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【#英语资源# 导语】每一年的1月1日,就标志着新一年的到来,人们习惯将这一天称为“元旦”,俗称“阳历年”。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。

1.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇一

  Today is New Year's Day. The students came to the school early. Once you enter the classroom, you can see the four characters "Celebrate New Year's Day" fall in the center of the blackboard. The desks in the classroom have also changed. They are full of delicious food, making our classroom more beautiful and more atmosphere. "Now, the get-together is just beginning!" the host said.

  There are people who tell jokes, sing songs, and talk crosstalk. But what impressed me most was the program of playing zither, "Next, Yao Jialei's classmate played the zither for everyone. Yao Jialei walked to the middle of the classroom and sat down to play it quietly. When she played the first song, it sounded like a hundred birds contending. It was so clear and beautiful. When she played it, she seemed to be integrated into it. It was smooth and beautiful, and my body and mind were intoxicated with the singing. Soon, Yao Jialei's performance was over. Ah, listening to this song, my brain All the troubles in the sea have been forgotten. Listening to this piece of music, I seem to have gained countless spiritual food, and I never get tired of hearing it. After each performance in our class, the small audience recalled a burst of warm applause. Finally, it was my turn to play. My heart was pounding, and I thought: Don't make a bad performance. I didn't expect it to be a success.

  It was Lu Yiming and Hou Fuyuan's turn to perform crosstalk. They put their hands in their pockets and whispered, "Let's perform a sketch." They began to cooperate tactfully. Their rich expressions, funny movements and funny tones made our stomachs ache.

  Two hours passed unconsciously, and the party was over. After New Year's Day, we still haven't finished. Although we are not well decorated, but our kind of lively singing, students' friendship is incomparable with other classes!

2.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇二

  On the last day of 20xx, at 1:00 p.m. on December 31, there were white clouds floating in the sky. We were excited to participate in the last activity of celebrating New Year's Day in our Yucai Primary School, the garden tour.

  With the sound of "ding bell...", the garden tour began. Everyone immediately dispersed to the garden scene of each class and entered the colorful game. Of course, I was no exception.

  I immediately lined up at the activity site of my class to take part in the activity of "Sea Lion Top Balloon". Soon it was my turn. I threw the balloon into the air and walked forward step by step with the balloon on my head. Sometimes I used my head, sometimes my back, sometimes my shoulder to carry the balloon to the destination quickly. I won. I won the first sweet candy with my wisdom.

  I went to the second venue to participate in the "egg transportation" activity. Those are five disposable cups filled with water. The first one has a table tennis ball on it. It is a victory to blow the table tennis ball into the fifth cup in five breaths. I won the victory easily and won two precious sugars.

  I came to the lively "Pinball" activity site again. There are a lot of people here. It was my turn finally. I was a little nervous. I was afraid that I could not hold the marbles and lost the chance to get candy... "Shh". When the game started, I would hold the chopsticks regardless. "One, two, three, four..." "Shh". The game was over. I held thirty-five marbles, six more than my opponent, so I got two more candies.

  This time, I also participated in "Funny Ping Pong", "Red Hot", "Ping Pong Home" and other games, and got a lot of "trophies". The garden activities were really colorful. We had a meaningful afternoon.

3.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇三

  "Run! Go to the show." Kang Hongling cried happily. All teachers and students of our school held a large-scale cultural activity on the playground - "Celebrating New Year's Day" holiday.

  When I came to the playground, I saw the words "Celebrate New Year's Day". When we came to our seats, the whole school was almost quiet. First of all, President Tu made a speech. Her earnest words are full of encouragement and hope for us. Then, the school awarded trophies and certificates to the students who won the grand prize of Quanziyang accordion competition. Finally, there are cultural performances.

  The program began. The first program was "On the Field of Hope" performed by the school dance team. The students relaxed their sleeves and danced. His face was filled with a happy smile. Then the students performed more and more wonderful programs. It's our turn to perform in the fifth grade. When I came to the stage, I was not nervous at all, but it was so cold that I only wore two sweaters. We began to perform. All the students wore yellow sweaters, black pants and white shoes, looking very neat. Powerful music sounded and we danced happily. The students smiled and did every action. Sometimes it looks like a monkey fishing for the moon; Sometimes it looks like the stars in the sky, twinkling. After the dance, the audience applauded. We quickly put on our coats to keep warm.

  The next program is the Happy Yangge for all teachers. The performance began. The teacher and the principal all wore red sweaters, black pants and casual shoes and began to dance the Yangko. Just two steps later, all the students in the school filled the stage, and all the teachers and students in the school were immersed in a happy atmosphere.

  This New Year's Day celebration program not only increased our knowledge, but also exercised our courage, and also made us have a happy afternoon!

4.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇四

  I am very happy today, because today is New Year's Day. I ate dumplings filled with fennel meat in my hometown and played with my cousin all day.

  In the morning, I got up early and heard the sound of TV in the master bedroom. I ran to the master bedroom and lay in bed with my parents to watch TV. After a while, my mother got up and went to work. I sat up in bed and watched TV.

