
时间:2023-03-10 21:49:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】春天来了,大地一片生机勃勃,处处鸟语花香。以下是©文档大全网整理的《有关春游的英语日记》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.有关春游的英语日记 篇一

  On Wednesday, our school organized a spring outing to the Red Sun Base.

  As soon as I walked to the gate of the Red Sun Base, I smelled a faint fragrance. I looked around and saw a world of flowers in front of me: morning glory, like a small trumpet; There are pink flowers, like a princess standing there gracefully in a skirt; There are a lot of flowers that I can't name. They are all kinds and colorful. These flowers are different in name and appearance. Some flowers bloom alone, and some flowers bloom in flowerpots.

  Go on, and you come to a sea of flowers. The red squares and green rectangles made of flowers divide the earth into several pieces, as if dividing the sea, which are well arranged and echo each other.

  Further on, I saw clusters of flowers with larger petals. Some of them had just opened two or three petals. Some of them had fully opened, revealing small yellow stamens. Some of them were still blossoming, and seemed to be bursting. Suddenly, a breeze blew, and the flowers swayed from side to side, as if dancing with the wind, making people feel relaxed and happy.

  With the teacher's order, we reluctantly left the Red Sun Base. The flowers in the base are so beautiful and there are so many varieties, which make my eyes wide open! It not only beautifies our life, but also cultivates our sentiment. I love this beautiful spring, and I like the colorful flowers.

2.有关春游的英语日记 篇二

  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we finally look forward to the day of spring outing. In this beautiful day, we walked to Pan Tianshou Park for spring outing in the spring breeze and singing.

  At the gate of the park, Pan Tianshou Park is really big, at least twice as big as our playground. Pan Tianshou Park is beautiful, with green lawn and blooming flowers; There are pavilions and pavilions, as well as light fountains. Pan Tianshou Park is really dynamic. It is full of green, vitality and tourists.

  Entering the park corridor, we found a comfortable place, sat down, took out delicious food and shared it with our classmates. The students sat together and chattered, like a happy bird, telling what they had seen all day. After a break, we began our collective activities. The students had riddles, some told jokes, and some danced. I sang an English song.

  After that, we paid tribute to Grandpa Pan Tianshou's respect. I saw Grandfather Pan Tianshou wearing glasses, looking at the maze of green belt with a kind look, and smiling at the corners of his mouth.

  It was 10:30, and the spring outing was over. We reluctantly left Pan Tianshou Park, but the laughter reverberated over the park for a long time.

3.有关春游的英语日记 篇三

  Today is a sunny day. In the morning, voices with seven mouths and eight tongues came from each class: "Today's spring outing is coming!" "There are also mushrooms to be picked!" "And! I heard that we are going to fly kites!..." The school organized us to go to Crab Island spring outing today. What I still remember is my personal experience of picking mushrooms in Crab Island.

  The teacher led us to pick mushrooms in the mushroom garden. As soon as I entered the mushroom garden, I was shocked. On the tall shelves were small oval wood with large mushrooms growing on it. I saw a big one, and there was a bigger one in front of me. The teacher saw me and said, "classmate, you can't bear to break the stick, and you can pick one when you see it, OK?" I nodded. I tugged at the mushroom with both hands. The mushroom felt very slippery in my hands. When I tried hard, I didn't grasp it. I fell a pier, and the small wood almost fell off. I saw the students take it off easily. I followed their example and held the small wood with my right hand for fear of damaging the mushroom. Then I pulled down hard and succeeded in taking off a lovely little mushroom with a click. My heart is happy, like eating honey.

  The day soon ended, and we were happy to sit on the bus on the return trip. Today's experience made me know that using brute force when doing things is not necessarily successful, and finding skills is better!

4.有关春游的英语日记 篇四

  Today is a fine day. All the teachers and students of our school went to Dongshan Park for a spring outing. Everyone was very happy. On the way, some sang, some talked and laughed all the way, and some were jumping

  When we arrived at Dongshan Park and tasted something, I found a small ant entering a hole, and a group of ants came out. I purposely crushed a piece of potato chips for the ant to observe its action. They moved a little food and came out again. I didn't give them anything to eat this time, but they ran to the bag containing potato chips and ate them. I angrily threw the potato chips into the garbage can.

  After a while, an ant came out and stole some biscuit stuffing quietly. I pretended not to see it because I didn't like cookies. The ant entered the hole and never came out again.

  This spring outing, I found that when ants find delicious food, they will notify other companions and will not eat it alone. They are united and selfless.

5.有关春游的英语日记 篇五

  Today, the sun is bright and cloudless. Under the guidance of our teacher, we went to Sanhetan for a spring outing.

  Along the way, the rape flowers in the farmland are golden. The breeze blows, and the rape flowers swing with the breeze, emitting a whole fragrance. We sang and laughed all the way. Before we knew it, we came to the flood control embankment of Sanhetan. Standing on the embankment, we looked into the distance. The tall and low trees were luxuriant. The river is clear and bottomless. The trees, blue sky and white clouds are reflected in the river. The fish in the water are waving to us. After crossing the three rivers, we came to a green and overcast grass. We saw a small head with sharp tips emerging from the grass. Looking at the strange and magical world, the willow trees sprouted and the soft branches swayed gently with the breeze.

  We rested for a while, then ran to the trampoline over there. As soon as I got on the trampoline, I fell several times, but I didn't lose heart and continued to jump. Gradually, I mastered the essentials. I also played on the swing. Today's spring outing is really interesting.
