of each spring semester. Usually it begins on the Friday of the second to last week of the semester and continues until Saturday night. Beginning in 1973,Fling is dubbed the largest college party on the East Coast. There may also be a range of Happy Hours.
N:就是每年的春季学期末尾举办的一种校园狂欢活动;通常是在本学期倒数第二固 的周五开始,一直持续到周六晚上。春季狂欢节开始于1973年,被称为美国东 海岸最盛大的校园狂欢活动。可能会有各种形式的"幸福时光"哦。
S: I really envy you!
N: Ok. Now please go to the library and work hard just as what I did.
S: Ok. Bye.
N: Have fun.
S: Tom, look at this picture, how crowded the scene is!
T: Yeah, a very joyful occasion. I guess it was taken on the day of the official opening of ananniversary.
S: That day was Saturday, October 21,2000 when Yale opened its door to the public.
T: Oh, yeah! I still remember the kick-off celebration on that day, behind-the-scenes tours, art and musical performances, games and even appearances by bulldogs. Thousands enjoyed the daylongcelebration.
T:哦,对!我还记得那天的启动仪式、后台参观活动、艺术及器乐演奏、小游戏, 甚至还有一队斗牛犬亮相。成千上万的人沉浸在庆典的欢乐中。
S: Yup. The scenes of that day are clearly appearing in my mind as if it just happened yesterday. Banners were strung across the busy New Haven streets with people everywhere.
S:是啊,那天的场景历历在目,仿佛发生在昨天一样。纽黑文街上人潮涌动,彩旗 飘扬。
T: I read the newspapers the other day. To my surprise, the opening weekend of Yale tercentennialcelebrations drew a crowd of over 35,000.
T:我看过报纸,耶鲁大学300周年庆典开幕的那个周末,聚集了 35000人,让人很 是震惊。
S: Oh, my! I only remember that there were many people moving around me on that day, but it was unimaginable to have so many people gather together.
T: Yes. Sally,do you remember the special cake on the opening ceremony?
S: The cake? Oh, yeah, the cake which was shaped like a part of the campus where the first-year students used to live.
T: Right! You have a terrific memory.
S: Thank you.
T: Do you know the size of that cake?
S: I don’t know the size, but I heard that the cake weighed about 300 pounds. How big it was!
T: On the opening ceremony, many students joined President Levin to slice the large cake. I have been wondering who had eaten that cake finally.
T:在开幕仪式上,是学生们与莱文校长一起切开的那个大蛋糕。我一直纳闷最后是 谁吃了它。
S: Maybe by the president. Just leave it at that.
T: OK. What’s more, there were a range of amazing events throughout the year: special lectures, publications, concerts and exhibits. Your alma mater had a wonderful birthday.
T:好吧。那一整年都排满了有趣的活动,像专场讲座、公共出版物、音乐会,还有 展览会。你的母校度过了一个精彩的生日。
S: Yeah, exactly. Someone told me that at that time virtually every school, academic center, all museums, and collections sponsored special events to mark the occasion.(8)
S:对啊,有人说,为了这次庆典,实际上每个学院、学术中心、所有的博物馆,还 有募捐处都协助举办了活动。
T: So the celebration was a splendid and perfect feast for us to enjoy.
S: Right now, I am feeling very proud of being a member of Yale University.
T: Here, these pictures show the last several days of the yearlong anniversary. This one is about theTercentennial Convocation held on 5 October, 2001. Do you remember that day?
T:看这儿,这几张是固年纪念最后几天拍的。这一张拍的是2001年10月5号那天 举行的300周年纪念集会活动,你还记得吗?
S: Of course, that is a formal ceremony. Members of the Yale Community, returning alumni, and representatives from sister institutions processed to Yale’s Cross Campus for a convocation commemorating the University’s founding.
S:当然记得,那是一场正式的典礼。耶鲁大学社区成员、回校的校友,还有来自姐 妹院校的一些代表都列队前行,来到耶鲁的十字形校园,参加纪念耶鲁建校的集
T: You know that on that day, I failed to get a ticket for entering the Yale Bowl where the events took place. So I just watched the ceremony broadcast live on Yale cable.
T:你知道的,那天我没有弄到进体育场的门票,好多活动都在那里举行呢,所以我 只能在耶鲁电台看直播了。
S: Oh, poor boy. Anyway, you have joined many other activities.
T: Yeah, I'm working hard to be a Yalie as you are.
P: What do you think of the lecture?
B: I think it was very interesting and helpful.
P: Do you really think so?
B: Yes. Don’t you?
P: Of course not. I think he talked a lot of rubbish.
B: Really? So you think you know more or you have better ideas than he does?
P: It doesn’t necessarily mean that. But at least some of his view points are not correct. Generally, I don’t think a lecturer can tell any deep things in one or two hours.
P:倒不一定是这个意思。但至少他的一些观点并不正确。总之,我认为在短短的一 到两个小时内,演讲者不可能讲出多么深入的东西。
B: Yes?
P: Just imagine. The speaker speaks unceasingly on the platform, the audiences listening silently to him. Things he talked about are what he thought he should tell, but not exactly what the audiences want to know.
p:试想一下。演讲者在台上滔滔不绝地讲,听众在台下默默地听。演讲者所讲的都 是他以为有必要讲的,但是并不一定是听众想知道的。
B: You have something there. But that’s a universal phenomenon. Do you have any good ideas?