  After a few hours, my father woke up. I hurried to wash and dress, and my father got up to wash and dress. A few minutes later, the eldest aunt called my father, and I went to get my brother up. We went down together, sat in the eldest aunt's car, and went back to our hometown.

  At more than 10 o'clock, we arrived at our hometown. My cousin and I got off and went to the house. After staying in the room for a few minutes, we found it boring. My cousin suggested skipping rope, which I agreed with very much. My cousin and I took the rope to play in the yard.

  After we played for a while, we got tired of playing. I suggested playing the live version of My World. My cousin agreed with me very much. Before the game started, my cousin asked me to be a person, and my cousin was all the other characters.

  After playing for a few minutes, the dumplings were cooked, and I went in with my cousin to eat them. After entering, I found that the dumplings were made of fennel meat. I liked them very much. I ate a bowl of them, but my cousin didn't like green ones, so my aunt served eight dumplings for him. After my cousin and I finished eating, we each filled a bowl of soup. After drinking, we went out to play again.

5.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇五

  This evening, we had the New Year's Day that we always dreamed of. We all guessed how wonderful the New Year's Day was. We came to the restaurant and waited for a while. The New Year's Day program began. But the happy time was so short that the New Year's Day program seemed to be completed in the blink of an eye. I liked many of the programs, but what impressed me was the trampoline program composed of the sixth grade elder brother and a female teacher.

  They were wonderful when they rehearsed, so we all looked forward to it. Finally, when the trampoline was moved up, all the audience cheered. The program seemed to be very popular with the audience. The performance began. I listened to the music and their jumping posture was really good and exciting. During the performance, we heard a lot of applause and cheers from many people, and all the audience stood up to watch the program, It seems that I'm afraid I can't watch such a beautiful and high performance. Their movements are perfect, beautiful and aggressive. Many of us follow them, and I'm following them, because it's so funny. But I have an itch in my heart. I want to rush to the stage, jump on the trampoline, and perform with them, but it's impossible. They continue to jump, and they jump more and more vigorously. We continue to applaud, And the applause is getting louder and louder.

  Through this program, I learned that sports is so interesting, and I should exercise more in the future.

6.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇六

  Today is the first day of New Year's Day holiday. My father said that my friends would organize to pick strawberries on Huandao Road and would take me with them. I was very happy. So I got up early. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast, and set out with my father.

  When I got on the bus, I sat on the seat and enjoyed the scenery along the way. When we got to Huandao Road, we got off. I was thirsty. My father bought me a bottle of green tea. The store was promoting sales and gave me a book as a gift. As we walked forward, we saw my father's friends carrying a big black bag. We couldn't wait to run to it. After a lot of noise, we were ready to start from the next place. Because of the large number of people, we all decided to take a tour bus to the seaside. After about ten minutes' ride, we came to the seaside grass. I opened the big bag curiously and saw that it was the tug of war rope!

  The activity started. We took out the rope of tug of war to prepare for the tug of war. Dad pulled it vigorously, and I shouted to cheer. What a lively scene. Originally, we were going to ride the Huandao Road by bike. Because the wind was too strong, we decided to pick grass mold first. When we arrived at the grass mold garden, we took the blueberries and began to pick grass mold. I am very picky. As long as there is a little bit bad or bitten by insects, I will not pick it. I also secretly tasted one while picking it. My father and I picked very little, so it was very light. We had a little accident. My father's friend and child went to kick the guard dog that sells grass fungus. The dog was very angry and bit him. The child cried and made noise. I was very scared when I saw it!

  Finally, the happy day ended, and we went home by car. I was very tired. Once I got home, I ate the dinner prepared by my mother, took a bath and went to bed.

7.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇七

  The bell of 20xx is ringing, and a beautiful New Year's Day is coming. Let's all be happy with the blessing of the New Year.

  A new self will wake up on the "New Year's Day", the "Chinese Birthday", warm and happy for a moment. In this new year's day, we all changed into beautiful new clothes and enjoyed peace, holding hands with our family and watching colorful fireworks. The flower buds that are released heartily are just like people's hearts that are full of passion and love life! At this moment, the bell of 20xx is ringing, and a beautiful New Year's Day is coming. Let's all be happy with the blessing of the New Year. A new self will wake up on the "New Year's Day", the "Chinese Birthday", warm and happy for a moment.

  In this new year's day, we all changed into beautiful new clothes and enjoyed peace, holding hands with our family and watching colorful fireworks. The flower buds that are released heartily are like people's hearts that are full of passion and love life! At this moment, people's hearts must be incomparably comfortable, and a kind of warmth can not help lingering in their hearts

  This New Year's Day, happy and full, let's sleep soundly and spend a safe night. At this moment, the new year is coming. I sincerely wish everyone a wonderful life in the new year, just like these countless budding buds!

8.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇八

  Our class held a New Year's Day get-together in the third and fourth classes.

  The students performed many wonderful programs, some singing, some dancing, and some humorous sketches. What about me? I played the violin, because I was the only one in our class who brought the instrument, so my popularity was very high. In order to activate the atmosphere of the New Year's party, I also inserted an advertisement. At that time, I was drinking Meiyuyuan Fruit Orange, so I said, "Drink Meiyuyuan Fruit Orange, watch the New Year's party, and Meiyuyuan Fruit Orange is here to wish everyone good health and a happy New Year!" When I finished, everyone burst into laughter!

