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【#四六级考试# 导语】学而不思则罔,在掌握知识点之后将其运用在解题中才是备考的好方法。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  The direct raya of the sun touch the equator and strike northward toward the Tropic of Cancer. In the Southern hemisphere winter has begun, and it is summer north of the equator. The sea and air grow warmer; the polar air of winter begins its gradual retreat.

  The northward shift of the sun also brings the season of tropical cyclones to the northern hemisphere, a season that is ending for the Pacific and India Oceans south of the equator. Along our coasts and those of Asia. it is time to look seaward. to guard against the season's storms. Over the Pacific, the tropical cyclone season is never quite over. but varies in intensity. Every year. conditions east of the Philippines send a score of violent storms howling toward Asia, but it is worst from June through October. Southwest of Mexico. a few Pacific hurricanes will grow during spring and summer. but most will die at sea or perish over the desert or the lower California coast as squalls.

  Along our Atlantic and Gulf coasts. the hurricane season is from June to November. In an average year, there are fewer than ten tropical cyclones and six of them will develop into hurricanes. These will kill 50 to 100 persons between Texas and Maine and cause property damage of more than $100 million. If the year is worse than average, we will suffer several hundred deaths,and property damage will run to billions of dollars.

  Tornadoes, floods, and severe storms are in season elsewhere on the continent. Now, to these destructive forces must be added the hazard of the hurricane. From the National Hurricane Center in Miami. a radar fence reaches westward to Texas and northward to New England. It provides a 200-mile look into offshore disturbances. In Maryland. che giant computers of the National Meteorological Center digest the myriad bits of data-atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, surface winds. and winds aloft-received from weather stations and ships monitoring the atmospheric setting each hour, every day. Cloud photographs from spacecraft orbiting the earth are received in Maryland and are studied for che telltale spiral on the warming sea. The crew of United States aircraft over the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Atlantic watch the sky and wait for the storm that will bear a person's name. The machinery of early warning vibrates with new urgency as the season of great storms begins.

  1.The cyclone season of the Southern hemisphere__________________.

  A) is brought by the polar air of winter

  B) ends when winter comes to the Southern hemisphere

  C) virtually lasts throughout the year

  D) begins when the sun rays strike the Tropic of Cancer

  2.What is true about the storms howling towards Asia?

  A) They originate over the Pacific.

  B) They influence Southeast Asia most violently.

  C) They mainly grow during spring and summer.

  D) They usually perish off coast.

  3.When the Pacific hurricanes reach the lower California. most of them will_____________.

  A) reduce their intensity

  B) increase their intensity

  C) cause much property damage

  D) result in great rain and floods

  4.What can we leam about the National Hurricane Center in Miami?

  A) It mainly provides protection against hurricanes to Texas and New England.

  B) It warns the whole country against tornadoes, severe storms and hurricanes.

  C) It consists of radars along the coast of the west and the north of U.S.

  D) It supervises the coastal areas stretching from Texas to New England.

  5.The passage discusses most clearly about_______________.

  A) the factors that cause hurricanes

  B) the most risky areas that suffer hurricanes

  C) the early warning system against hurricanes

  D) the remedies for property damage by hurricanes


  Nowadays,leaders the world over are busy mapping out blueprints for a new age with environmental protection high on their agenda. Sustainable development hits headlines almost every day. It is of utmost importance to restore the harmonious balance between man and nature,given the damage we've already done to it.

  First of all, we must realize that man and nature are interactive.To begin with, we derive everything fromnature. Among other things,I'm sure you've all tasted natural produce that is otherwise known as green food. And you must have noticed that nearly all beautifying products boast of being natural creams,natural lotions or natural gels. For man,nature has an irresistible appeal.

  But on the other hand we must also realize that nature can be unruly.Nature is indeed like a riddle,some areas of which are beyond the reach of science and technology,at least in the foreseeable future. Nevertheless,the advancement of science and technology will still characterize the next millennium. The coming new age will provide many opportunities,but it will be likewise run of challenges. For instance,United Nations'demographers predict that global population could soar from its current 5.9 billion to as many as 11.2 billion by 2050.This will aggravate the current scarcity of natural resources caused by environmental degradation.More conflicts over this scarcity may occur with the ghost of nuclear wars always hiding in the background. To prevent this nightmare from coming true,governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. However, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do toachieve the harmony between man and nature. We must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do.

  Can we all be economical with food,water,electricity or other resources? Can we,or rather,some greedy ones among us,stop making rare plants and animals into delicious dishes? Can we stop using the unrecyclable style of lunch boxes? If not,one day they may bury us in an ocean of white rubbish.After all,the earth is not a dustbin;it's our common home.

  1."Green food"is a name we give to______________________.

  2.Beautifying products boast of being natural because___________________.

  3.What will the next millennium be characteristic of,according to the author?

  4.The current scarcity of natural resources will be aggravated by_______________.

  5.If we don't give up using the unrecyclable lunch boxes,they may accumulate to be__________________.


  We have all heard the saying."You are what you eat." But how many of us are willing to admit that the expression applies to us as well as to all those unidentified people out there?Current research suggests that the majority of Americans have bad eating habits,and some of this is determined by our lifestyle,which demands that we eat quickly and inexpensively.

  What are the commonest foods on the American menu? Hamburgers and French fries,sugar-laden drinks;pies andwhipped cream,malts and ice-cream. Apart from an occasional broiled hamburger,all the things on that list are bad for us.And there are certain prophets of doom who predict that all those fatladen fast foods provide us with only one thing-a faster road to the grave.

  On the other hand, there are those who claim that the basic fast-food meal contains all the nourishment you need. After all, there are meat. milk, salad (if you have the extras), and bread. And if you have a cheeseburger instead of a hamburger, you are doing yourself an extra favor by adding additional protein.What these good news gossips are overlooking is the usually pulpy bun; the excess of sugar in the maltose or Coke;and overdose of salt that is sprinkled on the hamburger to make palatable (美味的).

  So you decide to stay away from the hamburger joint, and buy your food from the supermarket. Are you any better off? Not if you buy frozen or canned food. The experts tell us that canned and frozen vegetables contain sugar, as well as all sorts of perspectives that are not doing anything to improve your health. According to these people. the only way to be sure your food is good for you is to buy it and cook it fresh. And then. of course. you have to eat it-and that creates another problem. The speed of today's world has encouraged many of us to eat far too fast. We do not chew our food enough, and we eat on the run or we jump and start running the minutc we finish eating.

  1.According to current research,the bad eating habits of the Americans are determined by their_____________________.

  2.Who most probably thinks that the fat-laden fast foods are fatal?

  3.Compared with a hamburger, a cheeseburger provides us with more______________________.

  4.What should we do with the food so as to be better off?

  5.By saying that "we eat on the run". the author means that we are made to__________________.
