
时间:2022-07-02 00:49:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】因为坚持,才会有破茧成蝶这样美好的故事。作为英语六级备考人,我们也想为自己争取一个完美的结局。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  To fully understand the concept of the "Paperless Office",one must understand what it conceptually was supposed to mean,as well as what it has evolved into as its current form.Early forms of the paperless office would have concentrated around word processing documents and the ability to create,store and manage their existence electronically.However,you were limited in scope as to what you could do to"manage"these documents.Most of the management revolved around viewing and perhaps sharing it with other users in the organization.There were no automated programs that handled workflow,scanning,tagging and management of these documents effectively.Scanners were (at a cost-effective price)too expensive for the average office to acquire based on the return on investment.At the corporate level,there was no direction as to handle workflow and to analyze where paper came from and where it had to go internally and if there was a process in place,the tools were not mature enough or existing to handle it.

  In the last few years,technology has finally been catching up to the needs and requirements of the office environment.Scanners that previously cost tens of thousands of dollars now can be acquired for hundreds.Digital copiers/printers now incorporate high speed scanning and OCR capability,even at the lowest levels.The technology initiative has now been transferred to the IT and MIS departments of corporations as well as law firms.Clearly,the tools necessary to transform paper-full to a paperless office are now widely available.What then,is stopping the widespread adoption of the concept of the paperless office?Cultural issues are probably one of the largest obstructions to the implementation of the concept of the paperless office.Plainly,people feel comfortable doing what they know how to do best(shuffle paper around)and modifying theirhabits requires a focus that makes them feel that they are,in fact,doing things better and more efficiently.Implementing a paperless office environment that introduces processes that are more difficult and technologically challenging than the previous environment is doomed to fail from the start,Keep all processes simple,introdu ce technology that is easy to learn and use,and document the workflow.

  1.What did the early forms of paperless office lack for efficient management?

  2.Scanners used not to be considered worthwhile when a company considers its_________________.

  3.It is implied that the concept of the paperless office is now adopted on a______________________scale.

  4.It is found that most people refuse the concept of the paperless office due to____________________factor.

  5.What does the author think about the processes of the paperless office environment in comparison with the paper-full office environment?  


  Faced with the rapidly rising costs of employee benefits, companies are scaling back. It's become distressingly clear that employees are increasingly on their own when it comes to retirement savings and health care.

  Employers don't typically trash (丢弃) an important employee benefit-too much negative press-but they are shifting more of these costs onto workers. who feel it in the form of higher health-care premiums, rising co-payments on drugs and much less certainty about their retirement finances.

  Towers Perrin. a global human-resources-consulting firm, recently surveyed hundreds of U.S. companies representing more than 13 million employees on changer they are making-or contemplating making-to their employee-benefits packages. The knife cuts deepest on the most expensive benefits, with the biggest often being healty care.

  It costs the average American company more than $14,000 per year to provide coverage to an employee and her family. The employer's response: shift more of that growing burden to workers. As a result, companies have seen their health-care spending rise 29% over the past five years.but employees have seen their outlays-for premiums, co-pays and deductibles-rise 40%.

  Retiree health care is getting hit hardest-just when the boomer generation needs it most. Of the employerssurveyed, 45% have already reduced or eliminated subsidized health-care coverage for future retirees, and an additional 24% are planning to do so or considering it. Of those offering the perk(额外补贴), roughly 25% put a dollar limit on how much they will spend per retiree. "Once the limit is reached, future inflation risk transfers to the retiree," notes Ron Fontanetta. an executive with Towers Perrin.

  Corporate pensions, the third leg of the proverbial retirement stool (the other two being Social Security and personal savings), are also being eroded as the foundering (下挫的) stock market wreaks havoc on employer pension funds. At the end of 2008. employer-sponsored pension plans were underfunded by more than $400billion, according to Mercer, a management-consulting firn. The recent stock-market rally has halved that deficit. but it remains a funding sore spot and is one more reason that companies are turning away from this benefit.

  "Companies initiated many of these benefits in a different time," says Fontanetta. "Retiree benefits started being offered when many companies had a young workforce with few retirees. so it was not really a cost they had to contend with.” Today it's the reverse, particularly in old-line industries.Detroit’s Big Three automakers, for example, have more than Four rimes as many retirees as active hourly workers.

  1. Instead of ending important employee benefits. employers are_____________.

  2. According to Towers Perrin's survey, which 8spect of employee benefits is the most profoundly impacted?

  3. The scaling down of retiree health greatly affected_________________.

  4. Because of the stock market slump, companies are giving up_________________.

  5. The last paragraph implies that companies cut back on retiree benefits because of_____________________.


  Some of the old worries about artificial intelligence were closely linked to the question of whether computers could think.The first massive electronic computers,capable of rapid calculation and little or no creative activity,were soon dubbed(取绰号)"electronic brains".A reaction to this terminology quickly followed,computers were called"high speed idiots",an effort to protect human vanity.But not everyone realized theimplications of the high-speed idiot tag.It has not been pointed out enough that even the human idiot is one of the most intelligent life forms on earth.If the early computers were even that intelligent,it was already a remarkable state of affairs.

  One consequence of speculation about the possibility of computer thought was that we were forced to examine with new care the idea of thought in general.It soon became clear that we were not sure what we meant bysuch terms as thought and thinking.We tend to assume that human beings think,some more than others,though we often call people thoughtless or unthinking.Dreams cause a problem,partly because they usually happen outside our control.They are obviously some type of mental experience,but are they a type of thinking?And the question of nonhuman life forms adds further problems.Many of us would maintain that some of the higheranimals-dogs,cats,apes,and so on-are capable of at least basic thought,but what about fish and insects?If thinking is demonstrated by evident electrical activity in the brain,then many species are capable of thought.Once we have formulated clear ideas on what thought is in biological creatures,it will be easier to discuss the question of thought in artifacts(人工制品).And what is true of thought is also true of the many other mental processes.One of the immense benefits of a research is that we are being forced to scrutinize,with new rigor,the working of the human mind.

  It is already clear that machines have superior mental abilities to many life forms.No fern or oak tree can play chess as well as even the simplest digital computer,nor can frogs weld car bodies as well as robots.It seems that,viewed in terms of intellect ,the computer should be set well above plants and most animals.Only the higher animals can compete with computers with regard to intellect and even then with diminishing success.

  1.What did people think of the early computers?

  2.According to the author,the early computers is__________________than human idiots.

  3.As a result of speculating whether computer could think,we had to research more carefully to get_____________________.

  4.Why do dreams cause the problem whether they are a type of thinking,according to the author?

  5.What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning the fern and the oak tree?
