由于收受贿赂,亚洲足联主席哈曼(Mohammed Bin Hammam)被国际足联判处终身不得参加体育赛事。来自卡特尔的哈曼被指控试图在国际足联主席的竞选中收买选票,向布赖特挑战。Gordon Farquhar从国际足联总部发回报道。
Petrus Damaseb, a Namibian judge and chairman of the ethics committee that investigated the bribery claims, announced Mr Bin Hammam had been found guilty of all charges and said the life ban from involvement in the game was in keeping with Fifa’s zero tolerance policy. Lawyers for the Qatari, now former head of Asian football, said the ethics committee had reached its conclusions relying on circumstantial evidence, which was "bogus" and "based on lies". They indicated Mr Bin Hammam intends to fight the decision through every legal channel at his disposal.
纳米比亚法官和负责调查这次贿赂指控的道德委员会主席Petrus Damaseb宣布针对哈曼的所有控告均成立,按照国际足联的零容忍政策,他将被终身禁止参加足球赛事。这位前亚洲足联主席的律师声称,法官得出的结论是依情况而定的,是“基于谎言的”。他们暗示,哈曼将通过所有司法渠道进行上诉。
A train crash in eastern China has killed at least 32 people and injured about 90. Chinese media said an express train between Hangzhou and Wenzhou lost power and was struck from behind by a second train. Two of its carriages fell off a bridge.
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