

时间:2023-07-24 18:39:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Donald Trump has dismissed the reported conclusions of the CIA that Russia interfered to help him win US presidential election as ridiculous. In an interview with Foxnews, Mr. Trump said he didn't believe it. He said his Democratic party rivals were just trying to find another excuse for their defeat. In the same interview, the president-elect suggested he should not be bound by the One-China policy, a statement that's likely to be greeted with alarm in Beijing. He suggested the policy should be tied to other things such as trade. The One-China agreement under which the US acknowledges Taiwan as part of China has been the backdrop of Sino-American relations.


The Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni has been appointed Prime Minister to replace Matteo Renzi. Mr. Renzi resigned after being defeated last week in a referendum on planned constitutional reforms.


Islamic State militants have retaken control of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra after being driven out by heavy Russian airstrikes overnight on Saturday. The governor of Holms Province said government forces had withdrawn but we're regrouping in preparation to expel the Jihadists.


