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【手机用户】→点击进入免费试听>>【CET4】 * 【CET6】


  请将下面这段话翻译成英文:   市上行销的时髦贺卡,多是金碧辉煌的豪华版,代价不菲,姑置不论,流行歌曲式的新潮贺词,也很不合老人身份。诸多烦扰,不一而足。曾经几次自己设计,印制一些朴素大方,既能表情达意,又可供清赏的贺卡,也难以实现。不得已狠一狠心,向贺年卡挥手告别,从此不再寄发,也不再裁答。失礼之,只好请多多体谅了。   参考答案:   Most of the fashionable greeting cards on sale in the market are the splendid luxury versions. Apart from their expensiveness, the greeting words of the pop song style are not suitable for the senior. There are so many worries to make a list. Several times I wanted to design and print some simple and easy cards by myself, but it was hard to realize making the cards which could be the expression of greetings and the apprecaition. Therefore, I had to make up my mind to say goodbye to New Year cards,d not to sending and replying to them any longer from then on. Please forgive me for being impolite.   考点分析:   市上行销的时髦贺卡,多是金碧辉煌的豪华版,代价不菲,姑置不论,流行歌曲式的新潮贺词,也很不合老人身份。   分析:   翻译前可以把这个长句分层,“…豪华版”可以译为一句,后面的分句译为另一句。其中“姑且不论”可以译为apart from作为前置状语,然后贺词可以作主句引导句子。   本文背景:   选自柯灵的《别了,贺年卡》

