shake: The most general one. to move up and down or back and forth. It refers to persons or things.
(发抖) quiver: To tremble a little. It suggests a rapid but invisible vibration. His lips quivered with emotion.
(颤抖) tremble: To shake uncontrollably and slightly as from fear, cold, excitement etc. It implies uneasiness and nervousness. Her voice trembled as she began to sing.
(瞬间发抖) shiver: To tremble from fear or cold. It suggests a slight and rapid movement. He stood shivering in the snow.
(极度颤动) quake: to shake or tremble violently. It suggests a more violent and sudden change. He quaked with excitement. An explosion cam make the ground quake.
(抽筋般颤动) shudder: To shake uncontrollably for a movement. It suggests a more intense shaking. She shuddered at the sight of a snake.
![]() 本文来源: 正在阅读: 关于惜时的励志名言警句07-29 2018年重庆社会工作者考试报名入口:中国人事考试网04-23 2020年湖南娄底医师资格考试缴费时间:4月15日-4月29日12-29 2022年湖南省选调生招录公告-2022年湖南省选调生选拔公告09-11 2018年国家公务员考试职位表下载(已发布)|河南安阳2018年国家公务员考试职位表02-04 中考满分作文550字:我们刚搬了家02-12 2019年秋季小班保育员工作计划:2019年秋季小班保育员工作计划03-11 2021济宁中小学放假时间表|山东济宁中小学假期时间表出炉07-28 小学三年级英语下册单词整理08-22