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【#高考# 导语】高考英语作文虽然不及语文作文分值那么高,却是整张英语试卷中拿分的题目,十几分在高考中同样非常重要,英语作文是综合考察学生英语学习能力的题型,从单词量的积累、短语的记忆、语法的学习和句型结构的熟悉程度,都能在英语作文中体现出来,以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter希望了解中国药 (traditional Chinese medicine)。请给他写一封邮件


  1. 中药的历史与种类;

  2. 用途与好处。


  1. 词数100左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


  Dear Peter,

  I’m writing to tell you something about traditional Chinese medicine. Honestly speaking, traditional Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years. Chinese people gained rich experience when they fought against illnesses. Thus, they have been knowing there are hundreds of medicine, which prove effective and efficient when used to treat diseases. These drugs are safe and have few side effects. Besides, they do little damage to livers and kidneys.

  Li Shizhen, a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist of the Ming dynasty, wrote a famous book on medicine, making great contributions to people around the world.

  Looking forward to your reply.

  Yours sincerely

  Li Hua



  1. 表达谢意;2. 个人感受;3. 表达信心。


  参考词汇:流行病epidemic 疫情 epidemic situation 新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus


  Dear Medical workers

  I am Li Hua,a high middle school student in Shanxi. I'm writing to express sincere gratitude to you all for your devotion and sacrifice in this battle against the Novel Coronavirus.

  In this epidemic, it is you who, despite the lack of equipment and the potential of infection, desperately rescue those infected but striving for life. It is also you who have shed new light on the virus with expertise to build up our confidence to defeat it. It is you who deserve all the admiration and love!

  I can never express our thankfulness too much for your selfless contribution. It's widely believed that our joint efforts China will win the battle and make a quick recovery.

  Good luck and stay well!

  Yours sincerely




  1. 上海率先实行;

  2. 垃圾须分四类(干、湿、可循环、有害) ;

  3. 公众反应。

  参考词汇:垃圾分类 trash sorting




  Dear Eli,

  Having learned that you are interested in the trash-sorting program promoted recently in China, I am here writing to give you a brief introduction.

  As far as I know, Shanghai has become the pioneer of our country's waste sorting policy. As of July 1st this year, the residents in Shanghai have not been able to dump their waste bags in whichever bin was closest. On the contrary, domestic waste is required to be classified into four categories: dry refuse, wet trash, recyclable waste and hazardous(dangerous) waste.

  Faced with the new rule, many citizens in Shanghai are finding it a little too complicated, with every item of waste now under careful scrutiny(examination) and classification. Still, there are more people who warmly support the policy because it helps people to cultivate greener lifestyle habits and helps China to become a more beautiful country.


  Li Hua

