No.1 Young people today have more chances to improve the world than young people in the past.
题目大意为: 与过去的年轻人相比,现在的年轻人有更多的机会去改善世界。此题是一道典型的古今对比题目,波波建议选择同意,理由如下: 1.年轻人本身素质的提高 2.社会制度的完善和科学技术的进步。
To begin with, with the improvement of educational level, young generation today are more capable to make the world better.
The obvious reason underlying the above statement is that better education one receives usually means higher quality he has. As we kno, college education plays a crucial role in helping young people cultivate various abilities including social skills, leaderships and foreign language skills, which enable them to better improve the world. With the popularization of higher education, an increasing number of young people obtain the opportunity to attend college and university. According to the surveys polling 1000 people aged from 20 to 30 conducted by Ministry of Education in 1995 and in 2005, nearly 60 percents of the surveyed in 2005 were bachelor degree holders while the figure in 1995 was less than 15%. These two figures has clearly shown that the educational level of young people has improved a lot, which greatly enhance their capabilities of bettering the world.
Secondly, young people today have more opportunities to make the world better than their counterparts in the past due to the improvements of social system as well as the development of science and technology.
In the past, under the tyranny social system, young people born in the ordinary families had no chances to change the world. However, with democracy becoming the theme of social system, every citizen including the young have an equal chance to improve the world. For example, many young people have the chance to engage in a variety of worldwide voluntary relief activities, which was totally impossible for young people in the past. What's more, the advent of communication technologies such as internet makes young people more accessible to the events happening in the world and thus make a say. However, in the past young people couldn't get to know what was happening in the world and let alone improve the world.
No. 2 Some agriculture methods damage the environment, but providing the food for the increasing number of population is more important than protecting the environment.
On the one hand, supplying sufficient food to the increasing population is more important for the developing countries.
As is common sense, the ample food supply contributes to the stability of the whole society by meeting the basic need of the public.Confucius, one of the greatest philosophers and educators in ancient China, once remarked that the top priority for people is food, which clearly illustrates the significant role played by adequate food in keeping the whole society in order. What is happening in Africa is a good case in point. Due to the shortage of food, people in Africa are on the verge of starvation and many children suffer from malnutrition. Consequently, in order to gain food, local people are more likely to have conflicts with others and thus the whole society is reduced into chaos. According to the survey conducted by the UN, millions of African residents die of starvation or fighting for food per year. As we know, the pesticides will defend the crops from insects and fertilizers can improve the harvest. Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee the food supply by employing various agricultural methods for the sake of maintaining social stability in those less developed nations.
On the other hand, protecting environment is more significant for the developed countries, because people in these countries place more emphasis on health than on food.
Without any doubt, a clean environment is the precondition for people to live a healthy life. To illustrate, as long as we live on the earth, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat have a close relation to our health. However, the chemicals used in farming have contaminated the soil and even the water. Also, the residues of the pesticides on the fruits or vegetables may be also taken in, which will eventually make people suffer from various disease. In this case, the government of developed countries should enact laws to restrict the use of poisonous chemicals, in order to avoid the consequence that the health of our human beings will be threatened seriously.
Judging from the above discussion, it depends on the development stage of the country whether adequate food supply for the public is of greater importance than environmental protection. To be more specific, the developed countries should give priority to protecting environment because the people in these countries want to lead a higher quality life in a clean environment. However, as for undeveloped countries, guaranteeing food supply is more important because the public there are confronted with the threat of starvation.
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