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【#英语资源# 导语】自我介绍是相互结识、树立自我形象的重要手段及方法,六年级关于自我介绍的作文该怎么写?以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《有关英语自我介绍演讲稿》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.有关英语自我介绍演讲稿 篇一

  I am a smart girl, and I will do well in all subjects, especially Chinese. My understanding ability is particularly strong, and I finished the reading question with a swish; There are also compositions. When I think of a good idea, I write like a god; In addition, I can write well.

  I look very ordinary. I have short black hair, a tall nose, a pair of bright eyes, and a smiling mouth. I always feel that I have a different temperament from others. It is this temperament that makes me feel oppressive.

  Violin, drawing, playing basketball... these are my hobbies; I think; Playing basketball should be my favorite. I am the darling of God. It gives me a height of 1.63 meters. That's why I went to practice basketball. I feel that my talent is not so good. After a few hours of practice, I can hit the 2-point shot.

  I am a person who doesn't like to talk. I don't communicate with my classmates. But the students all like me very much, because I am humorous, and they gave me a nickname for this - "beam of humor," which I am very proud of.

  Everyone has ideals, and I am no exception. I want to be a teacher, not a pure teacher, but a doctoral tutor (doctoral tutor). I know this ideal is difficult, but how do you know if you can do it without fighting? In addition, I also want to be a writer of science fiction. I have made some small achievements in this regard.

  This is me, who is smart, humorous and sunny.

2.有关英语自我介绍演讲稿 篇二

  In the mirror, he has a pair of small eyes, a small mouth and thick hair. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked very confident.

  Everyone who knows him knows that he is a smiling boy. In life, he is stubborn, he is careless, he is kind, and he likes to learn and read.

  He likes to laugh, because he thinks laughter is the way of expression. He often said, "Bring a smile to life and embellish life with a smile." In PE class, when he fell on the track, he would hold back his tears, smile at his classmates who came to help him, and say, "It doesn't hurt at all"; When seeing acquaintances, he always greets them with a smile, making others feel particularly friendly.

  He is stubborn. He firmly believes that nothing is difficult in the world, as long as he is willing to climb. When learning to ride a bike, he fell to the ground more than once, his hands and feet were scratched, and some places were bleeding, but he still gritted his teeth and endured it, so he learned to ride a bike after groping with pain.

  He is kind and will do his best to help others when they are in trouble. In learning, he always takes the trouble to solve problems for his classmates; When taking the bus, he would smile and give his seat to the elderly and pregnant women; When he sees a stray dog, he will not hesitate to take it home and take care of it carefully.

  He is careless. He always makes mistakes when he can do something well. He can do his homework at ordinary times, but every time he sends out his homework book, he sees more or less bright red forks. Every time he leaves the examination room, he is still full of confidence. He always stares at the score that is a little far from his expectation. More than once, he resolved to get rid of this bad habit, but he could not put it into action.

  So, who is he?

  He is me, I am such a smiling person. Stubbornness. good. But careless boy.

  Look, I smile more brightly in the mirror.

3.有关英语自我介绍演讲稿 篇三

  I have a pair of bright eyes, a pair of flaring ears, and a sharp nose. Others say I am a little elf, but I don't think it's great. I also have a shiny black hair. I am very tall. Others think I am in junior high school and say I am a giant. Others say I am handsome, and I think so too. But I am a little fat. Others say that my fat reduces my face value, which is a big discount. In fact, it is also caused by that fracture.

  I am a little timid. I dare not go to the toilet at night. I always feel that someone is watching me behind me. I am scared. I rush out of the toilet as soon as I finish.

  I like hip-hop dancing. I go to hip-hop dancing every Saturday, so I am very famous in our class. But it is not so easy to be famous. It takes training to succeed. This reminds me of a famous saying: You can be a person only if you eat hard and suffer hard. But people are always imperfect. I love to be lazy and finish or leave at half time. I also love to lose things. Remember once when I took a bus and accidentally left my hat on the bus. Do you think I love losing things? I was also careless. I didn't check when I finished writing in the exam, which led me to fail to get a 100 points.

  I think people can have imperfections, but not too many. We need to correct them, so that you will become better and better. Let's work together!

4.有关英语自我介绍演讲稿 篇四

  I am not tall or short, fat or thin. His dark eyes are always rolling, and there is a small mouth under his tall nose. Although I don't look so good, I am a full small fan of books. I grew up reading books since I was young, and the books I read can almost fill two large bookcases.

  I throw myself on books like a hungry man on bread. Gorky wrote this sentence. Yes, I am the same as the one in this sentence. It's hard not to read a book for a day.

  I remember one night, when I was watching the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, my mother came to me and said, "What are you doing?"? Stop reading, go to bed, and play tomorrow! I had to reluctantly put down my book and go to bed. If my mother hadn't urged me, I would never go to bed.

  But when I got to the bedroom, I didn't feel sleepy at all. When my parents were asleep, I quietly got up again, turned on the light, went to the writing desk and brought a book, and casually brought a small lamp, hid in the quilt and began to read secretly.

  Maybe my mother felt something was wrong. She came to my room several times to check. As soon as she came to check, I pretended to be asleep. She saw that I was asleep and went back to the room with confidence. As soon as she left, I immediately began to peep again. When the eyelids of both eyes began to fight, I put down my book and began to sleep.

  On weekends, I will go to Xinhua Bookstore, because that is paradise for me, because when I see a book, it is just like a mouse sees rice, and I enjoy it for two or three hours. When people who buy a book see me, they praise me as a book-loving boy, and I hear it as sweet as honey. When my father urged me to go home, I still couldn't put the book in my mouth, even though it was in my mouth. I always had to urge my father several times before I reluctantly went home with my father.

  This is me, a little girl who loves reading!

5.有关英语自我介绍演讲稿 篇五

  My name is Chen Tianyu. I am 13 years old and in the sixth grade of primary school. I am not tall. Someone mistook me for a fourth grade student, which makes me very angry. But the reality is cruel, which is the fact. On the bridge of my nose, there is always a "spectacles fairy". Although it is the first time to wear glasses, the degree is very high, which is 350 degrees. However, many people think it looks very humorous.

  I seem to be born with a "halo of humor". In a composition class, I handed my finished composition to the teacher. The teacher said that I was very humorous, but I didn't feel it. The teacher pointed at my composition and said, "Look, this word uses puns, this sentence uses metaphors, and the most interesting part of a thing is expressed very well. This is called humor." It turns out that words and sentences are very humorous. However, people think that I am also humorous because I sometimes say the right thing and quote some familiar famous sentences.

  In addition to humor, I have another characteristic, that is, I am very quick to do questions. Every time I compete with my deskmate to do homework, I can beat her. Take the last nine math problems for example. We started at the same time. When we did the first problem, we basically kept the same speed. But when I did the fifth problem, she did the third problem. Because I was in a good mood and confident enough, I finished the nine questions easily. When I saw her, I was still wandering on the sixth question. She said disappointedly, "Are you writing too fast?"

  Neither of my two special characters is easy to forget. Many people have nicknames for me, such as "corn", "vinegar", "Hotan Jade", and so on. I accept them all.

  This is me, a boy who is humorous, quick and has many nicknames. Would you like to make friends with me?
