

时间:2024-04-21 02:42:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。英语口语灵活多变,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用。以下文章由®文档大全网整理欢迎阅读!

Today with online and mobile technology to help, it’s never been easier to find the dream job that fits your goals。


Though the job market is looking good right now, your first hurdle is still going to be that first job interview impression。 You start, of course, by reading up on the company itself, their competition, and then prepare to explain what you can do to fill their needs。 Plus, here are the five tips you should follow to ensure you land your dream job:


1。 5 Minutes to make a good first impression。

1。 “5分钟好印象”法则。

A recent poll finds that half of all employers surveyed stated that they size up their candidate in the first five minutes of any interview, which determines whether they’ll be offered the position or not。


That doesn’t give you, the prospective employee, much of a window。 So make sure everything is on point。 Dress appropriately; some due diligence should tell you whether the company is formal or more casual when it comes to business attire。 When in doubt, dress up。 It will give you a sense of authority, which your interviewer can feel, and which can make you feel more in control of the whole process。


2。 You can speak volumes with body language。

2。 使用过多肢体语言。

Body language can also be a deal breaker during that first five minutes。 Failure to make initial eye contact is fatal to your chances。 Lack of an initial sincere smile tells your interviewer more than what comes out of your mouth that first five minutes。


Keep yourself in check when it comes to:


Fiddling with things on the desk。


Slouching posture。


Inability to sit still in your chair。


Letting your hands wander up to your face or your hair。


Flabby handshake。


Crusher handshake。


Hands that are too busy that can’t stay still。


3。 Be honest about your potential shortcomings。

3。 坦诚自己的潜在缺点。

You don’t want to come across as either arrogant or inauthentic。 That can be tricky when your interviewer asks you to discuss both your strengths and weaknesses。 Avoid meaningless phrases such as “I’m often too hard on myself”。


The impression you need to give is that you’ve done some serious thinking about your capabilities and limitations。 Make sure your interviewer understands that you are capable of admitting responsibility as well as accepting constructive criticism。


Always offer specifics when describing how your skills can be put to use in your new position (always assume you’ve got it already)。 When it comes to any weaknesses, make sure your recruiter knows that you are working on overcoming them — and give specifics of how you’ve succeeded!


4.Take time to ask。

4。 利用时间向面试官提问。

Most interviews will end with the recruiter asking if you have any questions。 The natural response, of course, is to say no and leave as fast as you can。 But that can undo all the good you’ve accomplished so far。


A lack of any questions at the end of the interview likely shows the recruiter that you don’t care that much about the company or the position and don’t understand the interview process very well。


Read up on the company before your interview。 That’s what the internet is for。 Your questions should reflect at least a nodding acquaintance with the business。 It’s always a good idea to ask for more details about your position and how it fits into the larger picture。


5。 Don’t forget your manners。

5。 别忘了自己的礼仪态度。

Unless you’re bodily thrown out of the building and told never to come back, you’re still in the game for the job after the initial interview is over。 Don’t wait to hear back, but send a thank-you note to the interviewer。 Tell them you enjoyed your time with them (even if you didn’t) and you look forward to the next round of interviews as a further opportunity to explain your value to their company in further detail。


Before you hit ‘send’ double check your spelling — most especially of the person you are sending it to。 If ‘he’ or ‘she’ had an unusual or difficult name, make sure you get it right by looking it up in the company directory。


Bottom Line:


When you attend a job interview, creating the right impression is your ultimate aim。 By planning ahead, you can control the impression you make to your interviewer (and hopefully future employer)!