  Next, Xiaoyan performed "mechanical dance" and "horse riding dance", and the classroom was filled with warm applause. I was also shocked by his dancing posture. Seeing Xiao Yan's wonderful performance, I didn't want to be outdone. I sang two more songs, Wang Feng's "In Spring" and "Fly Higher". When singing the song "Fly Higher", the whole class followed me! yeah! I felt like a big star!

  Finally, the teacher led us to play a game of "beating drums to pass flowers". The rule was that the teacher took a small orange as a flower and let us pass it in order. The teacher hit the bench with a wooden stick. When the teacher stopped, the orange fell into the hands of who or who did not send it out, then the student would perform a program. I want to perform and give our group more points. The game started, and the students performed several programs one after another. When the oranges were handed to me, I deliberately dropped them on the ground, delaying time, and the teacher finally stopped, "Haohao, come here! Haohao, come here!" The students shouted in unison. I think you must think I'm Haohao! In fact, contrary to what they thought, I finally want to perform again! So I called my good friend Xiao Yan to the stage! We performed the "Global Adventure of Bears!" Hee hee! I became Xiong Er because I talked like Xiong Er. Xiao Yan became Xiong Da. Our performance made everyone laugh.

  This is really an unforgettable New Year's Day get-together! Next year I will rehearse more performances for you!

9.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇九

  On the afternoon of the last day of this year, the cold wind was blowing, but our Class 55 was full of enthusiasm and laughter. The annual New Year's Day celebration is being held in a lively manner.

  As soon as you enter the classroom, you will see a room full of ribbons and balloons. All the tables and chairs have retreated to the sides, leaving the middle performance space. There are many "New Year's Day" on the blackboard, making the New Year feel overwhelming. This is the celebration venue arranged by the students at noon.

  In the introduction of the host, the get-together officially started. Some students sang, some talked about crosstalk, some played sketches, and some played the clarinet... My favorite program was Wang Ruodi's original crosstalk, which said that Xiao Wang saw "Cao Fangzi", "Gouya Rain", "Bronze Sunflower"... Ha ha. It turned out that these were the titles of novels written by the great writer Cao Wenxuan. Upon hearing the familiar title of the book, the students will laugh happily. It seems that Uncle Cao's coming to the school this year has had a profound impact!

  Next is the announcement of the list of winners in our class this semester, including the Popular Boys' Award, Popular Girls' Award, Golden Microphone Award... and the Talent Award, the Snail Award, and the Wooden Man Award... These titles and winners are all selected by the whole class. The students who have won the praise award are all in high spirits, and the students who have won the criticism award are also in the limelight. The students were eating a variety of snacks while watching the wonderful programs!

  Finally, with Teacher Zhou saying "See you next year", our New Year's Day celebration ended, and the students reluctantly left the school. Tomorrow, we will usher in a new year.

10.欢度元旦的英语作文 篇十

  It was the annual New Year's Day again. In the blink of an eye, another year passed. The streets are decorated with lanterns, and the festive atmosphere is everywhere. Looking at the familiar scene, I came to the school against the cold wind and welcomed the annual New Year's Day get-together with joy.

  As soon as we stepped into the classroom, the students' clothes were various, and everyone's faces were full of smiles. Some students were dressing themselves up for the New Year's Day show, while others were putting the desks in the classroom in a U shape. There were a lot of candy on the desks, which made people hungry. Not only that, some people bought a lot of balloons and stuck them on the windows with double-sided adhesive tape. The blackboard said: "Celebrate New Year's Day and welcome the New Year. The classroom is full of harmonious and festive festival atmosphere. Everything is ready.". As the host said: The New Year's Party officially started! The students cheered and took their seats one after another.

  The evening party started. The first thing we performed was dance. With their appearance, the classroom was filled with warm applause and music. They walked slowly to the center of the classroom with elegant dance steps. Their dance moves matched the music seamlessly. They were as beautiful as a bird and danced as light as a swallow. I looked so intoxicated, as if I were in heaven, that I forgot all my troubles at once. Their dance was over, but I was still intoxicated, and I didn't wake up until they gave me candy. The next song is Li Bai, sung by the aged brother in my class. Li Bai makes me feel free and unrestrained, and makes me happy. There are also many students who performed magic tricks, played flute, and guessed riddles to the best of their ability. My eyes are filled with happiness. The students in our class really showed their magic skills across the sea.

  What makes us more happy is that after the performance, the host also let the students play the game of sitting on the bench. The more the students played, the happier they were, and the more excited they were. Almost every student was eager to try. When the headmaster came, the students immediately said hello to the headmaster and wished you a happy New Year and all the best. The headmaster responded: Hello, children. We also send a blessing message, which is warm in our hearts.

  But the time is so fast that the party will quietly come to an end. Everyone of us is a little reluctant to give up and want to keep this good time. The party is over. Let's look forward to the next party together!
