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【#英语资源# 导语】每一天,让我们怀着感恩的心感受阳光雨露:每一天,让我们怀着感恩的心领受食物;每一天,让我们怀着感恩的心领受他人的服务并给予回报。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  November 25 is Thanksgiving. In the afternoon, we lined up and went to the ladder classroom on the fourth floor with excitement to engage in Thanksgiving activities with our parents.

  We walked into the ladder classroom and saw the dear teacher, his mother and father behind. We sat in front and showed our side. Shen Kexin of our class and college students of Business University supported the program. Also played a few special games, many people raised their hands to play. In the first program, six children covered their eyes and touched their parents' faces in turn to confirm which one was their mother or father. Three students touched wrong and everyone laughed. My mother and I participated in the second program. It was a word guessing program. My mother described the words on the card and asked me to guess what it was. I only had one card and didn't guess it. It was only one step away from the champion. Although I didn't get the champion, I was still very happy. Finally, we also drew the fingerprints of the whole class and parents on a long yellow cloth, all kinds and in all shapes.

  After the activity, we took several group photos with our big brother and sister on the small playground. Although Thanksgiving activities are over, we still have to thank everyone around us with a grateful heart, so that the grateful heart can spread forever.


  Every mother supports us with love. Some people say that mother's love is like the rising sun, so warm. Others say that mother's love is like a hard stone that can never be broken.

  The day before yesterday, I happened to read a story in a book, but this short story deeply shocked me!

  The story is about a mother living in the countryside with her daughter Aisha. Her mother was afraid of thieves and added three locks outside the door. When Aisha grew up, she was tired of living in the countryside, left a letter and went to the big city. In the past ten years, Aisha experienced all kinds of hardships and finally had to return to the countryside where she once lived. In front of the door, I was surprised to find that the door was unlocked. It turned out that my mother was afraid that she would suddenly go home and hadn't closed the door for ten years. Aisha, the girl who will always be a child in her mother's heart, was finally moved! Finally understand that home is my home, and the warmest thing is my mother's love! For ten years, the mother has not closed the door. In the cold wind, the mother is old and changed, but her heart of loving her daughter will never change. Mothers have been silently doing some ordinary things for us, but in these small things, there are many tears and love. We should understand that mother is the one who loves us most, and home is the warmest place.

  Let's learn to love, repay our mother with love, and repay all those who are kind to us!


  My mother didn't let me go to school this morning because of my severe cough. I started class at 8 o'clock at home and set a timer for 45 minutes. I did three pages of math and reviewed Chinese and English. My mother loves me very much and keeps asking me to have more rest.

  I also heard from my mother that today is Thanksgiving, a festival in North America. On this day, people have holidays, and they have to prepare Thanksgiving dinner, including Turkey and pumpkin pie. Mom and dad went to two or three supermarkets to buy turkey legs, but they didn't find them. Finally, they bought a roast duck. My mother also asked me to call grandma and grandpa, because they loved me most since I was a child, and they are also the people I should thank most on this day.

  In the evening, my good friend FIA came to see me. I was so happy. She played with me and practiced the piano with me.

  Mom agreed that I could carry a new schoolbag at school tomorrow. I'm so happy. However, my mother asked me to carry my new schoolbag and study hard, especially not to waste time. I should seize the time to do my homework and take the initiative to practice the piano. I will strive to do it.


  Today, I got up early, dressed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and ran into the kitchen. I first take out the egg, then fire, heat the pot, pour a few drops of oil, break the eggshell a little, break it from the broken place, pour it into the pot, turn the fire down, and wait for it to fry slowly. When it was cooked, I put the eggs on the plate and there was a strong smell of eggs.

  I want to make a love egg for my mother, but there is no mold at home, so I have to cut the egg into love with a knife, and then cut out the other parts of love.

  I made a triangle, wrote "Happy Thanksgiving, mom!" on it and put it on the top of the plate.

  When my mother got up and came to the table, I jumped out and said to my mother, "Happy Thanksgiving, mom! This is my Thanksgiving gift to you - breakfast." "baby, why do you make breakfast for me?" my mother was surprised to see my breakfast. "Because my mother works very hard, Thursday this week is Thanksgiving, so I made you this love fried egg." I explained to my mother. Mother was so excited that she shed tears. Today is really an unforgettable morning!


  Today is Thanksgiving, but I don't know what to give? When I saw the post it note next to me, I opened the first page and wrote "please look at the next page" on it. I wrote "Mom, I love you, please turn the next page" on the second page. Finally, I wrote on the third page, "today is Thanksgiving. Let me wash your feet!"

  In the evening, when my mother came back, I gave the post it note to my mother. My mother saw the words on the first page, "please look at the next page." here, my mother saw the words on the top and felt very magical. She turned to the next page. When she saw the words on the second page, she said

  "What's this? I know it's Thanksgiving. I don't even have a surprise." she turned to the third page and said, "sure enough, the surprise is behind." she couldn't wait to say, "I'm going to wash my feet!" as soon as I heard it, I took a basin of water and tried the temperature by hand. It's not cold or hot. I took the water into the living room and shouted, "Mom, hurry to the living room and I'll wash your feet!" Then I began to wash my mother's feet.

