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  the ups and downs of population growth

  while the problem of the explosively-growing human population has become this century’s focus , the mas s media , during the r ecent decades , have been conveying another sensational is sue near ly to every household — the world’s wildlife extinction . take the u .s . alone for example . during the past one hu ndr ed-odd yea rs , especially f rom 1940 to 1990 , its population has been increasing so rapidly that it has now amounted to 250 million . howeve r , we have, at the same time , surprisingly discovered that the number of wildlife species has been propor tionally decreasing . this is enough to explain what effect“ the ups”of human population has brought to“ the downs”of wildlife population .

  investigations so fa r made s how that the extinction of wild animals and c reatur es is att ributed to various r easons , the inc reasing h uman occupa tion of space and environmental pollution being the two impor tant factors obviously k nown to everyone . howeve r , in my mind , nowadays the cruelty of killing and eating wild animals is simply beyond conceivability .

  mer ciles s hunters capture them and then sell them for a good price; greedy vintner s try to procur e the best recipes for dressing the meat to pe rfection and con sequently have their restaurants frequented by fine gentlemen; skillful cook s , who under - stand how to oblige the guests , cont rive to make it as expensive as they please; fashion designer s and tailors make the skin into admirable gloves , shoes , handbags , girdles for rich ladies . in this way , the wildlife cont ribute to the feeding , and partially to clothing , of many thousands .

  for tunately , the world’s at tention has nowadays been shifted to ecological balance . most people have become aware of the danger of the extinction of wildlife . for the protection of wildlife the government is respon sible, the law is r esponsible, and i should , in the sincerity of my hear t , say eve ry human being is r esponsible .


  ·growth of human population and extinction of wildlife

  population in the u .s .

  * 1800 — 1980 human population

  * 1600 — 1900 wild- life extinction

  * both going up

  ·analysis of the gradual extinction of wild-life

  * human occupation of space

  * environment al pollution

  * killing and eating

  ·conclu sion



  本文是一篇图表作文。在阅读图表之后, 作者的思路遵循了“事实— 分析— 趋向和建议”的模式。在第一段中先概括了人口增长和野生动物灭绝的情况并按图中美国为例写出100多年中, 特别是1940 到1990 年人口的增长。与此同时对照野生动物的灭绝数量, 得出的结论是前者的增长导致了后者的负增长。在第二段的原因分析中, 作者表示出对捕杀和食用野生动物的特别反感并以讽刺的笔法抨击这一破坏生态的行为。在结尾段中作者对今后的趋向看好, 同时提出保护野生动物人人有责。本题曾是一考研英语作文题, 作者借题撰文, 全文有较大深度, 适合于考研或雅思、托福的应试者。



  ups and downs 变化, 变迁

  explosively-growing 爆炸性的增长

  sensational iss ue 轰动消息

  household n . 家庭, 户

  extinction n . 消灭, 灭绝

  one h undr ed-odd years 一百多年

  has been proportionally decreasing 成比例减少

  investigation n . 调查

  be at tributed to 归因于

  occupation n . 占用

  cr uelty n . 残忍, 残酷

  beyond conceivability 超出想象

  me rciles s a . 残忍的

  capture v . 捕获

  greedy vintner s 贪婪的店家

  procure the best recipes for dressing the meat to per fection设法取得的烹饪秘笈把肉做得尽善尽美

  frequent v . 光顾

  oblige v . 使高兴

  contrive v . 设计, 搞出

