

时间:2021-08-29 17:39:56 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语考试中经常会出现一些我们没有遇到的话题,这就需要大家在备考中多了解写词汇的意思,才能避免在考试中遇到新的问题卡壳。以下是©文档大全网整理的如何备考雅思口语的新话题,欢迎阅读!



  一、雅思口语Part 1


  What kind of bags do you use on different occasions?


  What is your favorite entertainment?

  What kind of entertainment do your friends like?


  How do you keep fit?


  How often do you go to museums?

  How important is art?

  Would you buy postcards from the museum?


  What did toys teach you?


  Should people work on weekends?

  Should people who work on weekends get extra pays?


  What is the most popular kind of cars in China?

  What kind of car will you buy?


  How important is the internet in people’s life?


  How are photos today different from the photos in the past?

  二、雅思口语Part 2


  A couple who have a happy marriage

  A comedian you like

  An interesting person in your family

  A teenager

  An old friend you haven’t seen for a long time but you want to meet again

  2、物品题 (实物题 + 抽象物品)

  A book you’d like to recommend to others

  The equipment you find useful, but not a computer

  An old family photo

  A film based on actual events or real person

  A meaningful song

  A piece of music

  Art education in China

  Your favourite dish

  Your favourite meal

  A skill you learnt from a family member


  A team-project you experienced.

  Your experience of coming close to an animal

  Your favourite time during a day

  The happiest day in your life

  An exciting experience in your childhood

  An interesting experience in your childhood

  Your plan for the future (not about work or study)

  A traditional event

  An unusual job

  A wrong decision you made

  Something you did that made you feel relaxed

  A happy event

  A leisure activity near the sea

  A sport event in your childhood


  A house or an apartment you lived in

  A natural beauty that you like to visit





  纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatlyinfluenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop youoften go to(地点题),Describe a family event(事件题)。 


  很多考生觉得口语话题难,就是因为没话说,特别是看似较为抽象的话题,如Describe asuccess。总觉得success肯定是较为光鲜的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材。其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully didsth,构思就会容易许多。可以讲成功地网上交友、购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合。

  又如part 3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people’s life?如果单单从较高层面总的去概括科技怎样改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了。Well,technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten yearsago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings usmore comfort。







  Besides the example you just gave (in Part 2), what are some other examples of bad weather (in your country)?

  Do different parts of your country experience different types of bad weather?

  Why do you think people call it "bad weather"?

  Is there anything we can do to prepare for bad weather?

  Do you think bad weather can ever be dangerous?

  What do people in your country do when the weather is bad?

  The Weather and Climate……

  Natural Disasters……


  You should say:

  what sort of bad weather it was

  when it happened

  where you were when it happened

  and explain how it affected you.


  Well, one particularly unpleasant experience that sticks in my memory was the time I went to Huangshan with my mum and brother, which must have been about 2 or 3 years ago, when my mum came over to visit me in Hangzhou. We had decided to go travelling to Huangshan as none of us had been there before, and we’d heard a lot of great things about it.

  And basically what happened was that we got caught in a big storm, which seemed to spring up out of nowhere, because one minute it was pretty sunny, and the next it was, quite literally, pouring down with rain, and I mean, REALLY chucking it down!

  What didn’t help us was the fact that, at the time the storm hit, we were right on top of a mountain, and because we hadn’t checked the weather forecast, we didn’t have any umbrellas with us, so we got absolutely soaked!

  And the worst thing was, when we reached the cable car to get down the mountain, we were told that it had closed early for safety reasons, coz there were some flashes of lightening, and this apparently made the cable car unsafe to go in.

  So we ended up having no choice but to walk down the mountain instead, and because it was still raining when we got to the bottom, we couldn’t find a single free taxi. So there we were, completely drenched and utterly exhausted, stuck in the middle of nowhere.

  Thankfully, though, after what seemed like an eternity, a minivan finally pulled up and gave us a lift back to where we were staying, which was a huge relief. I honestly don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t come, because it was getting pretty dark and most people had already left the mountains, so thank goodness it came!

  And looking back on it now, I would say I actually gained quite a lot from this experience, as it’s really kind of taught me to appreciate the times when I do have easy access to transportation, which is most of the time.

  So yeah, that’s pretty much it, and I hope the story wasn’t too boring!