  I think my mother must be sweet at this time.


  The day before Thanksgiving, I'm going to give my mother a small gift to thank her for raising me.

  My mother and I came to the door of the gift shop. My mother thought she was shopping for me. I saw through my mother's mind and said to my mother, "Thanksgiving is coming. I want to buy a gift for you, so this time I use my pocket money to buy you a gift."

  My mother understood what I said. She went to the depths of the gift shop, picked things up, and finally picked a makeup mirror. As a result, it's really expensive. It's 12 yuan.

  Mother saw such an expensive mirror and was ready to put it down and choose a cheaper one. Seeing my mother doing this, I quickly stopped her and said to her, "I'm not too expensive, as long as you like it. Besides, you usually buy so many things for me, and I give you this thing is nothing." after listening to my words, my mother said confidently, "well, I'll buy this."

  After paying the money, I jumped out of the gift and said excitedly, "I finally bought a gift for my mother!" "yes," my mother said with a smile, "this is the first time you bought a gift for me!"

  This is the best Thanksgiving I've ever had.


  This Thanksgiving, I made "diced fruit" for my parents at home, which I just learned from the children's program.

  I first took a red tomato and dug out the pulp bit by bit with a spoon. The rest turned into a small red bowl. It's so cute! I also prepared apples, kiwi fruit and bananas. Then came kiwi fruit and banana. When cutting kiwi fruit, the green juice splashed on my face and dyed me a "little flower cat". I secretly licked my face, but it was so sweet! Next comes bananas. Bananas are not as naughty as kiwifruit. They don't have so much trouble. After a while, all the ingredients were ready. The most critical time has come. In this step, honey and sugar are used. I use a small spoon to put the diced fruit into the small tomato bowl bit by bit, then sprinkle the sugar and pour the honey in. My diced fruit is finally ready!

  I put a small tomato bowl on a plate and brought it to my parents. My father was surprised and asked me, "did you make it yourself?" "of course!" I replied proudly. "Thank you, baby!" Mom and Dad were very happy.

  Mom and dad said that the diced fruit I made is well done and tastes sweet. I think so too. I hope next year's Thanksgiving is as sweet as today!


  Today, Mr. Zou assigned us a mysterious task - to give a gift to one of his family. Ha ha, as a robot who has passed Level 2, it's a piece of cake.

  When I got home, I began to think about what to do? With an idea, the English teacher said today is Thanksgiving. I'll make a device for my mother. Just do it. After doing it, I put it aside and thought my mother would not come. What I'm afraid of, my mother just came over and asked me to take a bath. As soon as my mother came over, she saw the surprise, "what's this?" my mother asked. "This... This... What are you talking about?" I began to change the topic, but my mother's expression was to break the rhythm of the casserole. Mom said, pointing to the device. "It's a surprise for you," I answered honestly, "but it has been found." "Oh! Is it?" my mother was happy and excited. "Baby, I'm very happy. Thank you. Surprise is not important. What matters is your mind."

  Oh, my mother said so. My heart was really warm. At first, I was worried that my gift was not good enough. This is really an unforgettable Thanksgiving. I will never forget my mother's words.


  Mr. Zou told us, "today is Thanksgiving." so I wanted to buy a gift for my father in the supermarket after school.

  After school, I came to the supermarket and saw my father's favorite strange flavor bean. So I bought a bag and put it in a box.

  I opened the door and found my father sitting on the sofa looking at the mobile phone. I didn't mean to look at me, but I was still afraid of being seen by my father, so I still carefully hid the gift behind me, quickly ran to my father and said to him, "Dad, do you know what festival it is today?"

  "I don't know!"

  "Today is Thanksgiving!" I replied.

  "Oh, it's Thanksgiving. I see."

  "So I'm going to give you a present!"

  "What are you going to give me?" my father asked.

  "If you want to know, open the box!" I said mysteriously. In time, I also took out the box. My father opened it and found that it was his favorite strange flavor Hu beans. He smiled happily, kissed me, picked me up and turned me around for a few times. He also said, "our family has grown up and learned to show gratitude."

  Dad, you have worked hard. I will do more good for you in the future.


  The annual Thanksgiving is coming. I want to do something for my parents, um - yes! I can help mom and dad fold the quilt!      I immediately went to the bed and folded it again and again. Finally, I folded it. Looking at the quilt like tofu, I felt very satisfied.

  After doing this, I quietly hid aside to see how my parents reacted.

  Mother came over. He came to do the last housework - folding quilts. When my mother saw that the quilt had been folded, she was surprised and puzzled. She asked my father, "is this your quilt?" my father's father-in-law and two monks were confused: "I didn't go to the bed. How can I fold the quilt?" "yes." my mother said, "it's not you. Who is that?" I ran out excitedly and said to my parents: "That's what I folded! Mom and Dad, happy Thanksgiving!" Mom and Dad were surprised and happy. They praised me all the time: "it's so good" which made me feel strange and embarrassed.

  I decided to be filial to my parents and don't let them worry about me. I have to do more housework. After all, I'm also a member of this family!

