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【#小学英语# 导语】天高鸟飞,海阔鱼跃,学习这舞台,秀出你独特的精彩用好分秒时间,积累点滴知识,解决疑难问题,学会举一反三。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《小学生六年级英语下册第八单元测试卷》 供您查阅。
1. 书写纸 2. stop thief
3. 邮 局 4. I’d love to
5. 问 路 6. pull up
7. have a chat 8. 刚 才
9. come up 10. 劳动节
11.去散步 12. 散 步
1. heavy 2. thin
3. well 4. late
5. far
( ) 1、Whose hair is longer, or ?
A. yours ; hers B. your ; hers C. your ; her
( ) 2、I’m as as you. But I’m than you.
A. young ; strong B. old ; stronger C. older ; stronger
( ) 3、 is it today? It’s Wednesday.
A. What day B. What time C. What date
( ) 4、 Mike go shopping last Sunday? No, he TV.
A. Did ; watches B. Does ; watched C. Did ; watched
( ) 5、Do you get up seven thirty Saturday morning?
A. at ; in B. in ; at C. at ; on
( ) 6、Miss Li is talking her students the signs.
A. / ; about B. to ; of C. to ; about
( ) 7、What’s the weather like there? It’s often .
A. rain B. rainy C. rains
( ) 8、All the students are to watch the race.
A. excited ; excited B. exciting ; excited C. excited ; exciting
( ) 9、 are you going there? On foot.
A. Where B. What C. How
( ) 10、Your purse here just now. Where it now?
A. is ; was B. was ; is C. were ; are
1. The man is t________ than the woman.

2. Where are my g________?
3. Do m________ exercise, you’ll get s_________.

4. It’s very h______ in s________ in Nanjing and
it’s very c________ in w________.
(1) mean sign this does What (?)
(2) would like you a What as present birthday(?)
(3) weather there What the is like (?)
(4) they tomorrow going What are to do (?)
(5) some I paper have Can writing (?)

1、This book isn’t ( my ), it’s Helen’s.
2、Would you like ( play ) games now?
3、Su Hai is good at ( sing ).
4、Our classroom is bigger than ( their ).
5、Which pen do you like ( good ), this or that one?
6、You can get off at the ( two ) stop.
7、The students ( go ) to have a picnic next week.
8、 ( Who ) copybook is this? It’s Yang Ling’s.
9、Nancy is a nice girl. She can dance ( beautiful ).
10、Jenny is from (Australian ).
七、根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的词填空。 (每个空格1分, 共8分)

1. Jane __________________ yesterday.
2. Tom is____________ to his dad _____________sports.
3. You shouldn’t_______________ at the first crossing.
4. Nancy’s aunt usually_______________ in the afternoon.
5. Su Yang is going to ___________ with her classmates this weekend.
6. The Huang he River is not ___________ the Yellow River.
7. Mr Smith __________________ Australia.
8. Sometimes it’s ______________ in spring in Nanjing.
( ) 1. When is Children’s Day? A. It’s about two kilometres away.
( ) 2. How far is the park from here? B. I’d like a cake, please.
( ) 3. Who’s shorter than Helen? C. You can take a bus.
()) 4. What would you like? D. I feel better now.
( ) 5. Whose keys are these? E. Yes, I’d love to.
( ) 6. How can I get there? F. It’s on the first of June.
( ) 7. I like collecting stamps. G. Liu Tao is.
( ) 8. How do you feel now? H. They’re Helen’s.
( ) 9. Where do you live? I. Me, too.
( ) 10. Would you like to join them? J. I live in Nanjing.
九、阅读短文. (5+5=10分)
Every morning, Lucy usually walks to school early. But after school, she doesn’t go home early. On her way home, she likes to look at the animals in a pet (宠物)shop. There are many lovely cats and dogs there. She likes a lovely white dog very much. Today is Lucy’s birthday. But she can’t find the lovely white dog on her way home. She is a little sad(伤心). At home, Mum showed her a big birthday cake and Dad gives her a present----the lovely white dog. Lucy is very happy. Lucy will not come back home late after school.
( ) 1. Lucy often goes to school on foot late.
( ) 2. Lucy goes to the pet shop every morning.
( ) 3. Lucy’s father gives her the lovely cat.
( ) 4. Lucy will come back home early.
( ) 5. Lucy will get her favourite birthday present.
Asking the way
Aunt Liu is ill. She is in the People’s Hospital. Xiao Ming’s mother tells him to take a basket of eggs to Aunt Liu. But Xiao Ming doesn’t know the way.
On the way Xiao Ming sees an old man. The old man walks in front of him. He goes up and says, “Hi, old fellow…” But the old man doesn’t answer him and walks on. Xiao Ming gets puzzled(迷惑的). Suddenly he understands why. It is not polite(有礼貌的) to say “old fellow” to an old man. Now he goes up to the old man again and asks, “Excuse me, grandpa, would you please tell me the way to the People’s Hospital?” The time the old man answers, “Well, go along this street, then turn left. It’s just behind the post office.”
Xiao Ming thanks the old man and walks on. Soon he finds the hospital.
( )1. Aunt Liu ______ in a hospital.
A. works B. is ill C. sees Xiao Ming
( )2. Xiao Ming’s mother wants him to _______.
A. take some eggs to Aunt Liu. B. go to Aunt Liu’s home
C. see an old grandpa.
( )3. Xiao Ming asks the old man ______.
A .to tell him the way B. to go to a hospital
C. to walk in front of him
( )4. The post office is ______ the hospital.
A. behind. B. far from. C. in front of
( )5. It is polite(有礼貌的) to say “ _______” to an old man.
A .old fellow B. Hi, old fellow C. Excuse me