P: I prefer Master's tea. In Master’s tea, students and guests can talk freely.
B: Master’s tea?
P: Yeah. Don’t you know that? It is very common in Yale’s residential colleges.
B: I’d heard of that but haven’t had time to go. It’s an awesome event that you plan to go to, but don't actually have time for because they’re always scheduled during times you have other commitments.Is it interesting?
B:我听说过,但是设有去过。院长茶会是很棒的事情,我也打算去,但是它总是安 排在你有其他事情的时候举行。是不是很有趣啊?
P: Of course. A Master’s tea is something like this: afternoon tea, coffee, soft drinks, and a nice spread of fingerfoods and desserts; All free! A cozy, paneled room with chairs; your college Master, about 10-20 people from your residential college, plus...one outrageous famous person sitting there talking with you all like you were all friends.
P:当然了。院长茶会是这么一回事:有下午茶、咖啡、软饮料.还会分发小点心; 都是免费的哦!通常在一间惬意的、像座谈会一样的房间里;在场的有住宿学院 的院长、一二十个该学院的学生,还有……一位大腕儿坐在那儿和学生们交谈, 就像朋友一样。
B: I see. But a Master’s tea only seats around 20 students while a lecture may accommodate up to several hundreds of people.
B:哦。但是院长茶会只能坐下20个人左右,讲座则 可以容纳几百个人。
P: That’s true. Perhaps we can use lectures and Master’s teas side by side. Still I prefer Master’s tea.
P:这倒是真的。也许我们可以同时利用讲座和院长 茶会这两种形式。但我仍然更倾向于院长茶会。
P: Do you often join in it?
B: Yes. It’s wonderful to talk with those great figures on how they think, how to make choices, and how to face troubles. For example, recent guests have been: Jodie Foster, Jodi Picoult, Matt Matros. There have also been other people who are prominent in their fields but of whom I have no knowledge.
B:对。与伟大的人物谈论他们的想法、如何做选择,以及如何面对困难,感觉棒极了。比如,近期的嘉 宾有:朱迪福斯特、朱迪皮考特、马特马特罗 斯。还有其他一些在他们的领域很但是我不知 道的人。
P: Jodie Foster? You’d talked with Jodie Foster? She is my favorite star.
B: Really? She is my idol, too. It's a pity you didn’t come. She'd come to Calhoun for a Master’s tea last year on April 19,2009. I remember it clearly because that day was my birthday. It was a truly memorable birthday. By the way, which one of her movies do you like best?
B:真的吗?她也是我的偶像。你没来真是可惜。她是2009年4月19日来卡尔霍恩 学院的。那天是我的生日,所以我记得很清楚。真是一次难忘的生日啊。对了, 你最喜欢她的哪部电影?
P: I'm quite familiar with all her movies. For the favorite one, I choose Taxi Driver. She is good at shaping such lower-class people whose life is full of frustrations and who has complicated psychology.
P:她演的所有电影我都耳熟能详。要说最喜欢的,要数〈出租车司机〉。她善于塑 造这种身世坎坷、心理复杂的生活在社会底层的人物。
B: She was born in a single-parent family and had to make commercials at the age of 4 to support her family. Anyway, the hard life didn’t demoralize her, but made her a person of strong character.
B:她出生在单亲家庭,4岁起就不得不接拍广告来维持生计。然而,艰苦的生活没 有使她意志消沉,反而形成了她坚强的性格。
P: She also has two children as a single mother.
B: Well, she has the ability to bring them up on her own. In addition, she is a successful producer and director.
P: I know. But I’m terribly sad for missing that Master’s tea.
B: Come on. Maybe she will come back in the near future.
P: Hopefully, are there any Master’s tea this week?
B: There are no upcoming Master’s teas at this time. But I heard that Whoopi Goldberg is coming to Calhoun for a Master’s tea this semester. The time is not fixed yet.
B:到现在还设看见有通知。但是,听说这个学期乌比哥德堡会来参加卡尔霍恩的 院长茶会。
P: Who is Whoopi Goldberg?
B: You really should have known her since she is one of the few famous black stars in Hollywood. Go and google for her through the internet.
B:你真应该知道她的,她那么有名,是好莱坞为数不多的黑人女星之一。回去上谷 歌査一下吧。
P: Ok. Maybe in future I shall spare some time to go to Master’s teas. It would be nice meeting half a dozen famous people every month. And maybe I would come across Jodie Foster someday.
P:好吧。也许,以后我得挤出时间来,多参加各个学院的院长茶会。每个月见上那 么六七个名人,真不错。兴许哪天我就碰上朱迪.福斯特了呢。
B: Well. Not all the Master’s teas are open to everyone. You can only go to another college’s Master’s tea if the college allows it and if there’s space. People in that college get preferentialchoice. Anyway, Jodie Foster is a Calhoun alumna and each Calhoun Master’s tea is generally open to all Yale students.
B:哦,不是所有的院长茶会都对外开放的。如果举办的学院准许,并且有空位的话, 外院的学生才可以去。本学院的学生享有优先权利。不过,朱迪福斯特是卡尔 霍恩学院的校友,卡尔霍恩的院长茶会是向所有耶鲁学生开放的。
P: That’s good news.