【#一年级# 导语】英语故事会出现学生认识或是不认识的单词,而这个单词的重复不断出现,会加深同学们对单词的记忆,这种记忆不同于一般的死记硬背,而是在潜移默化中,让学生记住单词,并且不枯燥。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助!
The wind and the sun 北风与太阳One day, the wind and the sun were arguing about who was the strongest. “It is clear that I am the strongest,” said the wind. “When I blow, branches break off the trees, and the waves beat on the shore.”
“That‘s nothing,” said the sun. “I am much stronger than that.” Just then, they saw a man wearing a heavy coat. “We will both try to make this man take off his coat,” said the sun. “Whoever succeeds will be the strongest.”
The wind agreed to go first. He blew hard at the man, but it was no use. The man became cold and held onto his coat with both hands.
Then it was the sun’s turn. He came out from behind a cloud and shone gently down on the man. The man smiled and took off his coat to enjoy the warm sunshine.
“You see?” asked the sun. “Kindness and gentleness are stronger than anything in the world.”
1.branch n.树枝
2. wave n.波浪
3.shore n.岸;海岸
4.cloud n.云
5.gently adv.温和地
6.enjoy v.享受;喜欢
Language Notes
Take off 脱下(衣物,鞋帽等)
*动词take表示[拿],三态是take-took-taken。Take off 可以指[脱下衣物,鞋帽等]喔!
You should take off your coat. It’s hot outside.
*要表示[穿上衣物,鞋帽]则可以用put on。
Let me put on my shoes before we go.
*Take off还可以指飞机『起飞』喔!
Our plane will take off in ten minutes.
农夫与驴子The Farmer and the Donkey
There once was a farmer who wanted to buy a donkey. He wanted a hardworking one that could help him on his farm. He went to a market and saw one that looked perfect.
“May I try out his donkey for a day or two?” asked the farmer. “If he is hardworking, I will pay you a good price.”
“Of course you may,” said the seller. “I’m sure that he will please you.” The farmer thanked the seller and took the donkey back to his farm.
When they arrived, the new donkey joined the other animals on the farm. He placed himself beside the fattest, laziest donkeys there. The farmer shook his head and took him back to the seller.
“Show me another donkey,” said the farmer. “I don’t want this one.” He told the seller about what the donkey had done.
“I don’t understand,” said the seller. “What’s wrong with standing beside lazy donkeys?”
“Well,” said the farmer, “you can understand a lot about someone if you look at the friends he chooses.”
1. perfect adj. 完美的,理想的
2. pay v.(pay-paid-paid)付,支付
3. price n. 价格,价钱
4. seller n. 卖方,卖家
5. arrive v. 到达,抵达
6. join v. 参加
7. place v. 安置,安放
Language Notes
What’s wrong with…? ...怎么了?
What’s wrong with + N. 或 What’s wrong with + v-ing
What’s wrong with your scooter?
What’s wrong with eating pizza for breakfast?
老鹰与农夫The Eagle and the Farmer
One beautiful summer morning, a farmer went to check his animal traps. In one tap, he found a beautiful eagle. At first, he thought that he would hill the eagle and eat it.
But then he thought to himself, “This is a beautiful and special bird. It often catches rabbits and mice that eat my crops. I’ll let it go.”
He opened the trap, and the eagle spread its wings and flew up into the blue shy.
The eagle was very grateful to be free again. It continued to live on the farmer’s land and catch mice and rabbits.
Later that summer, the farmer was building a wall. It was high and made of large stones. Suddenly, the wall started to fall, but the farmer did not notice.
The eagle, flying above, saw that the farmer was in danger. It flew down and grabbed the farmer’s hat off his head. The farmer shouted, Hey! Bring that back!”
The eagle flew a short distance and then dropped the hat. The angry farmer picked up his hat and walked back. He saw that the stone wall had fallen. The farmer smiled and thought, “The eagle repaid me when I most needed help.”
1. trap n. 陷阱
2. crop n. 农作物(常作复数)
3. spread v. (spread-spread-spread)
4. grateful adj. 感激的,感谢的
5. stone n. 石头,岩石
6. grab v. 抓住
7. distance n. 距离
8. repay v. 报答,回报
Language Notes
in danger 有危险
in danger of +n. 或 in danger of +v-ing
This area of the country is in danger of earthquakes.
Your cup is in danger of falling off the table.
in + N. 可用来表示“陷入…的状态”,常见的片语有:
in danger 有危险
in need 有需要;指贫穷挨饿的
in trouble 有麻烦
in love 陷入爱河