Todd: Now, Sandra, hello!
Sandra: Hello!
Todd: Now, you are a wine connoisseur. Or wine teacher. No!
Sandra: Not really!
Todd: Not really?
Sandra: A wine connoisseur. No, that's sort of a snobby.
Todd: Oh, really?
Sandra: Yes.
Todd: Oh, OK. So, how would you describe what you do?
Sandra: A wine professional.
Todd: A wine professional. OK, so what does a wine professional do?
Sandra: Try to make money from wine.
Todd: OK.
Sandra: So, I'm a wine writer, a wine columnist. I teach wine.
Todd: OK, so let's say if I'm going to have friends over, and I'm making let's say steak. I'm having a grilling steak. Can I serve wine with steak?
Sandra: Yes. Steak goes with almost any red wine.
Todd: Oh, really. OK. So, red. How about if I want to mix wines. Is it OK to go red wine, white wine?
Sandra: You always start out with white wines going towards red wines.
Todd: OK, always go white wine first, then the red wine. (Yes) OK, and how about for dessert. Is there a special dessert wine?
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