
时间:2023-05-15 02:33:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】即将到来的春天令我们激动无比!因为我们将迎着和煦的春风,随着春姑娘的脚步迎来春游。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Spring girl has come to us with brisk steps. In order to let the children deeply experience the coming of spring and feel the breath of spring, we have organized spring outings.

  Along the way, the children looked very excited, chattering, talking and laughing. The children's laughter soon infected us. While walking, the children know the signs on both sides of the road, count the floors of new buildings, and experience the feeling of walking on the road,... The children dance and sing like a group of flying birds, playing freely on the grass and dancing beside the flowers,... They are close to nature, enjoying the fresh air and happy laughter. In the beautiful spring, children use their small eyes to find magnolias like lanterns, like the face of snow dolls, like white balls; Yellow Forsythia is blowing the trumpet; The unknown purple wild flowers in the grass dressed up the beautiful little girl; The grass like a green carpet turns the child into a naughty and lovely little monkey, rolling and jumping freely It's still a game I've played before, but it feels different when I play again in a beautiful community.

  The spring outing left many beautiful memories for the children, which not only cultivated their sentiment, but also increased their knowledge of collective outdoor activities.


  Today, the school held a spring outing, and the students came to the school early. As for me, I usually go to school with a "slow turtle" carrying a heavy "shell" (schoolbag), but today, like a rabbit, I spread my thighs and ran quickly to school. Today, I went for a spring outing, not to mention how happy I am!

  When we came to the school, the teacher counted the number of people and everyone got on the bus. Along the way, father-in-law sun smiled at me, birds sang loudly to me, sister feng'er hugged me, the scenery outside the window was also particularly beautiful, and everyone's heart was beautiful.

  Soon, we arrived at our destination. The sun was shining and the breeze blew a fresh breath. As soon as I enter the gate, I see a sea of people. Every game can say "burst"!

  I went to play bumper cars because there were not many people there. At first, I drove the car carefully and hit every car. While I was playing hard, a blue car hit me. That hit me dizzy. I chased after the car. When I was about to "avenge myself", I was hit by the car behind me. Alas, it's really like "the mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow finch is behind" in the Chinese textbook!

  Then I went to play "jungle flying mouse", sat on it, the car started, went uphill first, very slowly. Downhill, "Hoo", the car is faster and faster, turning around, fast for a while, slow for a while. It's exciting to scare you and coax you all at once!

  The students went to the jungle to show their skills. We all passed easily in the first level. The second and third levels began to be difficult. I fell on my feet halfway through. However, I didn't give up. Later, my partners and I worked together to successfully break through the barrier.

  Next, we went to bird paradise

  The old man didn't give anyone more time. I played this and that. Happy laughter echoed in the playground


  Wednesday! Wednesday! The day of our trip has finally come! Before departure, President Yang told us a lot of safety knowledge. With the principal's advice, we got on the bus and set out happily!

  As soon as we got on the bus, the uncle of the tour guide took us to the singing competition, "rare words", "short love", "little cat"... One after another. Unknowingly, we came to the first stop of the spring outing: Kong's family temple. After listening to the hundreds of years old Kongzi temple, we have seen many ancient trees there.

  The second stop of spring outing - Dapanshan Museum. There are insect specimens, dragon and tiger flags, fire refining Experience Hall and simulated animals! We opened our eyes one by one. Look at this and that. We can't get tired of it!

  In the afternoon, we went to the Meteorological Bureau and Tashan park. In the Meteorological Bureau, "Xiaoming" introduced us to a lot of weather knowledge such as thunderstorm and haze. In Tashan Park, along the steps, we came to the top of the mountain and saw a tall tower. There, we formed a circle and played the game of throwing handkerchiefs!

  How happy the spring outing is! I'm looking forward to the next spring outing!


  Today, the sun is bright and cloudless. Our school organized a one-day spring outing for grade four this morning. We got on five or six big cars from Jingan No. 1 primary school in grade 4. The place was the beautiful and fun gymnasium. That's great!

  After more than ten minutes, we finally arrived at our destination. We talked like mosquitoes on the road of the gym. Talking and laughing, the trees on both sides of the roadside of the stadium protect us like soldiers. There are also beautiful flowers smiling at us in all colors, and birds chirping and singing in the sky. What a wonderful spring outing!

  We can finally go to play. The teacher and we are dancing small apples. It's hard to twist left and right. It's fun to have two more turns! We also have several students playing Three Kingdoms kill, flying chess, and several students eating while playing. Sometimes I go to join in the fun. I also ate while playing. I had a good time.

  It's almost time to go back to school. We also hurry up. Now we eat and play, and finally it's more than four o'clock in the afternoon. We reluctantly packed up and began to walk back to school.

  Today is really a happy day and a happy spring outing! I really want to play for a while. I'm really looking forward to the next fun spring outing.


  Spring is the season when lilies bloom and everything recovers. In spring, the earth is full of vitality. In the season of warm flowers in spring, our school organized a spring outing, which made us very happy. Let's lie in this season and indulge in the embrace of nature.

  After more than an hour's drive, we came to the million Sunflower Garden. After entering the door, the students began to move freely. In the pig race field, the lively pigs attracted the attention of the team members, and everyone stayed there for a long time. Then we set off for the "Le Fantian" amusement park, showing a world of play in front of us. Of course, the team members who love playing and moving will not miss this opportunity and run to the amusement project.

  The amusement park has a wide range of items, including flying bar, bamboo bar, lifting bar, Internet bar and so on. Each project is made of simple materials, but it is full of the flavor of cross-country sports. The most popular project of our team members is flying bar. This is a project using the principle of gravity. People sit on it and slide down from a little height. I remember sitting on the cushion with a "Hey" sound when I was playing, and then the cushion sent me down the slope along the gravity. Maybe it's the fun brought by the impact of sliding, and the team members have a lot of fun. Here, our team is like a group of birds flying from the cage, flying in the playground.

  Later, I invited them to see the Sunflower Garden, but they didn't seem to have enough, so they didn't want to. I had to make an appointment with them about the time and place of meeting, so I went straight to Kui garden with Liu Xiangyue. When I saw the Sunflower Garden, I was deeply shocked. What a perfect scene it is to carve and carve the nature of the natural law artificially. Liu Xiangyue and I were playing in the Sunflower Garden. From a distance, we seemed to swim in the golden sea, and the Yellow waves fluctuated with the breeze. At this time, I can't help lamenting the beauty and subtlety of nature, which makes people forget all their troubles.

  When you are in the world of beauty, you often don't feel the passage of time. When I was still reluctant to part with the scenery in the garden, the hour hand of my watch told me: goodbye, million Sunflower Garden

  When we are in a beautiful world, time always passes quickly, but we still linger on this beautiful scene, but it will always be time to leave, but this spring outing is a worthwhile trip.

